Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1619: rise to the challenge

The muzzle jumped cheerfully, and dense bullets flew horizontally. The insect swarm that was about to rush into the storage room encountered a head-on blow. The bullet that penetrated the giant insect left blood holes one by one, and the giant insect that was hit was as awkward as an electric shock. Twisted and was killed in the blink of an eye.

The front door of the storage room is narrow, and the front and side are squeezed hard, and only three people can be lined up. The soldiers can only be arranged in two rows, front and rear. The muzzles of the rear row are placed on the shoulders of the front row, which will double the external firepower!

But that wasn't enough. Several people rushed to the piled boxes and shot down the door.

The corridor outside the door is only three meters wide, and the distance is too close. The bullets hit the wall and inevitably ricochet. The bullets fly around with the sound of chirps. Even giant insects that are not outside the door may be hit by the ricochet.

The battle was not sudden, but it was astonishingly intense. However, in a blink of an eye, the newly installed live magazines were completely emptied. In just ten seconds, Luo Qi, who was blocked in front of the door, had emptied three magazines. The time to change the magazine is longer than the time to shoot, and if it weren't for the strong support of others, he would have been knocked down by the Zerglings.

In just ten seconds, the corpses outside the door were piled up layer by layer, more than a meter thick, almost blocking the door.

Ye Han was soberly aware that there must be more than a few worms sent by the aliens!

The situation is very obvious. If the worms are all finished, the swarm will push for control. It is impossible to keep attacking like now. The only explanation is that there are other worms secretly controlling the swarm!

Don't look at the advantage of your own side now, but there are only Zerglings outside the door. It won't be long before the shield worms and the diggers will join the battle. At that time, it will not be the current situation.

Thinking of this, Ye Han waved at a soldier who couldn't get up, asked for the grenade launcher in his hand, aimed at the door and fired up the magazine in one breath.

Throwing the launcher at the soldier, he took off the grenade from his body and roared over the radio as he threw it outside the door, arranging for the soldiers to take turns throwing grenades outside the door.

High-explosive, flash, steel balls... All kinds of grenades came into battle in turn, greatly reducing the pressure on Luo Qi and others, and the attack intensity of the swarm dropped significantly.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and changed the communication frequency band: "Xiao Yuan, how is your situation there? Has the swarm changed?"

"The swarm is withdrawing to the third district of the north, repeat, the swarm is withdrawing to the third district of the north!"

"Okay!" Ye Han waved his fist violently, "Seeing the opportunity to blast the passage, try to trap the swarm in the North Third District as much as possible, understand?"

"Understood, see the opportunity to blast the passage and trap the swarm in the North Third District!" Xiao Yuan gritted his teeth and repeated the order.

At the end of the communication, Xiao Yuan picked up a pack of explosives and rushed into the passage without hesitation: "Follow me!"

The soldiers picked up the explosive pack without hesitation and followed Xiao Yuan into the occupied area.

No one expected in advance that the swarm would withdraw to the North Third District. Most of the mechanical spiders that were already in place were discovered by the evacuated Zerglings, and it was too late to release the drone - the drone itself had its own detonation module, so once If the drone is destroyed, there is no way to remotely detonate the explosives!

Xiao Yuan almost had no regrets, so why didn't he put another remote control detonator on the explosive?

Ye Han doesn't know this situation, but Xiao Yuan is very clear. He can explain the situation to Ye Han, but the military situation is like fire, and the order has been issued. superior.

Xiao Yuan and others originally had the determination to die, but after rushing into the occupied area, they discovered that the swarm was running faster than expected. It has only been seven or eight minutes since the start of the war, but the giant worm in the occupied area has already Running almost, only a few slow-moving shield worms are still crawling slowly.

Xiao Yuan was overjoyed. As he rushed forward, he made several gestures. The soldiers immediately split up, with an average of two people in charge of one passage.

Half a minute later, everyone was in place, and Xiao Yuan immediately reported to Ye Han.

At this time, Ye Han had already led the troops out of the storage room and was gradually advancing along the corridor. After receiving the news, he immediately ordered Xiao Yuan to detonate.

A series of loud noises filled the smoke and dust, and the increased amount of explosives successfully destroyed the passage, and the three northern districts were completely isolated.

Xiao Yuan was so excited that he laughed, and before the excitement passed, he was stabbed several times by the soldiers around him.

Xiao Yuan turned his head and saw the warrior pointing back. When he turned around, he was stunned to find more than a dozen Zerglings emerging not far away, as well as two shield worms and three diggers.

With a helpless sigh, Xiao Yuan swung his arm and raised his rifle: "All units pay attention, guard the passage!"

There was an immediate resounding response on the radio: "One group understands!"

"The second group understands!"

"Three groups understand!"

Xiao Yuan didn't know yet, not all the passages had bugs. He had the most bugs and the most complete species, but he was the same as the other There were only two people.

Fortunately, there were not many worms, so two people blocked the collapsed passage, and the two rifles shot alternately, knocking down the Zerglings that rushed over to the ground one by one.

The movements of the two were agile and fast, but the speed of the Zerglings was equally astonishing. Half of the dozen or so Zerglings rushed in front of them.

At the critical moment, Xiao Yuan jumped up and jumped upwards more than three meters high. The whole person was horizontally in the air to avoid the pounce of the Zerglings, and the rifle shot downwards. After the last few bullets were fired, the Zerglings just happened to be killed.

The other soldier's response was also very fast. One fish jumped more than three meters away, rolled onto the ground, and pulled the trigger while standing up. He ran quickly while firing, his rifle pointed in the east and west, and each one pounced on him. His Zerglings would take a few bullets.

If these bullets fail to hit the vital point, the damage to the Zergling will be very small, and it will even be difficult to affect the Zergling's athletic ability. However, the impact of the bullets can slow down the Zergling's attack speed and gain evasion time for the soldiers.

After Xiao Yuan landed, he simply put away his rifle, took off the steel bar and swiped it fiercely, and without any suspense, he swung the springing insect.

When Xiao Yuan flew the third Zergling, he found that all the Zerglings fell to the ground, and only half a breath left.

Both shield worms and excavation worm shells are relatively thick. Although they suffered a lot of stray bullets in the battle just now, none of them penetrated the worm shells.

Those three digging worms were a little more clever than the shield worms, they had run far away, and there were only two shield worms left that foolishly burrowed into the passage.

Xiao Yuan smacking his mouth, without wasting bullets, he walked to the shield worm calmly, took off the grenade, pulled out the pull ring, and directly stuffed it into the shield worm's mouth, then immediately dodged away.

The shield worm refused to come, and actually swallowed the grenade. A few seconds later, there was a muffled sound in the belly of the shield worm, and the worm's belly exploded instantly, and the blood and internal organs flew everywhere.

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