Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1620: detonate

Xiao Yuan did the same, solved the other shield worm, and ended the battle here.

At the same time, the main force led by Ye Han was still fighting fiercely with the swarms. The troops advanced hundreds of meters along the passage, but more and more Zerglings came over, the soldiers were under increasing pressure and their ammunition was consumed. More than half.

It is impossible for the troops to hit the retaining wall all the way, and it is even more impossible to successfully install explosives. At this point, it can be determined that this battle cannot achieve the intended purpose.

In this case, it is the right decision to give up the battle and re-plan, or to settle for the next best decision, and shrinking the defense is also a good decision, but Ye Han has no intention of giving up, and strictly ordered the troops to continue to advance.

Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping didn't understand Ye Han's thoughts at all, but soldiers only had to execute orders on the battlefield. Even if the order was wrong, they had to execute it first.

In this way, the troops pushed forward forty meters with difficulty, and another seven or eight meters was the end of the corridor. If they moved forward, the soldiers would plunge into the pile of insects and never take advantage of the corridor to reject the enemy.

A large group of giant insects are crowding there, desperately squeezing into the corridor. If all kinds of grenades have been used up, Luo Qi must have blasted a few of them.

Not only are there bugs in front of them, but if you put your ears on the wall, you can hear a clear digging sound. If you don't grow your head, you know that it's a digger digging the wall, so even if you keep the status quo, this advantage won't last long.

Just when everyone thought Ye Han was going to keep pushing, Ye Han called to stop on the radio, and then pointed to the wall and ordered Ouyang Ping: "Blast!"

Ouyang Ping didn't say a word of nonsense, just blasted the wall with explosives, revealing a room full of pipes and valves... In addition to the equipment, there were also a group of giant insects with their teeth and claws.

Ye Han, who had been prepared, waved his hand, and several soldiers rushed in with steel bars, all of them were like heroes who came out of a legendary story.

Ye Han walked in with the steel bars and killed the giant insects by himself.

Ouyang Ping followed Ye Han in, and looked around curiously, wondering why Ye Han was not allowed to shoot here, and then his eyes fell on a set of pipes fixed on the ground, on which was hung a fireworks prohibition sign. Sign.

Just when Ouyang Ping was in a daze, Ye Han and the soldiers had already killed the last giant bug.

Ye Han walked to the valve in the middle of the room, let out a long breath and said, "All attention, attack with all your strength, cease fire after half a minute, pay attention, what I said is to stop firing in any form, and everyone will withdraw to the maintenance channel as quickly as possible. ,Understand?"


"Very good!" Ye Han turned to find Ouyang Ping, pointed at the valve and said, "Ouyang, time bomb, the kind that can be detonated remotely."

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping immediately complied, and when he loaded the explosives, he saw Ye Han using **** as a wrench, unhurriedly **** the simple bolts.

Ouyang Ping's eyes are straight, what is the situation?

Half a minute passed in an instant, Ye Han removed a section of the pipe and put it aside. As soon as the time came, he ordered the troops to cease fire. The tidal wave of gunfire suddenly stopped, and the soldiers ran back like their butts were on fire.

At the same time, Ye Han struggled to open the valve, and Ouyang Ping immediately heard the hissing sound of air leakage, and the sound became louder and heavier.

Ouyang Ping shivered suddenly, he finally realized what was in the valve - it was gas, a flammable gas!

Ye Han turned the valve several times like a steering wheel, and then ran like a rabbit with an arrow: "Withdraw, withdraw!"

The soldiers also exploded their nests, and Fei also followed behind Ye Han.

The two evacuated teams met in the corridor and quickly retreated the same way, with a large group of bugs chasing after them.

Running back to the storage room in one breath, Ye Han waved both hands, and the soldiers pushed hard boxes of various sizes, blocking the door of the library before the swarm rushed over.

That's not all, Ye Han ordered everyone to withdraw to the maintenance channel and covered the exit disguised as the ceiling. Then he let out a sigh of relief: "How long has it been?"

Ouyang Ping said, "Forty-seven seconds!"

"It's a little short... just wait a minute!"

Ouyang Ping asked curiously, "Captain, what is that valve releasing?"

Ye Han chuckled: "I don't know, right? I also just found out that there is a coal mine under the West Sixth Fourth. When the city was built, the rock formation was deliberately penetrated to collect gas to provide fuel for the West Sixth Fourth."

Luo Qi couldn't close his mouth when he heard it: "Is this okay?"

Ouyang Ping's reaction was much more intense: "No, this thing won't explode once the concentration is too high, it must be detonated immediately!"

Speaking of which, he already understood Ye Han's idea, which is to open the valve to release the gas, and detonate it after reaching a certain concentration. The effect is no different from the cloud bomb. Even if you don't let the explosion kill you, you will suffocate because the explosion consumes a lot of oxygen.

"Then hurry up." Ye Han was very kind.

Ouyang Ping immediately sent out the detonation signal, but after waiting for a few seconds, there was no sign of an explosion, that is, there was no loud noise or vibration.

Ye Han's expression froze: "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" Ouyang Ping panicked and sent several signals in a row, but still no response.

Luo Qi said: "Is the concentration high?"

Ye Han shook his head: "Is the concentration high or not, there must be a sound to detonate a time bomb?"

Ouyang Ping said hesitantly, "How about I go out and have a look?"

"No need." Ye Han said, "Is it too late now?"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping nodded, "It should be that the gas concentration exceeded the standard."

The lower limit of gas explosion is 5.3% and the upper limit is 15%.

Ye Han frowned: "What is the result of exceeding the standard?"

Ouyang Ping said: "It burns in case of fire, but I have never seen how it burns."

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Open the door and send another signal!"

Several soldiers immediately opened the covered exit, and Luo Qi immediately shouted: "Combustible gas was found, with a concentration of 7%!"

Ye Han shouted impatiently, "Quick!"

Ouyang Ping hurriedly sent out the detonation signal, and there was a faint explosion in the storage room.

The soldiers who opened the door were quick-witted and quickly closed the exit. Before they let go, a huge force suddenly came from below. The heavy cover was lifted suddenly, smashing heavily on the soldiers, and then a raging flame poured into the repair. In the passage, the soldiers near the exit were either smashed by the cover or blown down by the airflow.

The explosion came and went quickly. The flames that rushed into the maintenance channel quickly subsided. Ye Han shook his head and got up, and shouted loudly: "How is it? Is there anything?"

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