Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1624: no place

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The Marine Corps' active attack was effective, but most of the remaining bugs were still on the cliff and could not come down for a while.

After Ye Han led the team to eliminate the bugs on the cliff, he immediately jumped onto the cliff and quickly climbed up with the strong power of the armor.

However, before he reached the top of the cliff, he heard the sound of gunfire above the cliff, and Ye Han couldn't help being stunned. Where did the gunfire come from?

He immediately increased his speed and climbed to the top of the cliff a few times, only to see a group of motorized infantry in the distance attacking the buttocks of the swarm, looking at the size of at least one squadron.

In the other direction there was a large group of heavily armed servants, almost a large company.

It is very strange that Ye Han has no information about this servant, and this army is obviously not related to Ningwuguan.

The equipment of these two units is indeed not as luxurious as that of the Marine Corps, but they cannot be expected to be numerous and powerful. Next, the swarm can't take care of each other, and after a while, it will be completely over.

To solve the swarm, the three troops joined together, but Ye Han and the commander of the mobile infantry did not get together, but communicated on the radio - on the battlefield, the subordinates were not allowed to salute the superiors, and the commander of the two troops Officials are not allowed to stand together, this is a lesson from blood coagulation!

Through communication, Ye Han learned that this unit is from Qingtang, and its mission is to cooperate with the Marine Corps to exterminate the insect swarm, and also to replace the Marine Corps and take over the defense of the dungeon.

Hearing this news, Ye Han really wanted to give him a hug.

After so many years of fighting, Ye Han got a big head when he heard the word "underground".

The defense of the dungeon is that it doesn't matter, Ye Han briefly introduces it, even if the handover is completed.

However, the marines cannot leave for the time being, because Ye Han has not received an order to evacuate, and Gu Cheng and other members of the science and education team are still in the dungeon.

Ye Han didn't go back to the dungeon at all, and directly ordered Xiao Yuan to bring a team down to pick up the person. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuan hadn't come back, but Director Qu came first.

Ye Han was very surprised: "Director Qu, you are..."

Director Qu laughed: "It's okay, I heard that you are going to withdraw, I'll send it off."

Ye Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. Although the two were not in the same system, in terms of level, he was a lot higher than Director Qu. Director Qu took the initiative to lean over, probably the so-called good relationship.

He wasn't quite used to the conventions of official contacts, but for Director Qu, this should be the easiest way to know the world.

The two chatted for a few words without pain or itching, Ye Han turned his head and suddenly asked: "Director Qu, I have always wondered, this place has been known to the enemy, why didn't we evacuate everyone? Seven thousand people, is it necessary to be crucified here?"

When Director Qu heard this, he immediately showed a helpless look: "Captain Ye, you don't know wow, it's not because you don't want to withdraw, it's because there is nowhere to withdraw!"

"Impossible? It's not 70,000 people!"

Director Qu sighed: "Originally, Qingtang could indeed accept some people, but a few thousand people were moved from the coast some time ago, and we have to move another 10,000 people later. Qingtang would have been full already, if it weren't for the above If you speak, these people don't want to answer, how can you say that you can be placed!"

Ye Han frowned: "Then you can't just watch it, right?"

Director Qu said: "Since you said it, I won't hide it from you. There is no conclusion on this matter, but Qingtang has two plans, one is to withdraw, the other is to defend."

Ye Han's curiosity immediately emerged: "What does Shou say? What about withdrawing?"

Director Qu said: "The defense is to use the dungeon to attract aliens and let them send bugs all the time. Let's evacuate the common people and replace them with troops to guard the dungeon, turning the dungeon into a meat grinder for the enemy. I'm not very clear about the details, maybe that's what it means."

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "This is not bad... What about withdrawing?"

In any case, ordinary people have withdrawn, leaving only an empty shell, whatever the military does.

"To withdraw is to give up the dungeon completely, but the above thinks that the aliens are so eager to attack, they should be planning to occupy the dungeon and find a place to settle in this area, so the above just wants to do this, and it won't happen for a while. People may be evacuated... The key is that there is no place to place them."

"So stand up like that?"

"That's not true." Director Qu said, "One, it's autumn now, it won't take long for the weather to get cold, and the bugs won't be able to survive when it's cold. If they don't leave, they will freeze to death. Northwest... No, the entire north can't see any bugs. Let me put it this way, the West Sixth Fourth will last at least until next spring, with a few months to buffer, how can we arrange a place to evacuate people!"

Ye Han's eyes widened in surprise: "Isn't there no place? There will be one in a winter?"

Director Qu said with a smile: "I really want you to say it, isn't it necessary to evacuate to this side from the coast? There is not enough space in Qingtang, and I plan to build a new city in the winter to specially accommodate people evacuated from the coast. Is it a little short of more than 7,000 people?"

Ye Han nodded: "I understand if you say that, this is also a way!"

"It's more than that!" Director Qu said with a bit of mystery on his face, "Gossip, the above plans to take advantage of the winter to withdraw all the dungeons along the coast, but there is no place to place them here, and the dungeons may have to receive one by then. Let’s go through the winter first, and then move out in the spring of next year.”

Ye Han was happy when he heard it: "Is there such an operation? It's because they thought of it!"

"There's no way, I'm forcing it!" Director Qu looked helpless, "In this world, that's how it is."

Ye Han smiled and said, "You see it thoroughly."

"Hey, what can I do if I can't see through? No matter how embarrassed it is, you have to stay honest, isn't that the case!" Director Qu looked free and easy, "To be honest, we people just want to be safe. You are always in the sky or you are in the ground, we can't compare."

"This is what you said, do you think we don't want to be safe? We can't help it. Someone has to fight with bugs and aliens, right?"

"That's for sure, if you didn't stand in front of us, we would have finished playing!" Director Qu echoed without hesitation, "I'm just getting old, otherwise I'll fight with the bugs..."

While talking, Ye Han received a communication from Ningwuguan, the communication was connected, Wu Han's figure appeared in front of Ye Han, and he quickly made a silent gesture to the director of the song.

Wu Han said, "Have you finished the handover?"

"It's over!" Ye Han said.

"What about that little girl? Is it better?"

"It's much better, the danger period is over earlier."

"Alright then, bring the scientific expedition team to retreat to Qingtang, rest for a few days and wait for orders."


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