Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1625: Giant Bug Ranch

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At noon, the dark clouds dissipated, the breeze blew the white clouds, and the warm sun shone on the earth.

The soldiers from Qingtang are directing their servants to drag the corpse back to the dungeon. There, the fate of these worms is waiting for them to be divided into eight pieces. All the places that can be eaten must be picked out, and one piece cannot be wasted, even if it is blown up by a mine. It was full of holes, and it was a big piece of meat.

Outside the exit of the dungeon, the Marine Corps guarded the science and education team to board the off-road vehicle. Ye Han was the last to get into the car. He turned around and waved goodbye to Director Qu. The team slowly drove away and embarked on the journey to Qingtang.

Ye Han felt a little disappointed, because he remembered many faces that he had met before but never met again after parting.

In this chaotic era, it is impossible for anyone to control their own destiny, and the difference after every chance encounter may be forever.

He is not the kind of person who is sad in the spring and sad in the autumn. He just suddenly felt something in his heart, so he quickly came out of the sad mood.

At this time, the convoy was still running on the field, but the road in the distance could already be seen. Looking up, there were unnamed plants everywhere, not the yellow sand and the vast Gobi in the past few days.

Ye Han couldn't remember the last time he saw such a scene, and his mood was like the weather.

Unfortunately, a beam of light across the sky ended Ye Han's good mood, Gu Cheng was so frightened that he almost jumped up: "What is this?"

Ye Han said: "This is our laser. The professional point is called space-based firepower to hit the ground. To put it bluntly, it is to use lasers to hit insects in outer space."

He already knew what happened to Ningwuguan. Although he didn't know which battleship the laser came from, he was certain that the target of the beam of light must be a light worm somewhere.

It's interesting to say, the battle on the ground is over long ago, but the battleship and the light worm that are covering for this battle are still fighting.

There is no way, air supremacy has always been the focus of the competition between the two sides. .

Right now, it's just that the fleet seizes the enemy's flaws and takes the opportunity to deal a certain degree of blow to the enemy... It's unclear how many light worms can be killed, but Ye Han feels that the above is very determined. If it is possible, the fleet will definitely be willing to show the light worms. The past area was ploughed hard again.

There are many alien bugs and human weapons and ammunition. This is a well-known fact. Gu Cheng heard Ye Han's words and knew that he had made a big joke. The expression on his face was somewhat embarrassing. , but with the helmet still on his head, no one could see his expression at all.

The convoy continued to move forward until the sun slanted westward before entering the periphery of Qingtang. During this period, the laser appeared dozens of times in the air. Gu Cheng went from being curious and amazed at the beginning to being accustomed to seeing it later, and finally completely numb.

From the map, the range of Qingtang is very large, but after the convoy entered Qingtang, it was discovered that there was still an endless grassland in front of it.

Xiao Yuan stood up in surprise and tried his best to look into the distance, but he couldn't see the shadow of the city: "Where is this grandma's? Where is Qingtang?"

Ouyang Ping said: "There are people over there, just ask if you don't have it!"

Xiao Yuan turned his head and saw that there were really a few people on the grassland in the distance. He activated the telephoto function to zoom in on the image, and found that those people were all armed with weapons. They could not be said to be armed to the teeth, but they had everything with rifles and pistols. Machine gun!

Those people also found the convoy. Not only did they show no signs of evading, but they kept waving at the convoy.

Xiao Yuan couldn't help but wonder: "So enthusiastic? Are they the mercenaries of Qingtang?"

Gu Cheng said: "Maybe."

"How is it possible?"

Gu Cheng twitched the corners of his mouth: "Those who have a bottom line are called mercenaries, and those who don't have a bottom line are bandits. The wasteland is so chaotic, who would know if a cameo would suddenly appear?"

Xiao Yuan was immediately speechless.

Ye Han smiled slightly: "Be polite, didn't you see someone greet you?"

"Oh, I see!" Xiao Yuan laughed and waved at the mercenary.

The few mercenaries stood on a low slope, and the convoy did not stop and drove directly across the low slope.

As soon as he passed the broken roof, Ye Han saw an oversized snail at the bottom of the slope, which was slowly crawling against two long, two short and four tentacles. Wherever the snail passed, the grass higher than the knee was gnawed by it. A few short crop left.

Soldiers have been in space for a long time, I have never seen this before, they all look fresh with their necks stretched.

Ye Han smirked: "It's interesting, the bugs we killed were not 10,000 or 8,000. I have never seen such a slow bug!"

Gu Cheng squinted at Xiao Yuan: "You think too much, this is raised by Qingtang..."

"What did you say?" Ye Han almost thought he heard it wrong, "Why do you keep this thing in Qingtang?"

Now it's Gu Cheng's turn to be surprised: "Don't you know? This is the largest giant snail farm in the country, producing the world's best meat snails. The meat quality is good. The canned beef you eat is this kind of snail!"

"Can a snail be considered a cow?" Ye Han almost stopped spraying. He really didn't know that the so-called canned beef was snail meat.

The rationing system has been implemented nationwide for more than ten years, and even the top troops of the military have been greatly affected.

In his memory, there was indeed canned meat in the fleet's supplies, but it was either worm meat or fish meat. As for pork and beef, don't even think about it. These livestock have long been plagued by insects, and maintaining the population is a problem. It is impossible to kill and eat meat.

But after taking over the Orbital Airborne Force, UU Reading Ye Han found that the supply of the troops had improved a lot, and unexpectedly found canned beef.

However, the quantity of this kind of canned food is too small. Every time it is sent, the soldiers will eat it up in the shortest time. Therefore, he only saw this thing in the supply, but he has never seen the real thing, and he has no chance to taste it - he only When Beiyuezhou used bioengineering to create beef cattle, he never thought it was a snail!

Gu Cheng was even more surprised than Ye Han: "You really don't know? No, we Qingtang snails have a good reputation. Those foreigners can't even ask for it when they cry. How could you not know?"

Xiao Yuan said helplessly: "It's wrong, we all know it, but the captain doesn't know it."

Gu Cheng looked at Ye Han with curiosity: "Captain Ye, is there something I don't know?"

"Military secrets, it is inconvenient to disclose!" Ye Han said **.

"Oh, then I won't ask." Gu Cheng didn't want to touch any form of military secrets, so he stopped the topic very smartly. </co>

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