Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1673: It's not impossible

Insect Resistance Army?

Professor Harry was dumbfounded on the spot, bugs and resistance? This, this, this is simply the biggest joke of the 21st century!

Luo Meng smiled and greeted with a magnetic voice: "Hello, I'm sorry I can only meet you in this way, it's really a sad story."

Everyone was a little stunned, even Professor Harry was no exception.

Luo Meng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Everyone, take a seat!"

Professor Harry woke up and asked impatiently, "Mr. Romon, what the **** is going on? I really have a hard time believing that this is all true!"

Although the others did not speak, their expressions all brought out the same meaning.

Luo Meng sighed melancholy: "To put it simply, we were all captured by aliens and transformed into this ghostly appearance, but there are no unfortunate people controlled by aliens here." He pointed to his temple and scratched. several circles. "In the beginning, we didn't know who we were, and we carefully mixed in with the worms every day, day by day, and then slowly got to know other people, and finally established this organization in secret, which was already many years ago. "

After Professor Harry listened, he pursed his lips and shook his head: "It's really hard to believe this is true!"

"It's really unbelievable, but it really happened." Romon said, "We are very eager to return to the human world... We also know that it is impossible. Even if we reluctantly return, we will only be rejected by everyone. , but we've always been a part of humanity, and we've always wanted to do something for humanity, but never had the chance, until today."

Henry asked curiously: "Mr. Romon, can you tell us what you did? I believe the bugmen never thought of letting us go."

Romon smiled boldly, and glanced at the tall and thin man in the corner: "It's very simple, we kidnapped him!"

"He?" Everyone's eyes shifted.

"Who is he?" Professor Harry asked curiously.

Luo Meng's expression changed, and he snorted coldly: "He is the actual controller of this base, a real alien!"

Before he finished speaking, everyone was blown up, and Professor Harry rushed in front of Romon: "Are you serious?"

"Really." Romon nodded heavily, "He sent all the bugmen to deal with you, and we took the opportunity to hijack him and use him to control other bugmen."

Now the professor and the others understood, no wonder the bugmen backed away at the most critical moment.

After solving the doubts in his heart, Professor Harry's attention immediately turned to the aliens. He looked up and down curiously at the sluggish guy in the corner: "So aliens look like this..."

Romon said: "The aliens we have seen all look like this, but I don't think this should be the real appearance of aliens."

"Why do you say that?" Professor Harry asked curiously.

"Intuition!" said Romon.

At this time, Henry winked at John, and John interrupted: "Mr. Romon, Professor, this is not the time to talk about this, is it not the time to think about what to do next?"

Everyone was silent at the same time. Professor Harry thought for a while and said, "It's better to find a way to escape!" After speaking, his eyes fell on the alien in the corner.

Henry said knowingly: "Since he can be held hostage to control the insect man, can he be held hostage and **** the battleship?"

Romon only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "You can try."

He immediately called his two companions and dragged the alien out of the tree hole.

Professor Harry asked curiously, "What is this for?"

"Threat the bugmen... it should be," Henry said.

Several bugmen dragged the alien to the door, raised their arms and pointed the light bug at the alien's forehead, and said something loudly in alien language.

John translated in time: "He asked the aliens to order all the worms to get out of the way, and ordered all the worms in the battleship to withdraw!"

Professor Harry immediately showed a look of anticipation, as did the others.

But the smile on John's face disappeared instantly: "Bitch, the alien refused!"

"What? No way? Does he not want to live?" Henry was extremely puzzled.

John's face was gloomy: "If it was me, I also refused."


John said: "Here, his life is guaranteed, leave here, leave the siege of the bug people, Romon can kill him at any time."

The crowd instantly understood.

Isn't that right? Right now, everyone is surrounded by insects, and they have to rely on aliens to control them. It is impossible to do anything to aliens, but once they leave this dangerous environment, aliens are useless.

The worm here hates aliens to the core, how could it be possible for him to continue to live?

Professor Harry opened his mouth and almost said something stupid like "promise not to kill him", but thankfully shut up in time.

Outside the tree hole, an exasperated Romon kicked the alien, grabbed the alien's arm and twisted it, and broke one of the alien's fingers.

The alien screamed loudly, twisted and struggled like a snake, but couldn't break free from the worm's grip.

"Romon forced him to give orders, he refused and still refuses," John said.

Probably because he understood that the aliens would not give in, Romon really had no choice but to drag the aliens back, and sighed apologetically: "The entire base's worms are outside..."

Professor Harry said understandingly: "If it doesn't work, think of another way."

Henry said: "What else can we think of, we can't escape at all. If we can't, we will fight with the enemy. What are we afraid of!"

"Yes, we fought!" Others immediately agreed, and even some of the bugmen nodded.

Professor Harry turned his head to look outside: "If only there was a nuclear bomb..."

"There's no need for a nuclear bomb, it's enough to have him die with us!" Henry said, glaring at the alien viciously.

Luo Meng said whimsically: "It would be great if I could contact the outside world. If the outside world knew about the situation maybe they could help me, it would be best if I could get a nuclear bomb..."

Professor Harry smiled bitterly: "It's almost as good as blowing up this place with a nuclear bomb."

John suddenly said: "It's not impossible."

Immediately, needles could be heard in the tree hole, and everyone looked at John. The impatient Henry asked anxiously, "Do you have a solution?"

"Isn't the solution readily available?" John said. "Don't we have a quantum locator? Turn it on, off, and control the distance, so we can send a code?"

Everyone was stunned, and Professor Harry exclaimed: "What did you say?"

"Quantum locator!" John said. "I'll talk to you later... Henry?"

"That's it!" said Henry. "Who knows the code?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and no one speaks.

"What? No one understands?" Henry was dumbfounded on the spot.

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