Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1674: Do you understand the command?

Henry almost vomited out of anger, and finally came up with a solution, but no one understood the code. What's going on?

After a while, Professor Harry said hesitantly: "I know SOS, it seems to be three shorts, three longs and three shorts... It also seems to be three long, three short and three long..."

Henry gushed up against the blood and almost vomited blood and died: "Professor, can't you remember it clearly?" There are only four of the twenty-six letters, two of which are ambiguous and can't match the number...

Harry's cheeks twitched: "I just remember that S and O are three short and three long, and I really can't remember which one corresponds to which one."

"What about the others? No more?"

"Yes!" The professor was a little embarrassed, "A is short and long, N is just the other way around... One short is E, the other long is T... Actually, I can't remember exactly!"

"A dead horse should be a living horse doctor!" Henry said helplessly.

Beiyuezhou Command Center.

The large home screen displays a real-time satellite map of the entire earth. From the plains to the oceans, from the sky to the mountains, every change in the world is transferred to this screen by satellite.

The positioning signal located in the depths of the ocean suddenly began to flicker, and the staff in charge of this area immediately noticed the situation - the staff team of the command center was no less than a few hundred people, and they were divided into more than a dozen command groups, each of which was responsible for an area. For information processing, each group has the right to dispose of it by itself in ordinary cases, and only important cases will be reported layer by layer.

Not to mention that the signal just flickers, it is not surprising that it disappears, so it only attracted the attention of the staff, but did not attract the attention of the staff.

But they soon found out that something was wrong. The flashing of the signal was too regular, three shorts, three longs and three shorts. Anyone who has been in contact with Morse code knows what this means - SOS itself has no meaning, just because it is the most Easy to send, not easy to be confused with other letters!

Its recognition rate was too high, and several staff officers who saw the signal stood up at the same time, and the chief of staff in charge of this area immediately reported the situation.

Wu Han was very surprised when he received the news, and immediately called the staff to discuss the situation.

A few minutes later, Wu Han asked Franklin to communicate directly.

At the same time, several submarines from different countries were cruising at a depth of more than 400 meters in the ocean. The submarines had already prepared deep-water torpedoes carrying nuclear weapons, and they launched torpedoes at the target as soon as the submarines were in place.

Ye Han wanted to get first-hand information, so he stayed in the corner of the podium and stared at the main screen quietly.

Over time, the submarine gradually moved above the target's side, bringing the target within the torpedo's range.

The three targets have different depths. Due to better technology, the Chinese submarine is responsible for destroying the No. 3 alien base, which is 1,400 meters deep, and the other two shallower alien bases are responsible for other countries.

The hatchman reported that the submarine was in place, and the captain asked if the torpedo was ready to launch, and got a positive answer. Just as he was about to give the launch order, the signal officer suddenly received an emergency communication from Beiyuezhou: "Stop it—stop the launch! "

The captain got angry: "What are you arguing about?"

"Report, Beiyuezhou urgently ordered to stop the launch!" The signal soldier told the truth.

The captain's whole person is not well: "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" The signal soldier saw Ye Han here, "Head, I have an order for you."

"What did you say?" Ye Han asked.

"I order you to contact Beiyuezhou immediately."

"Got it." Ye Han said, put on his helmet, the armor automatically communicated with the submarine's communication equipment, and quickly established contact with Beiyuezhou.

Wu Han appeared in front of Ye Han and said straight to the point: "The situation has changed, and all operations against target No. 3 must be suspended!"

Ye Han was extremely surprised: "What happened?"

"We received a distress signal from Base 3!"

"It's impossible..." Ye Han's first reaction was to deny, but he hesitated again, "Chief, what's going on?"

"We are not very clear." Wu Han said, "I communicated with the international base just now, and they believe that the signal came from the captured clones."

Ye Han's face is not ordinary ugly: "Stop action for a few clones?"

Wu Han shook his head: "Americans say that clones don't understand Morse code at all, and we not only received SOS, but also ET."

Ye Han blinked hard: "Alien?"

"It should be." Wu Han said.

Ye Han's eyebrows almost twisted into twists: "Sir, I don't understand, is there any connection between SOS and aliens? It can't be a distress signal from aliens, right?"

"We don't know, and the Americans don't know, so we suspend the operation to allow a little time for the investigation."

"Investigate? How to investigate? That's 1,400 meters underwater!"

"It can be analyzed with known conditions." Wu Han said.

The flesh on Ye Han's face twitched: "Analysis? How to analyze? What do we know?"

"We know more than you think!" Wu Han said, "Clones do not understand Morse code; aliens may know; clones cannot cooperate with aliens; locators in the hands of clones It shouldn't fall into the hands of aliens..."

Ye Han was dizzy and said with a wry smile, "Sir, you'd better tell me the result directly."

"The current analysis believes that something must have happened in the third target, and this change is beneficial to us, so we must reach the third target as soon as possible to find out what happened there!"

Ye Han almost bit his tongue: "How did you arrive? Who arrived?"

Wu Han looked at Ye Han silently and did not speak, Ye Han immediately shook his head sharply: "Impossible, it's useless for you to see me, that's 1,400 meters!"

Wu Han said: "It's really but it's not impossible."

"How?" Ye Han asked back.

"Saturation diving, according to Russian research, humans can withstand 120-190 atmospheres of pressure. You have all undergone cell fusion, and your physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people. There is no problem in diving for 1,400 meters."

"Wait a minute... Chief, can't you go down in a diving suit or something?"

Wu Han said: "We don't have such good deep diving equipment at all, and the power armor is not so durable. The only way is saturation diving. As long as the pressure inside and outside the armor is the same, there will be no problems!"

"I have a problem!" Ye Han said without hesitation, "This is too risky, can you change it?"

Wu Han shook his head firmly: "This is the only way to fight immediately after entering the enemy base. Also, I didn't discuss it with you. This is an order. Do you understand the order?"

Ye Han's face changed, and he was silent for a long time before squeezing a word out of his teeth: "Understood!"

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