Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1682: Taizu bless

The breakout action led by the special service team caused a strong rebound from the aliens. The frontal bugmen did not retreat but advanced, and launched a more violent counter-charge towards the charging special service team.

The dense vegetation provides the best cover for both sides, and the visual distance is greatly reduced. Even the detection distance of the armor is much closer than that on the flat ground. When the enemy is often found, the enemy is not far away.

At a distance of thirty or fifty meters, when it is close, it is only twenty or thirty meters. At such a close distance, it is not the tactics of the two sides that will be tested, but who will react faster.

Gunshots, explosions, screams; bullets, grenades, silk; blood, life, corpses... all of which are repeated in the jungle of the attack.

Human beings attacked with all their strength in order to control their own destiny, and aliens strangled with all their strength to grasp the fate of human beings.

The human side is not much better. If it weren't for the most advanced power armor, the soldiers of the special team would have died many times.

However, even if there is a special team charging ahead, the clones and the resistance army that follow will inevitably suffer casualties-a worm belonging to the resistance army accidentally collided with the enemy, and was instantly penetrated by more than a dozen mercerized lights , the lifeless body fell softly to the ground.

Others don't care so much at all, the only thing they can do is keep fighting.

Ye Han found that the more forward the enemy's rebound, the stronger the rebound. Through the reconnaissance of the drone, it can be found that the insects and giant insects in other directions are gathering here. The crowd was surrounded, and at that time, it was hard to say whether the special team could rush out, let alone the clones and the resistance army, and there was definitely no hope of escaping.

The balance of victory is tilting toward the aliens, and continuing to charge has no effect, but may cause the team to sink completely.

At a critical moment, Ye Han suddenly stopped, looked at the picture returned by the drone for two seconds, and then made an unexpected order: "All attention, break through in the northwest direction!"

The special team executed Ye Han's order without hesitation, turned around and ran back.

The clones and the resistance army were all stunned. They finally rushed here. They saw that they could rush to the pier if they persisted for a while. Why did they turn around and run back at this time?

How did they know that although the pier was not far ahead, there were too many worms concentrated in this direction, and it was too difficult to break through.

Although the clones and the Resistance are full of doubts, the war is tight, and there is no opportunity to raise any opinions. Moreover, there were not many people in this makeshift team originally, and the combat effectiveness was the same. It was only because the special team rushed in front that it persisted until now. The special team ran away, and they had no ability to hedge against the enemy. Behind the Secret Service's ass.

Ye Han's evasiveness did catch the enemy by surprise. The aliens first knew the news of the human retreat, and soon there was news of the fire coming from the other direction. He immediately understood what the human wanted to do, and immediately adjusted his tactics and cancelled the previous order. , re-ordering the bugmen to assemble to the northwest.

The adjustment of the aliens also fell into Ye Han's line of sight, so after the special team rushed to the northwest for a while, they rushed to change a new direction in time before the army of insects arrived.

The clones and the resistance army were simply powerless to complain. If it wasn't for the pursuit and interception, they would have to break up with the special team.

The change of direction of the special team led to the readjustment of the aliens. In this way, one side broke through and the other was surrounded, Ye Han and the aliens who commanded the bugmen fought in the air, changing the direction seven times in a row, and each time was accurate. Find the weak point of the encirclement and force the aliens to redeploy.

Ye Han found that although there were many worms controlled by aliens, they were not large enough to surround the jungle. Enough worms must be concentrated in the direction of breakout to ensure that the special team was blocked. This is why Ye Han dared to do so many times. Change of direction.

Of course, he didn't just keep his head down and dash after he chose the direction. Each group had to cooperate in various tactics according to the actual situation, or concentrate firepower to destroy the enemy's living force, or scattered actions to interfere with the enemy's judgment, or It was a fake retreat and then a sudden return to the carbine...

The aliens are not always led by Ye Han's nose, trying to decipher Ye Han's actions, constantly shrinking the encirclement circle, as long as he is given a period of time, it will not be a problem to surround this slick human team - the aliens have already discovered, The gunfire in the jungle is not as dense as before!

Excited, the aliens kept ordering the worms to continue their attack... As long as this group of humans can be caught, even if all the worms under them are exhausted.

As the aliens guessed, the high-intensity fierce battle consumed most of the ammunition carried by the special team. Ye Han had to order the soldiers to save the ammunition so that they could last longer.

But no matter how few bullets, the enemy can't help but fight when he jumps out, right? And you can't just pursue knockdowns, but you must shoot a few more shots to ensure that the enemy is killed, otherwise as long as one is not completely dead, it will cause casualties to the clones and resistance forces behind.

After fighting for so long, two clones and four worms have died tragically, and no one knows who will die next.

When they first set off, everyone had great expectations for Ye Han, but after tossing and turning over and over again, most clones and the resistance army were impatient, and the grievances accumulated step by step, and they had reached the point where they were full of grievances. .

Quantitative change leads to qualitative Dissatisfaction eventually turned into action, a bug man slowed down, quietly left the team, and planned to infiltrate the team of alien bug people to escape the siege, but his actions did not escape the eyes of the enemy , just left the team, and before he could find a place to hide, several worms jumped out at the same time, and a ray of light killed him on the spot.

Fortunately, he was just an example. Although others were dissatisfied, no one made such an irrational choice.

The continuous battle continued to consume the remaining bullets. The soldiers of the special team were all veterans. When the last few magazines were hit, everyone fired with bullets and prepared both hands.

Finally, a soldier who fired bullets appeared in the team, but he was mentally prepared. He took out his pistol immediately and shot the target several times: "I'm out of bullets!"

The comrades in the same group took out a magazine and threw it over: "The last one, save it!"

At this time, no one is hypocritical. The soldier took the magazine and changed it to the gun, and the silent muzzle spit out the flame of death again.

Ye Han frowned. At this point, the team could no longer hold on, and he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

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