Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1683: backhand

Taking a look at the picture sent back by the drone, Ye Han switched the communication frequency band: "Ouyang, how are you doing there?"

"I have received the diving bell, and it will be ready soon!"

"How long?"

"three minutes!"

"Okay!" Ye Han closed the line and switched back to the public channel, "All attention, attack the pier, do your best!"

After seven consecutive changes of direction, most of the early people in the direction of the pier have moved away, and now is a good time to attack the pier.

From the first change of direction, Ye Han's purpose was to mobilize the enemy, and this tactic was not a clever move, but when the situation was extremely unfavorable, he remembered Taizu's old man's four crossing the Chishui.

Ye Han didn't know the specific process of crossing the Chishui River. He knew that when he was in school, he was one of the chorus members organized by the school.

From the title of the song, it can be judged that the essence of this tactic is to find the weakness of the enemy, and use the way of movement to achieve the purpose of mobilizing the enemy and creating fighters.

Beforehand he did not know whether he would succeed, but now, the facts have already explained everything.

The harvest time finally came, Ye Han secretly shouted the blessing of Taizu, and led the special team to rush to the wharf... The sparse gunfire suddenly became fierce, and the insect man in the direction of the wharf was caught off guard.

The alien hiding in the dark sneered in his heart. Although he had been commanding the bugs to chase and block, he seemed to be led by humans, but he was clearly aware that the goal of humans was definitely not anywhere in the depths of the base. Escape, the goal of human beings can only be the pier!

Because of this judgment, the aliens had already left a hand in the direction of the pier. It was not obvious when the special team rushed to the pier, but in a blink of an eye, a group of worms gathered in the direction of the pier.

There are not many worms in this batch, and it is impossible to stop the charge of the special team, but it will definitely be no problem to drag the special team for a while... As long as it is dragged for a while, the worms in other directions can arrive, and this slick Completely surrounded by humans.

The fact is similar to the judgment of the aliens. The charging special team is like rushing into the quagmire, and the little power left is consumed by the layers of insects.

As soon as the charge started, the rifles ran out of bullets, and after a while, the machine guns ran out of ammunition, and everyone put on pistols. The soldiers no longer sought to kill the enemy, but to improve the efficiency of killing the enemy as much as possible, said It has to be direct, that is, when you are not sure, you would rather bring the enemy closer than shoot, and when you shoot, you must kill the enemy.

The rifle is replaced with reduced-power bullets, but the pistol has a close range, and the original bullets are used. The long-distance power is indeed not very good, but the close-range power is not much worse than the rifle. The 12.7mm caliber, the insect man will be hit by one. At least a serious injury.

However, in this way, the speed of the special team was further slowed down. If they continued to rush to the dock, it would not take long for this thin team to be surrounded by bugmen.

This is simply putting the opportunity into the hands of the enemy!

It didn't take long for a large number of bugmen to flock to the pier from all directions. If the time was earlier, Ye Han would still have a chance to lead the team to escape, but at this point, it was too late to leave.

But is Ye Han really stupid enough to slam into a trap?

When the special team rushed to the pier, Ouyang Ping and his team members had already dragged the diving bell to the outside of the dome above the pier side.

Ouyang Ping pointed at Diving Bell: "Machine gunner, sub-machine gunner, come in!"

The machine gunner and the sub-machine gunner immediately went over and opened the hatch at the bottom of the bell. The hatch was opened with a "bang", and a group of continuously deformed bubbles immediately appeared in the cover. When the water pressure is balanced, the air inside cannot come out, and the water outside cannot get in.

The two people quickly got into the diving bell, and some air came out, but no one cared about it. The two people in the bell quickly set up their machine guns, and Ouyang Ping outside the bell immediately reported to Ye Han: "Captain, the diving bell is in place. !"

Ouyang Ping didn't know the situation in the base, but he knew that Ye Han had been waiting for a long time.

"Okay, wait for my order!" Ye Han said.

Ouyang Ping vaguely heard the gunshots, and felt a little anxious, but Ye Han wouldn't let him do it, so he could only wait patiently.

At this time, the secret service team was still far from the dock, and the encirclement of the insect people had not formed, and it was far from the time when Ouyang Ping's team appeared.

In this way, Ouyang Ping waited uneasily for a few minutes, until the special team rushed to a distance of only a few dozen meters from the pier.

The time was ripe, Ye Han gave an order: "Ouyang, start!"

Ouyang Ping had already fastened the diving bell to the dome. After hearing the order, he immediately gave the Qianlong a signal. The controllers on the submarine lowered the air pressure in the diving bell a little through the one-kilometer line. The diving bell was immediately pressed against the sloping dome by the powerful water pressure.

The sub-machine gunner in the diving bell immediately raised the laser gun, drew an irregular circle on the dome, and kicked it down, immediately kicking an irregular hole in the dome~www.readwn. com~ is only two meters high from the ground in the base.

Not far in front of the hole was the battlefield. The machine gun in the diving bell suddenly let out a deadly roar, and the dense bullets smashed into the unsuspecting insect people from the side and rear, as if an invisible blade swept through the large group of insect people, but it took only one breath. In time, more than 100 worms have already fallen.

The alien in the dark was so startled that he jumped three feet high, his anger made him lose his mind, and angrily ordered the warship to leave the port.

At this time, the machine gun had cleared the bugs blocking the special team. Ye Han led the desperate team to rush to the pier... The purpose of the special team was the diving bell behind the pier, and the target of the clones and the resistance army was the dock on the pier. Alien battleship.

The fierce battle should have drawn out all the worms in the battleship, and everyone felt that grabbing the battleship was not a problem.

But just as the rushing team was about to arrive at the dock, the two battleships started at the same time and quickly sank into the water.

Witnessing this scene, both the clones and the resistance army were dumbfounded. They stood dumbfounded on the dock, their eyes full of loss and helplessness.

A bug man lost his mind and jumped into the water impulsively, as if doing so would **** the battleship back. However, as soon as he entered the water, he lost his temperature in the near-zero water, and in a blink of an eye, he froze and lost control without waiting for his companions to pull him. Out of the water, the sea water chokes into his lungs, ending his life.

Ye Han didn't care whether the battleship could be grabbed at all. He and the soldiers of the special team jumped over the pier and pushed the aliens to the edge of the dome with the fastest speed.

The two warriors in the diving bell quickly jumped out and stuffed the alien captive into the diving bell.

Ye Han let out a sigh of relief and was just about to send Professor Harry in, but when he turned around, he was stunned to find that the professor had been soaked with blood.


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