Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1698: Heavy artillery, heavy artillery!

The range of the 120mm heavy mortar is as high as eight kilometers. In other words, the mortar in half the city can hit the head of the swarm.

The painful lesson of Building 76 made the Funing Command Center heartbroken. In order to prevent the tragedy from repeating itself, the Command Center spared no expense. At least more than 200 mortars fired at the swarm at the same time. All kinds of artillery shells took turns, some fixed-point strikes, some barrages rushed in, and some shrapnel flew horizontally.

The high-intensity shelling caused the defenders' ammunition reserves to plummet, and the swarms that could be covered by the artillery fire also suffered heavy casualties. It didn't take long for the last giant worm to be killed by the cannonball, and the first round of the swarm's attack came to an end in a heavy barrage.

Between the battles, the defenders quickly gathered up the remains of the martyrs, replenished ammunition and personnel, and prepared for the next round of attack.

After a while, the statistics were sent to the forward command.

Although the time of the confrontation between the enemy and our party was short, the losses of the defenders were not small. In addition to the collapse of Building 76, the defenders sacrificed more than 200 people, more than 30 people were missing, and dozens of others were injured to varying degrees.

One fortress building collapsed, several fortress buildings were damaged to varying degrees, the collapsed Building 76 blocked the street, and nearly 300 people were lost... The front command believes that if a correct judgment is made while discovering the enemy's situation, then all Losses could have been avoided.

The front finger immediately made an in-depth review to the Funing command center and deeply analyzed the mistakes in the battle.

The review is not the point, the point is to learn from the lessons and learn from them, so as not to make the same mistakes again.

Everyone knows that the confrontation just now is only the first round, and there will definitely be more ferocious attacks next.

The Funing Command Center was very aware of this, so just after the battle was over, several drones painted in black took off in the city center, flying towards the north at a low altitude.

Satellites cannot penetrate the clouds, and reconnaissance can only rely on drones. Even if the heavy rain is still falling, even if the lightning has not stopped, the drone must be released.

Several drones flew out of the city from different directions. One of the drones was struck by lightning from the sky before it flew out of the city. The signal sent back by the drone was blurred for a while, but after a while, the signal became stable. down.

Half a minute later, the drone flew out of the city and began to transmit the situation in different directions back to the command center.

Through the camera of the drone, it can be seen that the swarm is gathering in the north of Funing. Although the sky is covered with dark clouds, the swarm is still cautious. Even if they gather together, they still maintain a safe distance.

In this way, the area occupied by the swarm looks particularly large, and the drone cannot see the edge of the swarm at all.

Many people have the same thought in their minds: Where did so many bugs come from?

Finding the swarm, the drone began to hover over the swarm, sending the detailed coordinates of the swarm back to the command.

Soon, the heavy artillery group located in the center of Funing turned the muzzle of the black hole to the north, and the heavy 155mm shell was sent into the barrel.

The commander gave an order, and the seventy-two self-propelled howitzers distributed in various positions in the city center poured firepower on the swarm at a speed of one shot every six seconds. In the first round, more than seventy shells flew towards the due north with a piercing scream. , and fly in the direction of the swarm.

In just over ten seconds, blazing flames burst out from the insect swarm under the drone's camera. Countless giant insects shattered in the explosion, and more giant insects flew in the sky in the explosion. Ordinary giant insects, there are also heavy light insects that are heavier than ordinary giant insects.

Funing City has a fully loaded heavy artillery brigade, in addition to 72 155mm heavy artillery, there are 12 large-caliber expeditionary rocket launchers.

The heavy artillery brigade fired a salvo, enough to cover a huge area of ​​300 football fields, but the rocket launchers really had no effect in front of the heavy light bugs, so this time only the 155mm heavy artillery fired.

The shelling effect was indeed worse than that of the whole brigade salvo, but it was enough for the swarm to drink a pot.

The second round of the swarm's attack was ended by heavy artillery before it even started, and the atmosphere in the headquarters seemed to relax a bit.

However, the commanders only relaxed, but did not relax at all. Under the arrangement of the command center, the drones were divided into several routes and continued to fly north to further find out the situation of the swarm... Funing City has not many artillery shells in reserve. But it's okay to blast it a few more rounds.

Moreover, there are three warships on the sea. If necessary, the command center can request the assistance of the warships and bombard the swarm directly with naval guns.

The rate of fire of naval guns is much faster than that of self-propelled howitzers, and the firepower density of a gun is equivalent to that of an artillery battalion!

In addition to naval guns, there is also a vertical missile launch system on the warship. If this thing comes with a salvo, the firepower is much higher than that of naval guns.

It is a pity that the interception ability of the heavy light insect is too strong, and weapons such as missiles and rockets are not useful at all, and can only be used to kill.

At this moment, I don't know how many people were shocked and sweated.

Due to the long range of rocket launchers and missiles, strong firepower and good mobility, these two weapons developed rapidly in the war, while the role of ordinary artillery was getting smaller and smaller, or because of low cost and high power, the artillery group was reserved as the killer of the fortress city.

If Funing does not have this heavy artillery brigade, how will the next battle situation develop?

The density of the swarm was not high. Although a large number of giant insects were killed by the cannon, there were also many insects that survived. They quickly retreated after the shelling ended, and they merged with another group of giant insects after a while.

The drone has been following in the air, and it just happened to follow the vine and sent the location of the giant insects back to the command However, the command center did not immediately order the artillery group to fire, but instead ordered the artillery group to hold still.

It's not that the command center doesn't want to bombard, but the distance between the swarms is a bit far, and the swarms are particularly scattered. If the guns are fired at this time, the effect of the shelling may be worse than the first round of shelling. Rather than wasting the shells, it is better to wait for the swarms. Launch the attack and give the swarm a ruthless attack as the density increases.

With the terrain in the north of the city, the density of the insect swarm will definitely increase as the distance approaches. If it is always as sparse as the screen, then there is no need for artillery bombardment, and the front-line soldiers can solve the battle directly with guns.

Although the swarm did not plan to attack, the Funing Command Center did not plan to wait forever, and the hovering drone quickly found the heavy light worm in the swarm.

At this time, the heavy artillery group had been replaced with laser-guided artillery shells. Several artillery shells fired one after another, and the shells flew straight to the north... Only a few artillery pieces were not salvoed, and they were not on the same level as the previous shelling.

But this is not the case. When the cannonball is about to fly over the swarm, the drone irradiates the heavy light worm on the ground with a laser at the right time. The artillery shell in the air accurately captures the target position and immediately rushes to the heavy light worm on the ground.

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