Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1699: saturation attack

The piercing scream resounded in all directions, and the heavy light worm locked by the cannonball had no time to avoid it, and was directly hit by the cannonball that fell from the sky.

With a loud bang, the heavy light worm that had just been showing off its power disappeared.

The sound of this cannon is just the beginning. Next, one after another cannonballs fall from the sky, killing the heavy light insects in the swarm one by one. After a while, dozens of heavy light insects and hundreds of other giant insects have been eliminated. killed in the explosion.

There are not many heavy light worms, and they are inconspicuous when scattered in the swarm of thousands of worms.

There were too many bugs, and the explosion only caused a little bit of waves near the blast point, and if the distance was a little farther, the explosion turned a blind eye and was not heard.

I don't know if the explosion stimulated the worm's nerves, or if the worm was already ready to attack, the swarm suddenly moved and rushed towards Funing at a very high speed.

It may be because the heavy light insects in the swarm were cleared by the shells. Without the drag of the heavy light insects, the speed of the insect swarm was significantly faster, but it was limited to the terrain in the north of Funing. The closer to Funing, the higher the density of the insect swarm.

The atmosphere in the Funing command center immediately became tense, and the commander immediately ordered the heavy artillery brigade to prepare.

Soon after, the swarm approached the north of the city, and the time for artillery bombardment was ripe. The commander gave an order, and the heavy artillery brigade opened fire again, and dense artillery shells fell into the swarm.

At this time, the swarm has entered the range of heavy mortars, and some heavy mortars in the north of the city have also joined the ranks of shelling. As the swarm is getting closer, more and more mortars have joined the shelling. Played to the extreme, the shells were fired and dropped at the same time. Xu Jin's barrage was like an iron wall, rampaging through the swarm, tearing up all the giant insects that dared to approach.

The shelling continued for half an hour, and the swarm never passed through the barrage. I don't know how many giant worms fell on the way to charge.

After the shelling ended, there were bullet craters everywhere on the battlefield, the corpses and stumps of giant insects were everywhere, and the dying giant insects could be seen everywhere.

The second round of the swarm's attack was directly smashed by the artillery, but the half-hour shelling also consumed the heavy artillery brigade's ammunition.

There are only so many shells, and one shot is one less. If the swarm persists for a while, the heavy artillery brigade will be in a dilemma of no ammunition available.

The situation of the 120 mortars in the north of the city is even more serious. There are many shells fired. Only a few mortars farther from the front can retain some shells.

It can be seen from the pictures returned by the drone that after two consecutive rounds of attacks, the insect swarm in the north direction is still very large, and the third round of attacks may start at any time.

However, the heavy artillery brigade had not many shells left, and the large-caliber artillery shells could not be replenished in a short time. Several commanders quickly reached an agreement: the remaining artillery can no longer be wasted arbitrarily, and must be used at a critical moment.

The torrential rain gradually diminished, turning into a light rain, and the insect swarm launched the third round of attack on the water.

The fighters in the position were already ready for battle, and no one spoke or flinched. Everyone stayed in their positions, silently waiting for the arrival of the insect swarm.

Everyone already knows that this time there is no heavy artillery cover, and the cruel reality is like a mountain pressing down on the hearts of the soldiers, so heavy that the air will freeze.

The swarm broke through the night, appeared in the sight of the soldiers, and then entered the range of the rifle. The commander gave an order, and everyone pulled the trigger at the same time. The giant insects at the front were knocked down by the dense bullets one by one, but the giant insects at the back still rushed up regardless.

The lethality of bullets is far less than that of artillery shells. The closer the swarm rushes, it soon enters the range of the grenade launcher. The grenade launchers on the defense line fire together, and countless grenades fall on the front line of the swarm, killing and injuring the giant insect. countless.

The giant insects are not vegetarian either. After they rushed to a certain distance, they suddenly spewed bone spurs at the human position. The sharp bone spurs instantly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters. Most of the bone spurs were missed and only hit the wall near the shooting hole.

However, the power of this thing is not weak. Every bone spur penetrates deeply into the wall, at least one-third, and some can even reach one-half!

Only very few people directly hit the shooting holes, but every bone spur that hits penetrated the body of the defenders, bringing a rain of blood scattered.

Just when the two sides were in a fierce confrontation, a group of heavy light insects appeared behind the charging insect swarm. Their steps were heavy and slow. As soon as they appeared, they aimed at the firepower on the human position and fired.

After a flash of light, more than a dozen firepower points were destroyed in just one salvo.

This scene was sent back to the command center by the faithful drone. In the face of this situation, no one mentioned saving artillery shells again. The command center immediately ordered the heavy artillery brigade to destroy the heavy light insects at any cost!

As a result, the cannon of the Heavy Artillery Brigade fired again, and the shells flew over half of Funing, hitting the heavy light insects behind the swarm.

The situation on the battlefield at this time is very delicate. The defenders, giant insects, heavy light insects and heavy artillery have their own goals and tasks.

Faced with this scene, many commanders feel that what they are dealing with is not a swarm, but a human armored group, or an armored group with particularly strong anti-missile capabilities!

The heavy light bug is like a tank, and the giant bug is like an armored vehicle. The two complement each other and are exactly the same as human armored assault tactics.

Due to the special tactics of giant insects, the torrent of human steel has not yet appeared on the battlefield, and it is impossible for aliens to get inspiration from the battlefield.

But there are so many human beings who have fallen into the hands of so many have been transformed into insectoids, it is impossible for aliens to put ready-made resources and not use them. They must have known human beings from the mouths of insectoids. various tactics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the aliens have developed a combination of light and heavy giant insects.

The number of heavy light worms is more than expected, and if one dies, one will be added. Until the heavy artillery brigade has run out of shells, the drone can still see dozens of heavy light worms.

The Funing Command Center was deeply aware that the light weapons in the position could not stop the swarm, and it was necessary to create opportunities for the defenders to smash the third round of the swarm's attack.

But how to create opportunities?

Commanders quickly agreed: saturation attack!

It only took a few minutes for the command center to come up with a battle plan and report it to Beidu immediately.

Soon after, the saturation attack began. With Funing City as the center, the heavy artillery units within a radius of several hundred kilometers received the battle order from Beidu at the same time. Fire in the direction.

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