Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1714: ground-air coordination

The large group of mosquitoes flew closer and closer, and when they were about to reach the sky above Funing, the swarm suddenly pulled up.

The original flying height of the swarm was similar to that of the rooftop, and as soon as it flew upwards, it directly pulled the height to just over 200 meters.

This anomaly took the air defense unit by surprise.

Before the height of the insect swarm was insufficient, the direct anti-aircraft firepower of the whole city could not find the shooting angle, and could only aim at the general direction and wait.

But when the swarm flew up like this, it was different, directly exposing the entire swarm to anti-aircraft fire!

What's there to hesitate about?

In an instant, the sound of artillery exploded from the north of the city, and the dense small-caliber artillery shells flew towards the swarms of insects in the air... The heavy-light worms could not stop the cannonballs, and the artillery shells equipped with radio proximity fuzes flew into the swarms of insects smoothly. A series of explosions immediately appeared in the swarms, and several Unclear shrapnel flew everywhere, and the **** and mosquitoes in the air were in a mess, falling down in groups in the explosion.

Not only the anti-aircraft guns, but also the laser guns fired at this time, and beams of light from the ground swept across the sky. Whenever the beams appeared, the nearby mosquitoes all avoided them like crazy, but how could they be faster than the beams?

Any ball mosquito swept by the beam cannot escape the end of the fall.

Ball Mosquito has only a thin layer of carapace on its body, and it has no protection at all. No matter what it is, it will be a complete end.

As the swarms approached, the general-purpose machine guns on various rooftops also began to spit flames into the air... This thing was originally multi-purpose, and the flying height of the insects was low.

For a time, anti-aircraft guns, laser cannons and various anti-aircraft machine guns formed an airtight firepower network, and the ball mosquitoes in the air kept falling down.

But there were too many ball mosquitoes. They flew very firmly to the top of the second line of defense, quickly folded their wings, and rushed straight to the soldiers on the rooftop like missiles falling from the sky.

This scene seemed familiar, reminding Ye Han of a kind of seabird that fell from the sky and slammed into the sea to hunt for food.

He kept staring at the ball mosquito, and immediately shouted after seeing the abnormality in the air: "Hide, hide, hide—"

Ye Han's eyesight was superhuman, and the full-color night vision device on the power armor was even more helpful. As soon as Ball Mosquito put away his wings, he realized that something was wrong and immediately warned everyone.

The guards on the rooftop were stunned when they heard the shouts, because it was not an order from their immediate superiors, so no one left their posts.

Ye Han was almost furious, so he simply cut into the command frequency band of the Funing command center, and ordered everyone to hide immediately.

This time, the soldiers finally took action, but the ball mosquito in the air had already fallen. One of the soldiers could not avoid it. The shoulder blade hit the soldier and fell to the ground with a somersault.

More ball mosquitoes fell, and the sound of puffing was incessant, but in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen ball mosquitoes pierced the soldier's body one after another.

There were a lot of ball mosquitoes that hit the target, but more were missed. They hit the roof one by one, making a muffled sound, like a urchin stepping on a tomato.

In fact, it's almost the same. Every single ball mosquito that fails will be smashed to pieces on the rooftop... Thousands of ball mosquitoes fall from the sky, like a crazy insect rain.

More and more fighters were thrown down by the ball mosquito. Ye Han didn't have time to think about it, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he dragged the little fighter to his side, and used his body to protect the little fighter under him.

Ye Han only felt that something hit his back heavily, then another, third, fourth...

He knew that he couldn't continue like this, but he couldn't think of a way to break the game for a while.

But Ye Han immediately saw the flame launcher behind the little soldier, with the idea of ​​hitting two poles first, Ye Han protected the little soldier and ran into the stairwell: "Be honest and stay here, give me the launcher! "

The little soldier was about to cry, so he quickly took off the cylinder and wanted to say something, but Ye Han had already rushed out of the stairwell with the cylinder.

The rest of the special team either protected their comrades around them, or shot at the sky, Ye Han couldn't control that much. He picked up the launcher and pulled the trigger. There was a slight shock in the cylinder, and a hot fire dragon rushed straight from Ye Han's hands. Sky.

The fire dragon swept across a fan, and the ball mosquito swept by the fire dragon was ignited by the flames while still in the air, completely losing its target.

The flaming mosquitoes crashed to the roof, and some of them even fell into the pile of shells. Several nearby secret service personnel rushed over to remove the flames before the shells exploded.

The first flame went out, Ye Han pulled the trigger a second time without hesitation, and another fire dragon took off.

Then the third fire dragon lifts off... This thing can be fired three times in total, and it has to be reloaded when it is empty.

The three fire dragons lasted for a short time, but they bought a little time for the defenders. Many soldiers took the opportunity to run into the stairwell, and finally avoided this There are too many ball mosquitoes Now, they not only attacked the rooftop of the second line of defense, but also continued to advance inward.

The command center immediately ordered all troops to enter the room, intending to hide for a while before talking.

You can't hide, it's really because the ball mosquito's style of play is too sharp, except for the special team with full power armor and the armored soldiers sitting in the tank armored vehicles, maybe they dare to stay outside at this time.

At this time, the swarm has rushed to the edge of the city and is about to enter the city!

Without the manpower on the rooftop, the firepower in the fortress building was still there. As soon as the swarm rushed into the short street, the firepower point on the second line of defense opened fire on the swarm. .

The swarm rushed forward regardless, and the ball mosquito that had just flown from the sea immediately lowered its height, folded its wings on the **** of the fire point, and rushed straight to the fire point.

The walls of the fortress building are very thick, and the firepower is hidden behind the walls. The impact of the ball mosquito is useless.

This interference is not a problem at all, it is far worse than the direct light of the heavy light insect.

However, the interference of the ball mosquitoes has played a little role, indirectly weakening the defensive firepower of the defenders, the crazy charge of the insect swarm is progressing rapidly, and even a group of giant insects rushed across the short street!

The steel pipe that the defenders had left behind the fork in the road worked, and the galloping giant worm could not stop the car at all, and hit the sharpened hollow steel pipe directly.

Although the steel pipe is not very sharp, but the impact of the giant insect is strong, even if it can't pierce the giant insect's carapace, it can push the insect on the road and cannot move forward - the front is supported by a steel pipe that is obliquely inserted on the ground. Behind it is the swarming swarm of insects pushing, as long as it is held up by the steel pipe, it will be difficult to get out.

However, the bugs behind are more fortunate, they can step on their companions and continue to rush forward.

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