Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1715: death light

Insects fell like rain in the air, but the special team was protected by power armor.

Ye Han held the rifle high, and the fire control system locked the target in the air at a very fast speed. He moved the muzzle quickly with a very small amplitude, and moved a shot, each bullet could accurately hit a ball mosquito.

His shooting speed is extremely fast, and he can use up a live magazine in just a short while, but there are too many ball mosquitoes in the air, no matter how hard he tries, the air is still full of fierce ball mosquitoes.

There are too many ball mosquitoes, Ye Han has emptied a magazine and has not had time to replace it, a ball mosquito has hit his head heavily.

It was as if he had been slashed by a heavy hammer on his head. Without the protection of the helmet, it would have cost him his life.

He quickly changed the magazine, and before the gun was raised, two ball mosquitoes hit him again.

Ye Han was angry, and the gun was raised halfway, and he was hit several times in succession.

Looking up, the sky was full of falling ball mosquitoes. Ye Han quickly jumped to the side. The ball mosquitoes that were aiming at him all hit the ground, and the place he just stood was covered with a thick layer of flesh in a blink of an eye. mud.

Looking up again, the ball mosquito in the air is adjusting its direction and is rushing down towards his landing position.

This battle is over!

Ye Han dodged and hid in the stairwell. Every time he took a step, a few ball mosquitoes would fall behind him. A series of ball mosquitoes kept chasing his footsteps until he rushed into the stairwell.

Grinning his teeth, he wiped off the muddy insect mud on his body, Ye Han looked out angrily, and unexpectedly found that the insect rain outside had become much sparser. It's the same, the ball mosquito in the sky is like a fly that has seen blood, and it keeps falling down like a chicken blood.

The number of ball mosquitoes is so large that it is like a large cloud covering the sky, but this cloud only rains where there are people, and there is no movement where there is no one, and it can be seen that the veins on Ye Han's forehead are jumping.

When he was in it just now, no matter how he looked, there were mosquitoes everywhere. Now that he got out, Ye Han realized that it was impossible.

If the aliens are really such a loser, no amount of ball mosquitoes will be enough. Only this way of falling from a fixed point can the effect of ball mosquitoes be brought into full play.

Looking up, the insect cloud has penetrated into the depths of Funing, probably in time to avoid the order, and there are only a few mosquito rains that can be seen in the line of sight.

After thinking for a while, Ye Han reluctantly ordered: "All withdraw, don't waste bullets."

I have to say that the space-to-ground coordination tactics of the swarm are very strange, but it doesn't matter whether it is strange or not. What matters is the actual combat effect. In the current situation, the special team is exhausted and can't make any waves.

Ye Han switched the communication frequency band: "Command center, call the special No. 1!"

"The command center received it, please speak on the special one!"

"How's the situation?"

"It's very bad. The flying insects have covered the whole city; the northern nematode swarm has broken through the second line of defense and is advancing towards the third line of defense; the eastern nematode swarm is landing. Judging from the situation of the northern line, the eastern line will not last long."

"What about the personnel? Are the sacrifices big?"

"The sacrifices on the rooftop are huge, but the main force of our army is hidden in the fortress building, and the proportion of battle damage is not high."

When Ye Han heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

Each fortress city is a huge group of fortresses, stronger than Stalingrad. Even human beings will pay a great price to capture such a city without using weapons of mass destruction.

To put it badly, the offense and defense on the outskirts of the city are just appetizers, and the street fighting after entering the city is the real main meal.

In other words, it didn't matter which line of defense the swarm attacked, the important thing was that there were only so many defenders, and the losses must be controlled within a certain limit, so that there would be enough troops to fight in the streets.

"Understood, does the headquarters have a way to deal with flying insects?"

"We are communicating with Beidu."

Ye Han couldn't help but startled, what does it mean to communicate with Beidu? What did the command center come up with?

If he is commanding Funing, the best way to deal with this situation is to withdraw everyone indoors, and then call in a space battleship to clean the entire Funing with low-power lasers!

As long as the wings of the ball mosquito can be burned, these **** bugs will not want to fly again. At that time, they can clean up how they want to clean up?

At this moment, a shrill siren suddenly resounded through the sky, and this siren was short and high-pitched, as if a voice kept urging something in the ear.

Ye Han had never heard this kind of alarm, and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

A voice drilled into his ear drum: "Emergency alarm, everyone pay attention, immediately withdraw into the building, close all doors and windows; emergency alarm, everyone immediately withdraw into the building, close all doors and windows..."

Ye Han was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, is this what the command center came up with?

He didn't have time to think about it, he quickly switched the channel, intending to direct the special team to evacuate into the room, but after switching the channel, he found that all frequency bands of were emergency alerts that were continuously circulating.

Just as they were about to rush out of the stairwell, the players had already rushed into the stairwell against the falling ball mosquitoes.

Ye Han hurriedly counted, and after confirming that there were a lot of people, he immediately retreated into the fortress building.

The attack of the swarm was very difficult from the beginning, but after the alarm sounded throughout the city, the worm who secretly commanded the swarm unexpectedly found that all the directions of the attack were much smoother, and the swarm that entered the city broke through several times in one go. blocks. ,

This unusual situation caused the worms to be on high alert, but they couldn't think of what humans wanted to do for a while.

At the same time as the alarm sounded, in the depths of the ocean hundreds of kilometers away, a strategic missile nuclear submarine received an order from Beidu. The submarine immediately floated up to the launch depth, several launch tubes were opened in turn, and then one missile broke through the seawater. Barrier, dragged a bright tail flame into the sky, and quickly turned to the direction of Funing.

A minute later, several missiles flew over Funing at the same time. The missiles burst above the dark clouds, and the warheads scattered in the air and fell down at an extremely fast speed.

They passed silently through the clouds and fell straight towards Funing.

It was not until this time that the loud noise from the sky reached Funing.

Everyone who heard the sound immediately realized that the sound came from some kind of high-speed aircraft. Thinking of the alarm issued by the command center, at least one-third of the people in Quan Funing changed color instantly.

The insect people hiding in the dark also changed their color, but it was too late when they realized that the situation was not good. A red light stronger than sunlight instantly illuminated the battlefield. This light changed at a very fast speed. It was white, but before the strong light dissipated, the second strong light bloomed over Funing, followed by the third and fourth, and the whole Funing was shrouded in continuous red light, which was death from **** Light!

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