Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1791: laws of nature

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The drill bit touched the carapace and made a creaking sound. The drill bit gradually penetrated into the carapace, and some fine powder appeared in the hole.

Everyone watched intently, even the aliens.

Ye Han didn't know what the alien thought, but the alien struggled with all his strength, and a series of sounds like sawing wood came out of his mouth.

No one understands alien language, but if you think about it with your butt, you know that there must be no good words in the mouth of aliens... No matter who you put in the position of aliens, your heart will be full of resentment, and it is normal to scold a few words.

Ye Han originally wanted to restrain the alien so that his struggle would not affect the researchers, but this mobile hospital bed was much heavier than expected, and because he was tightly bound, no matter how hard the alien tried, his body remained motionless. , does not affect the work of the research staff at all.

Well, the institute must have thought of this long ago, so it deliberately provided a shared mobile hospital bed.

As the drill bit went deeper, the researcher moved more and more carefully, for fear that he might drill deeper by accident.

After a full two minutes, the drill bit finally penetrated the carapace. The researcher who manipulated the electric drill let out a long sigh and carefully took out the drill bit. Dark red blood immediately poured out of the hole.

The researcher immediately put the vacuum tube on and sucked blood from the borehole.

However, only a little blood poured out of the borehole and there was no movement. Obviously, it was not a blood vessel under the borehole.

The researchers are also very helpless about this. At present, no one knows the body structure of aliens, and naturally it is not clear where the blood vessels are.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiaye said without hesitation: "Change to something thicker!"

The researcher immediately followed suit, replaced it with a drill bit the thickness of a nail, and started the operation again.

This time the hole was much bigger, and the amount of bleeding increased significantly.

The researchers inserted the needle of the vacuum tube directly into the borehole, and the alien blood slowly filled the vacuum tube.

After drawing enough blood, several researchers hurried away with blood samples.

At this time, blood was still oozing out of the borehole. The researcher in charge of the borehole did not know what to smear on the borehole, and then stuffed something into the borehole, which blocked the borehole.

Ye Han's cheeks are pumping, is this to stop the bleeding of aliens? This style is too rough of his grandma, isn't it?

He didn't feel sorry for the aliens, but simply felt that he couldn't play with limited experimental objects so quickly.

At this time, Xu Jiaye said again: "Continue to check!"

The people who originally surrounded the aliens all retreated and put on another person.

Ye Han's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the man's certificate on his chest had his name: He Qiang.

He Qiang looked at the alien up and down, and the alien who struggled to no avail seemed to accept his fate, and just lay there without moving.

He Qiang seemed to have seen enough. He took out a tape measure he didn't know what material it was made of, pulled it apart, and compared it to the alien: "He is 1.62 meters tall!"

Another researcher immediately took down the data.

He Qiang continued to measure the alien's head: "Record, the head is 22 in length, 14 in width, 18 in height, and has no hair!"

Having said that, he took out a very inconspicuous hammer and knocked on the alien's forehead, making a blunt bang-bang sound: "The hardness of the skull is good!"

Putting away the hammer, He Qiang took out another mini flashlight, turned it on and illuminated the alien's eyes, and the alien's pupils instantly shrank.

He Qiang was amazed: "Interesting, their pupils look round, but they are actually petal-shaped. It's so strange!"

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately glanced at the alien's eyes. Sure enough, the pupil was not round, but like a flower, with a regular shape, but there was no way to accurately describe its shape.

He Qiang looked at Xu Jiaye: "This kind of eyes is too strange, how did they evolve?"

Ye Han said: "It's not necessarily natural evolution, maybe they changed it later."

"It also makes sense!" He Qiang nodded, changed the angle of the light, and observed the changes in the pupils. He found that the pupils of aliens were very interesting. The "petals" in different positions did not change at the same time, but changed according to the change of the light source. .

He Qiang couldn't figure out the reason, but he knew that there must be some unknown reason why the eyes of aliens evolved like this.

He Qiang didn't bother about this issue, he continued to check down: "The nose is flat, double holes!"

"A pair of ears, the pinna is slightly larger, and the position is a bit forward... It may have evolved like this to cope with the low-pressure environment!"

Ye Han is too lazy to mention the issue of natural evolution again, let the research institute study it casually!

At this time, He Qiang found the alien's mouth, he took out a small hammer again, stuffed the handle of the hammer into the alien's mouth, and opened the alien's mouth with a slight twist: "Wow, it The structure of the lips is similar to that of blinds, soft and retractable... There are teeth in the mouth, the front is flat, which is convenient for cutting; the back is rough and flat, which is convenient for grinding... No tongue!"

After He Qiang checked his facial features, he moved his gaze to the alien's neck. He pressed the hammer against the alien's head, causing the alien to turn his head from side to side: "The range of motion of the Jin Department is two hundred and ten degrees..."

Ye Han took a few steps back, leaned over to Xu Jiaye and asked in a low voice, "Director Xu, I want to ask a question!"

Xu Jiaye immediately said: "You say it!"

Ye Han said: "Why do aliens and humans look so similar?"

Xu Jiaye was a little confused: "Where does it look like?" He did not agree with this point of view at all.

"It's the same everywhere!" Ye Han said, "One head, one torso, hands and feet, isn't it a coincidence?"

Xu Jiaye looked suddenly: " You said this, this should be a natural law, to put it simply, there is a certain similarity in evolution... How can I tell you? Most living things can be divided into There are several parts of the head, chest, abdomen, and limbs, and there are some natural laws here!"

"What kind of rule?" Ye Han broke the casserole and asked to the end.

Xu Jiaye was a little embarrassed, but he quickly said: "For example, to facilitate movement, the legs are long at the bottom; for the convenience of work, the hands are long at the top; the head either grows on the top like a human, or like a wolf in the front. , are all for the convenience of observation; the position of the facial features is not random, the two eyes are because the things they see are three-dimensional; the two ears are convenient for judging the direction of the sound source... Maybe that's what it means!"

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "I seem to understand!"

He remembered that he had a cold when he was a child. One nostril was blocked and the other nostril could breathe normally. This should also be a manifestation of adapting to the environment.

And the laws of nature are not only useful on Earth, but also on other planets to obey the same laws, so aliens can grow into this look.

Well, there is nothing wrong with Xu Jiaye's answer, it must be full marks!

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