Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1792: study aliens

Xu Jiaye breathed a sigh of relief: "It's enough to understand." He is not a researcher, but an administrator of the laboratory. If he hadn't been in contact and listened more often, he might not be able to answer this question.

He Qiang's work has not stopped, and at this time, the torso of the alien has been found.

He tapped the alien's chest with a small hammer and listened carefully to the sound: "The breastplate is thick and smooth!"

Speaking of turning the hammer upside down, he first glanced at the alien, and suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Han: "Who, help me!"

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched, but he still helped according to the words, untied one of the alien's arms according to He Qiang's intention, and then opened the rest of the arm to expose the alien's ribs.

His current position is indeed not low, and he can definitely be said to be a high-ranking official in the military, but Ye Han has always been fighting on the front line, and he has never cultivated that kind of stinky problem.

Moreover, although the researcher's position is not high, he is not young. Judging from his appearance, he is at least three times as old as Ye Han. No matter how old Ye Han is, he can't lose the good habit of respecting the old and loving the young.

Xu Jiaye, who was standing on the side, was embarrassed, and quickly gave Ye Han an apologetic look.

Ye Han couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that no matter how careful I was, I wouldn't be so bad, right?

He Qiang had no psychological burden at all, and poked the alien's ribs with the handle of the hammer: "The ribs are soft, and the outer armor structure can be stretched... The upper arm and forearm have the same proportions, the wrist is thick, five fingers, and the fingers are thick... The little finger is the same length as the thumb? Haha, this hand is quite unique!" After speaking, he motioned Ye Han to put down the alien's arm.

Ye Han put down the alien's arm and tied it to the bed again.

He escorted the aliens all the way, and he has long known that the hands of aliens are different. To put it simply, humans have only one thumb, which is opposite to the other four fingers, while the aliens have two thumbs up and down, which are opposite to the other three fingers. .

If you use the drawing software to cut the picture of the handle along the middle finger, and make a mirror image of the half left with the thumb, it basically looks like the palm of an alien.

In addition, the aliens have thick fingers and palms, and they don't look much different from vise pliers. Even if I haven't verified it, I know that the grip of such a hand is definitely not weak.

Ye Han really wanted to use his cell fusion power to compare his strength with aliens... but he just thought about it.

He Qiang continued to check, but Ye Han couldn't help for the time being, so Ye Han simply retreated to Xu Jiaye's side.

Xu Jiaye said softly: "I'm sorry, Uncle He has such a temper, General Ye will bear with me."

"It's okay." Ye Han said with a smile.

At this time, He Qiang said: "The proportions of the thighs and calves are the same, the ankle joints are on the upward reflex, the soles of the feet are wide and thick, the toes are not divided, the arches of the feet are deep, and the heels are like the heels of the heels... These feet are very suitable for running!"

Ye Han blinked in surprise, then turned to look at Xu Jiaye: "Ankle joints? I always thought aliens had two knee joints!"

No wonder Ye Han misunderstood, the alien's legs are too long, one-third of the thigh, one-third of the middle leg, and the last one-third of the calf.

Xu Jiaye chuckled: "I was the same as you two days ago, didn't I send the photo later? I heard from our experts that the first bend above is the knee joint, and the bottom one is actually the bare joint. The part below that we think is the calf, is actually a very large foot bone... Well, that's probably what it means!"

"And this?" Ye Han suddenly felt that his brain was not enough, "It's so strange that it's really hard for them!"

"Strange?" Xu Jiaye's eyes were full of surprise, "This structure runs the fastest, why is it so strange?"

Ye Han was stunned: "Run fast? Can't you? When I caught them, I didn't think they ran fast!"

"I only said that this kind of structure can run fast, but I didn't say that aliens can run!" Xu Jiaye said, "People are different, some people can run a marathon, some people can run a few steps and gasp, you say the same Is it?"

Ye Hanxin said that what you said was very reasonable, but I was speechless!

Xu Jiaye added: "Actually, you must have seen similar structures, such as horses and ostriches. Their leg structures are similar to those of aliens. The bottom bend is not the knee joint, but the ankle joint!"

"What else?" Ye Han looked surprised.

He thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember what the hind legs of these two animals looked like. He could only vaguely remember that they did bend back where the knees should be... Well, these two animals are very capable of running and fast. A very fast species, Xu Jiaye wants to use earth creatures to prove alien creatures!

Ye Han has been educated by the country and the army for many years. He is a real materialist. He believes that the laws of nature can play the same role anywhere in the universe.

For example, water flows down, such as the properties of various natural substances. Of course, the evolution of living things must obey certain laws that exist in nature, but cannot be seen or touched.

Therefore, Xu Jiaye's argument seems to be arrogant, but in some cases, it can indeed explain those unknown things, and at least it is a very powerful reference.

Xu Jiaye suddenly gave a mischievous smile: "I heard this in the past two days!"

Ye Han also smiled: "This is the first to get the moon from the building near the water... By the way, I heard from the bug people that the shell on the alien seems to be a bit tricky, either it grows later or wears it."

Xu Jiaye immediately widened his eyes: "Really?"

Ye Han shrugged irresponsibly: "I heard it too, whether it's true or not, you research!"

"So, what you look like now is not the true face of aliens!"

Ye Han said: "Does it have anything to do with the real face?"

Xu Jiaye nodded and said, "It doesn't matter much..."

Before he finished speaking, He Qiang had already left the alien: "Director, you can go to the next item!"

Xu Jiaye quickly responded: "Okay, let's start!"

Ye Han asked curiously, "What's the next item?"

"Find out the internal structure of the Jiaye pointed to the corner, where there are several large-scale equipment that are very complicated at first glance.

Ye Han distinguished it carefully, pointed to one of them and asked, "That's an X-ray, right?"

"Yes!" Xu Jiaye nodded.

"What about the others? Also medical equipment?" Ye Han asked.

"Of course, what do you think we use to study aliens? Cut them directly?"

Ye Han really didn't think about this question, he thought about it and said, "X-rays... Shouldn't it be able to penetrate the shell of aliens?"

"No problem, we have something else." Xu Jiaye said.

Ye Han asked, "What are these things for?"

Xu Jiaye pointed to the past one by one: "This is CT, this is MRI, this is ultrasound, this is high-energy X-ray..."

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