Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1843: sincerity

John really didn't expect that under three orders and five applications, the garrison in the abandoned city still clashed with the landing troops. John really couldn't accept this result.

Is this really what you are afraid of, is the head of the garrison commander in the abandoned city full of worm shit?

Phil said calmly: "Boss, I'm pretty sure the garrison in the abandoned city has received a ban, but according to my investigation, the army in the abandoned city not only did not hide, but took the initiative to provoke conflict, I don't think this series of incidents is Accidentally, but there is a black hand behind it!"

Lander jumped up abruptly: "Phil, are you talking about me?"

The Abandoned City Army is a bug army and belongs to his jurisdiction. Phil clearly blamed the Abandoned City Army, but he was actually implying that he was the black hand behind it.

Phil was unmoved, and said calmly, "Unfortunately, it's not."

Rand snorted coldly and sat down again.

"Who is that?" John asked sullenly.

Regardless of whether Phil's findings are true or not, speaking these words at this time and place is very detrimental to the internal unity of the Resistance Army.

But there was nothing John could do. Phil didn't report the situation to him in advance, which made John very passive.

Phil said: "It's still unclear. The abandoned city has been destroyed, and the officers and soldiers who commanded the operation are all dead. I can't find out the details. The information that has been found is also due to coincidence."

"Is there no more?" John asked reluctantly.

"The direction of the abandoned city is gone, but there was another battle yesterday. An orbital airborne force landed in the abandoned city and the southeast of the abandoned city. Also yesterday, we received news that the missing Carlos appeared in the southeast of the abandoned city. We sent a whole group of cavalry to search the mountains in the direction of Kapa, ​​but our cavalry and the airborne **** paratroopers clashed, and they were finally hit by lasers from space, and the damage was very heavy."

"Carlos?" John stood up suddenly, "Found him?"

"Yes, but according to the information I have received, he is with the **** paratroopers and should have left Australia by now."

"Damn it!" John punched the table. "How could this be?"

Pilard also stood up: "Boss, this is very important news, I think the doctor should be notified immediately!"

"No, don't need it for now!" John said. "Telling the doctor won't help. Since he has fallen into Beidu's hands, we'd better settle this matter at the negotiating table!"

"How to solve it?" Pillard asked. "The North will definitely interrogate Carlos, but what will Carlos say? I have no objection to bringing everything to the negotiating table, but the North will believe us, or will Carlos?"

John said: "As long as we show the sincerity of cooperation, Beidu will definitely believe us!"

Pillard said anxiously: "But how can we be sincere? Phil, do you know where the captured motor infantry is?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know," Phil said. "It could be under any ruins in the ruined city."

"And what about the culprit who planned all this?"

Phil's expressionless face turned gloomy again: "We're looking for him too, but I don't have any useful clues, I need time."

"What we lack most is time, and we must find a way to make Beidu believe us!" Pilard said.

"My God!" John was exhausted. "We can't fulfill the two demands that Beidu put forward. Now, let's talk about what we can come up with. Anything that can make Beidu feel sincere is fine."

"Cooperation against aliens is very beneficial to both of us, and I believe that the North will definitely agree." Phil said.

"Just like that? Specifically?" John asked.

"Use our experience to find alien bases; use our identity advantages to infiltrate alien bases; use our ability to control the swarm; and..." Having said this, Phil glanced at Pillard, "It's better to be able to Providing a little technology to Beidu can not only exchange for the support we need, but maybe also exchange for a little material support.”

John also looked at Pilard: "Can the professor agree?"

Pilard said: "I don't think it's a big problem. The professor's greatest wish is to become a human in his lifetime."

"Okay, please explain to the professor and see what kind of technology we can provide to Beidu." John said.

Pilard nodded: "Okay, there must be no problem with the professor."

Professor Carter always considered himself to be a person and always spurned the identity of the bugger. As long as this matter was beneficial to mankind, the professor would not refuse.

John said to Phil again: "Go all out to track down the black hand behind you, the sooner the better!"

"I've done that, Boss," Phil said.

"Very good!" John nodded in satisfaction.

"I have another suggestion!" said Pilard.

John's eyes turned to Pilard: "Tell me about it."

Pillard said: "BOSS, you know, we have the world's largest uranium mine here, and uranium is an important raw material for making nuclear weapons. I don't think the North will be able to refuse this condition!"

John was startled: "You mean, sell uranium ore?"

"We have beneficiation equipment, and we can completely sell the concentrated ore, and even sell it to Beidu after preliminary processing." Pilard said, "I think this kind of sincerity should be able to impress Beidu, not only to exchange for the urgent materials we need, but also to sell to Beidu. Maybe we can change some weapons and equipment, after all, our current military production has just started.”

"Then add this one!" said John.

He doesn't care about nuclear or non-nuclear raw materials, and the Resistance Army can't build nuclear bombs. Exchanges buried resources for the trust and support of the Northern Capital is definitely a good deal with guaranteed profits.

Hearing John's agreement, Pilard was very relieved, and Leta, who was sitting not far away, showed a faint smile.

It is not impossible for military industry to develop independently behind closed doors, but the speed is too slow. If we can get help from Beidu, the military industry level of the Resistance Army will definitely usher in a qualitative leap... If we can get the manufacturing technology of power armor, it will be the best. All right!

It is not known what the outcome of the negotiations will be, and Letta has already begun to look forward to the scene after receiving support.

She knew that with Australia's current level of military industry, even if she got the drawings of power armor, the skills of the workers would not reach the level of making power armor, but she couldn't help it, and she always thought in this direction.

John's eyes swept across the crowd: "Who else has something to say?"

Everyone shook their heads one by one, all saying that they had nothing to say.

"Okay, that's all set. I'll contact Beidu in a while, and set the time for the negotiation as soon as possible. Let Beidu choose the location. That's it, the meeting is over!"

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