Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1844: negotiator

After the meeting, the communication department of the resistance army immediately contacted the Chinese show fleet at sea, and established direct contact with the northern capital through the fleet.

The resistance army is very eager to start the negotiations as soon as possible, and Beidu also feels that the night is long and dreamy. They don’t want to delay the time. They simply don’t send people from Beidu. They directly dispatch the Youzhou aircraft carrier battle group assigned to the Southeast Group to go south, nominally escorting the delegation to participate in the negotiation. , actually deterring the Resistance with a powerful fleet.

While the Youzhou aircraft carrier battle group was heading south, Ye Han, who was still hiding near the abandoned city, also received an order from Beidu, asking him to negotiate with the resistance army on behalf of Beidu.

Ye Han almost bit his tongue and pointed at himself in disbelief: "Me? Negotiation?"

Wu Han raised his brows slightly: "What? Do you have an opinion?"

"I have no opinion!" Ye Han quickly expressed his attitude, "But I have never negotiated with anyone!"

"It doesn't matter." Wu Han said, "I didn't need you to do anything at first. The negotiation experts are prepared for remote assistance. You can say what the experts say."

Ye Han suddenly said: "Understood, I'm just a display for bug people!"

"You can think so if you want." Wu Han said, "Are there any questions?"

Ye Han grinned and asked embarrassedly: "Commander, why don't you change someone? I'm just this one, I can't negotiate with the resistance army in armor, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this, you can withdraw as soon as possible, let the submarine send you to the Youzhou, and I will coordinate the navy to prepare military uniforms for you." Wu Han said, "Take all your team members as your bodyguards. ."

Ye Han was stunned: "Such a high standard?"

Wu Hanyu said earnestly: "Anyway, pay attention to your own safety. Even if you don't wear armor, you have to carry it with you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Han rubbed his forehead: "Why do I think this is a sheep entering the tiger's mouth? Why don't I put on the armor!"

Wu Han pulled the corners of his mouth without smiling, "So afraid of death?"

Ye Han's face is not blushing or panting, and he looks like a matter of course: "Of course I'm afraid, I still have a wife and children!"

"Fuck off, it's useless to talk to me!" Wu Han said angrily, "It's almost time, hurry up and get down to business."

At the end of the communication, Ye Han sighed helplessly, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that the above arrangement was too unreliable.

But the order has been given, and no matter how many thoughts he has, he can only hold it in his heart.

The special team quickly withdrew to the sea under the leadership of Ye Han, entered the submarine and went north with the boat, waiting for the Youzhou under the water only a few dozen kilometers away from Australia.

After a whole day, the submarine and the Youzhou aircraft carrier battle group converged, and Ye Han and others were transferred to the frigate for the first time.

There, Ye Han got his military uniform, a straight and pure white general's dress.

Several squadron leaders immediately came together, Xiao Yuan widened his eyes: "Why is it from the Navy?"

Ye Han sighed: "Do you still expect the Navy to have our uniforms?"

Due to the special environment, the uniforms of the Space Force are all jumpsuits. No matter what the military uniforms are used for, they all use soft signs that can be fitted.

This uniform is not as straight-forward as the uniform of the ground troops, but it is very suitable for the weightless environment.

The naval major who sent the uniform reminded: "Chief, we will be there in a while!"

In fact, this military uniform is not a real general's dress, but a school officer's dress with the rank of general.

It's not that the navy fooled Ye Han, but the entire Youzhou battle group has only one major general. The stature of this rear admiral is quite different from Ye Han's, and the task is too urgent. The official dress will come soon.

It wasn't his own clothes anyway, so Ye Han wasn't picky, and took off his power armor resignedly, revealing the jumpsuit inside, "Xiao Yuan, help me hold the armor!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan immediately called a few soldiers and carefully put away Ye Han's armor.

Putting on a straight dress, the major took out an inconspicuous black box, opened it and took out a pair of ordinary black-rimmed glasses: "Sir, this is for you!"

Ye Han took it over and put it on: "What is this for?"

"Camera glasses." The major handed Ye Han a small earphone and a black plastic box the size of a palm, "This is a signal transceiver, through which the signals of glasses and earphones are sent out, just open it before negotiation. "

"Got it." Ye Han hung the box on his waist, "Is that all right?"

The major hesitated and asked uncertainly, "Do you need to bring a weapon?"

Ye Han thought for a while: "Alright, prepare me an armored pistol."

The major was obviously taken aback: "Is this bad?"

Armored pistols are much larger than ordinary pistols. Wearing a dress with an armored pistol is nondescript.

Ye Han smiled: "There's nothing wrong, I'm not at ease without this stuff."

He has a pistol in his armor, but he doesn't want to take his gun out of the armor.

Xiao Yuan said: "It's okay, no one cares about this."

The major thought about it too, nodded and ran to find the armored pistol... The special operations team on the ship has a full set of armored weapons, so don't worry about not being able to find them.

Ten minutes later, the shadow of the land appeared on the sea due south, and the fleet changed course slightly and turned to the southwest.

A few minutes later, the abandoned city was in sight, Ye Han rubbed his chin and smacking his mouth: "You said, if the bugmen were the ones who ordered me to blow up the abandoned city like this, what would they think?"

"I don't know." Xiao Yuan said honestly, "As they are so cowardly, they probably don't have the guts to do anything to you."

"It's hard to say." Ouyang Ping said cautiously and said it for a while, pay attention, and don't say anything wrong. "

Luo Qi suddenly said: "There is a group of insects on the dock, they must be here to pick us up!"

Ye Han said sternly: "Get ready, my little life is up to you."

"Just put your heart in your stomach!" Xiao Yuan said with a smile, "If something really happened, I'll be the first to block you!"

At this time, a dull whistling sound suddenly came from the Youzhou ship not far away. Everyone looked at it subconsciously, and saw a drone soaring into the sky, and then another drone catapulted into the sky.

Soon after, two UAVs took off successively, and four UAVs formed two double-plane formations, circling and flying above the aircraft carrier battle group.

At this time, the aircraft carrier battle group had arrived at the sea outside the abandoned city, and anchored a few kilometers away from the port. Then the frigate where Ye Han was located separated from the fleet and slowly sailed to the abandoned city port.

A few hundred meters away from the port, Ye Han stood on the port side of the battleship. Xiao Yuan, Ouyang Ping, Luo Qi and others followed behind him. All the secret service members lined up along the side of the ship, facing the bug-men on the dock.

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