Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1845: best cover

The frigate slowly approached the pier. Before the gangway was lowered, Xiao Yuan had already let out a low voice over the radio. The entire second squadron suddenly jumped off the side of the ship and landed neatly on the pier, startling the bugmen who were about to get together.

Then the other squadrons also jumped down, and dozens of soldiers covered in power armor guarded the corner of the pier, not letting go of any suspicious traces.

Xiao Yuan didn't inform Ye Han that everything was normal until he was sure that the worm was not playing any tricks.

The frigate lowered the ramp, Ye Han was the first to go down, and the soldiers of the first squadron followed closely and acted as his personal escort.

A group of worms approached the team's defense line. One worm left the team alone, walked to Ye Han, stretched out his right hand, and said in very fluent Chinese: "Representative of the Resistance Army, Phil Smith."

Ye Han's pupils shrank, remembering that Carlos mentioned that the intelligence director of the Resistance Army was called Phil, but is this Phil that person?

He pondered in his heart, and shook hands with Phil calmly on the surface: "Beijing negotiator, Ye Han!"

"General Ye, please!" Phil stepped aside, "We have prepared a place for you, and the conditions are poor, please don't take offense."

This place was only bombed into ruins by the Languan ship a few days ago. As far as he could see, there were collapsed buildings everywhere, but Phil didn't mention the bombing at all, and he looked very urban.

Phil didn't mention it, but Ye Han was a little unnatural. He followed Phil a few steps and accidentally saw a bug cart... It was a vehicle similar to a carriage, but it was not a horse that pulled the cart. Two yellow-green giant bugs!

Thinking of the bug cavalry he met not long ago, Ye Han couldn't help but sigh, this thing really has bug man characteristics!

Phil asked Ye Han to get into the car. Ye Han felt like a nail had grown under his feet, and he didn't move.

Phil was startled, and was about to say something when the two secret service members had already passed them, grabbed the buggy car and checked it carefully, and then nodded to Ye Han until it was confirmed that there was no problem.

Phil's face sank, but he quickly returned to normal: "The general's subordinates are really serious."

Ye Han smiled slightly: "There's nothing wrong with being careful when you're out." Then he stepped on the bug car.

There was only one bug car, and only Phil got in the car to accompany him.

The same is true for the secret service team. They quickly rushed to the sides of the bug car and protected the bug car.

The residence prepared by the resistance army was a bit far away. On the way, Phil talked to Ye Han one after another, trying to get some useful information out of Ye Han's mouth.

Although Ye Han is inexperienced, he has the remote support of Beidu and has been coping with it without hesitation. Until the bug car arrived at the residence, Phil did not come up with much useful things. In order to negotiate smoothly, Beidu deliberately leaked some news to Phil. .

The residence that the resistance army prepared for Ye Han was a small single-family villa with a wall of more than three meters high, which looked very solid.

Ouyang Ping took two squadrons and rushed into the yard in front of Ye Han. It took more than an hour to search the villa inside and out several times before confirming that there was no problem with the villa.

Phil was very dissatisfied, and directly wrote his displeasure on his face, and even bluntly said that the resistance army could not assassinate the negotiators in the northern capital, and asked Ye Han to stay at ease.

Ye Han only said that this was a standard procedure, not that he didn't believe in the resistance army, but in short, he dealt with it first, and said it nicely, but he was not willing to take any precautions.

After Ouyang Ping confirmed that the villa was ok, Phil with a gloomy face immediately got up and said goodbye.

Ye Han said a few polite words and watched Phil leave thoughtfully.

He felt that Phil should not be the kind of person who wrote everything on his face, and even if the resistance was gone, it was impossible to send that kind of rectifier out to negotiate.

Then the only answer is that Phil's dissatisfaction and depression are all faked.

What is Kefei doing this for?

Ye Han couldn't find the answer, so he simply shared his thoughts with the negotiating experts in Beidu and asked them to help analyze and analyze.

Although Phil left, the bug troop he brought did not. After the delegation led by Ye Han moved into the villa, the defense of the villa was separated from the inside and outside. Responsible.

The secret service team did not dare to relax at all. Everyone was divided into three shifts, two squadrons in one group, and everyone was on duty in turn, 24 hours a day.

In addition, the secret service team also brought a group of insect drones. After staying in the villa, they released the drones as soon as possible. The drones were centered on the villa, and all areas within a radius of one kilometer were included in the monitoring range. .

Don't say it's a bug, it's just a rat, and don't even think about sneaking into the villa under the surveillance of the drone.

In addition, the military also dispatched two satellites to monitor the whole of Australia. This villa has received the focus of the satellites. If there is a slight disturbance, Ye Han will be notified immediately.

Everything is ready, the rest is up to the Resistance.

Due to various reasons, the resistance army hopes that the negotiation will start as soon as possible. The bigger it is, so Phil plans to leave Ye Han in the villa to dry for a few days.

The resistance army was not in a hurry, and Ye Han was even less anxious, and lived in the villa with peace of mind and waited slowly.

At midnight three days later, Ye Han, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly called out by Ouyang Ping: "Captain, there is a situation!"

Ye Han immediately woke up: "What happened?"

Ouyang Ping said: "I just received a notification from above that a group of bugs is suspicious and is approaching the villa!"

Ye Han quickly stood up: "Which direction?"

"To the southeast, about three kilometers away." Ouyang Ping said.

Ye Han said: "Closely monitor the movement of the bug people!" Then he put on the jumpsuit and put on the power armor.

No matter what the worm wants to do, it's definitely right to put on the armor first... He doesn't want to wear a dress, just bring an armored pistol and fight with the worm!

Of course, it's hard to say what's going on now, in short, be prepared.

Just a few minutes later, Ouyang Ping reported again: "It's two kilometers away!"

Ye Han frowned: "It looks like it's really coming for us... Wake up all the team members and get ready for battle!"

After a while, Ouyang Ping reported for the third time: "There is still one kilometer left, captain, move on, this place can't stay."

Ye Han nodded: "Everyone evacuated the villa and concentrated to the northwest, hiding against the wall!"


The order was quickly conveyed downward, everyone withdrew from the villa, and quickly and silently gathered under the courtyard wall in the northwest direction... The villa has been in disrepair, and the courtyard is full of weeds. These weeds are the best cover for the team members. .


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