Armor Frenzy

Chapter 659: death light

Tiangong number.

"Don't let us die in vain..."

After the last sentence was finished, there was only rustling noise on the radio, and Gao Kai was furious: "What's going on?"

The communications staff officer looked at Gao Kai and shook his head solemnly.

Gao Kai slammed his fist on the armrest, clenching his fist so hard that his arms kept shaking.

"Chief of Staff, what should I do?"

Gao Kai raised his head and took a deep breath: "How far are the reinforcements?"

"Ten minutes to the nearest troops."

"It's too slow." Gao Kai gritted his teeth, "Order the Shiwan, give me a neutron bomb to blow up the target, I will take responsibility for it."

"I don't care what ammunition he uses, he blows the target for me, and I will take responsibility for it."


With an order, two guided neutron shells were immediately filled into the cannon, and the shells came out of the cannonball with the twinkling of the two groups of cannon flames, falling towards Fengcheng under the dual action of gunpowder gas and gravity.

At the same time as the cannons were fired, Fengcheng sounded the air raid siren again. The unusual sound of the siren shocked all the residents, and all those exposed outdoors flocked to the nearby buildings.

But it was too late. All buildings in the city closed their doors and windows immediately and activated the indoor three-proof equipment.

The aliens are not interested in the warnings of human beings. At this time, the defenders surrounding the alien warships have been wiped out. Half of the flying aliens fell back to the ground, killing the wounded who could not move; the other half flew to the escaped. Above the crowd, the sound of the wings flapping made the crowd even more flustered.

The aliens in the air lingered for a moment as if they were watching a play. They casually lifted them up and used them. The silk lights flickered and cut repeatedly in front of the crowd. The civilians at the front hurriedly braked, but were pushed towards the silk lights by the crowd behind them, and they were instantly cut by the silk lights. into pieces.

The crowd became more chaotic, fled in all directions, and even some panicked civilians fled to the alien warship.

More aliens flew over the crowd, started from several directions together, formed a huge cage with silk light, and enclosed the fleeing crowd in the cage.

In order for the aliens to make the sound of rubbing the wood chips, the mercerized light in the direction of the alien battleship was removed, and then a thin light was used to form a passage leading to the alien battleship.

The crowd was still in a panic, but everyone understood what the aliens meant.

Everyone knows that everyone's lives are in the hands of the aliens, and either they will be killed by the aliens now, or they will do what the aliens want.

The first option is to die right away, and to die happily; the second option is to die later, perhaps tormented.

But knowing it, knowing it, the fear of death made everyone squeeze together firmly, that is, no one committed suicide by hitting the wall of light, and no one moved a step from the alien battleship.

The alien's patience was extremely limited, and upon seeing this, they immediately closed the light cage, forcing the crowd in the cage to move to the alien battleship.

At this moment, two blazing red rays of light fell from the sky, and the moment they hit the alien warship, nuclear light burst out. All the nearby humans who were staring directly at their hearts were stabbed in the eyes by the strong light, and they were seriously blinded on the spot.

Immediately after the shock wave swept across, the heavy alien warship was lifted by the explosion, turned out of the shock pit, and smashed into the crowd captured by the aliens.

The aliens in the air were directly overturned by the shock wave, and the optical network was self-destructed.

The shock wave blew down all the standing people, turning them into rolling gourds, but after being blown away by the shock wave for dozens of meters, he lost half his life even if he didn't die.

But the shock wave of the explosion was still far worse than before, only destroying the buildings within a few hundred meters. Although the buildings five hundred meters away were strongly shaken, not even a single crack appeared.

Optical radiation and shock waves are not very powerful, and the invisible stream of fast neutrons is the most deadly killer.

Within a radius of 300 meters from the epicenter, humans who are directly exposed to radiation will lose their ability to move permanently, and most of them will die on the spot. Humans within a radius of 4 to 800 meters will die 6 times within a month. Some of the people in between will suffer from radiation sickness.

But nothing is absolute. Even in the vicinity of the explosion center, some people hide behind the collapsed building to avoid the bombardment of the neutron stream.

Although the lethality of the neutron bomb is strong, it also depends on the specific circumstances of the explosion.

The alien warship did not land normally, but forced to land under various firepower from the military. Not only did it knock down a few cabinets, but it also smashed an impact crater more than ten meters deep on the ground.

The collapsed buildings were piled up around the alien battleship, almost burying the lower half of the battleship.

In order to reduce the damage of neutron bombs to the city, Shiwan deliberately chose the landing point of the shells at the junction of the side of the alien warship and the bottom of the pit. In this way, the warship and the pit wall would become an obstacle to the neutron flow and reduce the neutron flow. Power range.

It must be noted that after the urban building was fortified, the outer walls were at least fifty centimeters thick concrete, and the military was more careful during the renovation. There is a certain protection bonus to things like Neutron Stream.

When the neutron bomb exploded, 500 meters away from the center of the explosion, the total amount of radiation received by the people who stayed in the building honestly was only equivalent to one X-ray exposure, which would not cause any impact on health.

As for those who are exposed... No matter how powerful a neutron bomb is, it is still a nuclear Even if you hide behind a collapsed building and block the neutron flow with several meters of building debris, you cannot escape the radiation dust generated by the explosion. .

Those who died on the spot within the range of nuclear explosions were the lucky ones, those who escaped the neutron flow, but were contaminated by radioactive dust.

At this time, the lucky ones who are in the upper limelight are really lucky, and the lucky ones who are in the lower limelight are unlucky. Cleaning the whole body can minimize the harm of radiation dust.

If the deadly radiation dust is inhaled into the body, there is absolutely no hope, and the immortals will not be able to save it.

After the war, the survivors of the Fengcheng nuclear explosion filed a lawsuit against the military, suing Gao Kai and other personnel related to the Fengcheng nuclear explosion. Although the military accepted the case, only Gao Kai stood in the dock.

The plaintiff protested in court, the judge stood up in awe, and declared in a deep voice that none of the people involved in the Fengcheng nuclear explosion refused to appear in court, but only Gao Kai survived the war, and all the others died in the war.

After a short trial, the military court found Gao Kai and others not guilty,

The nuclear explosion in Fengcheng resulted in the death and injury of thousands of innocent people, but compared with the destruction caused by the aliens, the casualties of hundreds of people were nothing at all.

A nuclear explosion is a catastrophe for any civilian affected, but at the national level, what is more important between thousands and millions?

Gao Kai is indeed worthy of the country and nation, but as a soldier, facing the innocent people affected by the nuclear explosion, what remains in the hearts of Gao Kai and others is eternal guilt and regret.

After the verdict was over, Gao Kai took the initiative to walk to the plaintiff's table to stand and bow, but did not get up for a long time.

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