Armor Frenzy

Chapter 660: Underground pursuit

The mushroom cloud rose higher and higher, the smoke of the nuclear explosion drifted in the wind, and Tiangong regained satellite images of Fengcheng.

In the scattered cities, the impact grooves left by the alien warships are extremely conspicuous.

At the end of the impact ditch, the huge impact crater was closely attached to the two blasting craters. On the left and right sides of the impact crater, the broken water supply pipes flowed like a stream, flowing down the wall of the crater and mixed with the sewage flowing out of the sewer. into the huge hole at the bottom of the impact crater.


Gao Kai was surprised and inexplicable: "What is this hole for? Is it the civil air defense project in Fengcheng?"

The side of the hole near the blast pit has collapsed. It is obviously an ordinary earth hole. No matter what kind of project, this situation is impossible, but Gao Kai is worried that the nuclear explosion collapsed the underground space to form this hole.

The technician quickly looked up the information: "Report, there are no civil air defense projects or other underground projects in this location." After that, he added in his mind: sewers are not counted.

Gao Kai's brows furrowed deeply: "You say, is this thing made by aliens?"

Deputy Chief of Staff Jia Zhengguo replied attentively: "This location is right under the belly of the alien battleship. I don't believe this is a coincidence."

"I thought the same." Gao Kai said, "Where are our people?"

"Has entered the boundary of Fengcheng, two points... no, one minute!"

"Order the troops, let me find out what's going on in this hole... Just send half of the people in, and the other half will be divided into two groups. One way is to inspect the wreckage of the alien warship, and the other way is on standby in the air. Let's execute it."


When the troops received the order, the plane had already arrived over the alien warship, and Ye Han gave an order and jumped out of the cabin first.

Since entering the Marine Corps, he has been thinking about how to perform actual combat missions in the future, such as boarding a spacecraft immediately after receiving an order, and performing an orbital airborne immediately after leaving the atmosphere; another example is the use of flying equipment to land directly on the enemy. The back of the position is attacked from both sides; another example is taking an assault boat to forcibly land on an alien warship...

But he never thought that the first actual combat mission he received was actually jumping from a transport plane with a parachute on his back.

But it doesn’t matter, the mobile soldiers are all from special forces, and parachuting is the most basic foundation. The Marine Corps was born out of the mobile soldiers, and the orbital airborne itself is an advanced version of the paratroopers. Conventional parachuting can’t help any team member.

The soldiers rushed out of the cabin at a very fast speed, and twenty-one umbrella flowers bloomed in the air.

Before Ye Han's feet landed, the monitor on his forearm issued a harsh alarm, reminding him that the radiation intensity on the ground exceeded the normal level.

With a thought, the alarm was turned off, Ye Han touched the ground with both feet and landed smoothly, and the parachute landed slowly behind him.

He pulled out his saber and cut the paracord neatly. Ye Han took off the rifle with his backhand and held it in his hand. He held the muzzle in one hand and pointed forward and downward. He raised his left hand to his shoulder and typed the numbers one and two. Then he retracted his arm and played the number three, and then straightened his arm to point to the alien battleship not far away.

One group and two groups immediately dispersed, approaching the impact crater from the left and right directions. The soldiers’ strides were very small, but the frequency of their movements was very fast.

Wearing power armor, it is completely possible to give orders with voice. The reason for giving orders in sign language is to try not to occupy limited wireless communication resources to ensure smooth communication.

The first team and the second team stopped on their own after reaching the edge of the cave. The soldiers stared in one direction back to back, and there were people guarding them in all directions, including overhead.

Ye Han rushed to the edge of the pit and looked down. The sun slanted from the west could only illuminate the collapsed cave wall, and the depth of the cave was pitch black.

Ye Han took out a light stick and bent it twice, tapped it in the palm of his hand again, and threw it into the hole with shaking hands.

The rotating glow sticks fell along the sloping hole, flew thirty or forty meters before falling, and landed on the damp soil, emitting a faint glow.

Ye Han made a few gestures, indicating that he would go down first, and the others would follow. Without waiting for everyone to object, he jumped into the hole first and ran down the collapsed slope.

The soil on the **** was very soft, and the power armor was very heavy. When he stepped on it, it sank to his knees. Ye Han simply jumped like a rabbit. He thought that the situation would not change much after leaving the collapsed slope. But after the feet touched the ground, the feet were as hard as falling on the road, and there was no sagging.

Taking a step across and looking again, Ye Han only printed two shallow footprints on the soil, and nothing else.

This is still the effect of jumping up and falling, and normal walking leaves no trace at all.

The group of people stepped on the solid soil and were amazed, but no one said a word of unnecessary nonsense. The two groups took one side and moved forward cautiously along the ground.

The meandering sewage flows all the way to the depths of the burrow. Ye Han doesn't know how deep the burrow is. As the team goes deeper and deeper into the burrow, Ye Han can't help thinking of the criss-crossing giant ant nest in the Linyi underground.

Fortunately, the original experience did not leave him any psychological After advancing a few hundred meters, the entrance of the hole when he came has already turned into a faint light the size of a ping-pong ball.

At this time, the vertical distance between the location of the team and the ground is at least tens of meters. Under normal circumstances, the groundwater should have submerged everyone long ago, but probably because of excessive exploitation, the groundwater level in Fengcheng is even lower than expected. Big cut.

After going deep into the hole, the team kept advancing straight, and finally there was a turn in front of it. Ye Han alertly signaled the team to stop moving forward.

The soldiers stopped immediately and raised their rifles vigilantly.

Ye Han was about to take a few steps forward to take a look at the situation, when he suddenly heard a very regular sound of water splashing around the corner, one after another, like a urchin splashing and playing.

Ye Han immediately became alert, made careful gestures to the soldiers, and then took out a black-painted mechanical spider and placed it on the ground. The related equipment started running automatically. In less than a second, Ye Han obtained the mechanical spider's perspective.

This nimble little thing moved forward quickly under the control of Ye Han, and quickly crossed the corner.

Ye Han was stunned to find that behind the corner, there was an unusually large giant insect lying in the sewage, sucking the sewage one after another.

Ye Hanxin said that you are not picky, you can drink such disgusting water!

This thing looks similar to a beetle. It must be related to blood. Perhaps it is a bonus to its body shape by living underground. Apart from the amazingly long giant cockroach, this beetle with a body length of more than ten meters has no doubts. The third runner-up in the giant insect shape competition.

Ye Han noticed that there were a pair of short limbs similar to mole crickets on the left and right of the head of this thing, and combined with the width of the hole, he suddenly had an idea - the hole was not dug by this thing, right?

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