Armor Frenzy

Chapter 672: fall

The terrain in the cave is complex, and the soldiers acted very carefully, so as not to be careless and encounter danger.

After searching the cavern where the exit was located, the team that found nothing continued to advance to the depths of the cave.

Liu Bin approached Ye Han and asked in a low voice, "Chief of Staff, why can't you see a wolf worm in this place? If this place is really a wolf worm's winter nest, you have to arrange a few worms to watch the gate, right? It's so spacious. Is it too careless to drive without anyone caring?"

"I'm not sure if it's a worm's nest. Let's take a look first." Ye Han said.

The passages in the karst cave extend in all directions, without any rules. Often, it is a road to the sky just a few moments ago, and a few steps later is a path of sheep intestines. It seems that the route leading to the depths of the karst cave is most likely to go back and forth. The detour caused trouble for the soldiers.

Sometimes it is clear that it is only necessary to pass through a narrow passage to reach the next target, but the passage is often a passage that people can climb over, but the wide power armor cannot get in anyway, and the soldiers can only find another feasible path.

Although there are few people entering the cave, there are some ways to widen the passage, but in order not to disturb the possible wolves, Ye Han and others chose to take a detour.

After constant attempts, the team finally found the correct route, but because of the wall of the cave, no one found that the direction of the team was exactly the same as the direction of the water flow.

Going around in the cave, it is difficult to calculate how far it has gone, but it is probably about three to five hundred meters away, when Ye Han suddenly heard the sound of gurgling water.

As soon as we entered the cave, we encountered an underground river. Everyone didn’t take the sound of water to heart at all, but the sound of water became louder as we walked forward. Not at all.

Ye Han simply stopped rambling, and directly ordered the troops to go in the direction of the flowing water.

Going around a few stone pillars, the sound of water suddenly increased. Liu Bin glanced around for a week but found nothing: "His grandma, where did such a big noise come from?"

"Could it be an echo?" Xue Ju said.

Liu Bin felt that there was some truth to this guess, and nodded, "It's possible..."

Just halfway through the words of Neng, there was a sudden clatter from the top 100, and then I heard a stretched exclamation in my ears, the kind of stretched exclamation when one falls from upstairs or a cliff.



Several voices shouted in unison, and the radio cluttered.

Ye Han's face changed: "What's going on?"

"Report, Xiangzi has fallen!"

Liu Bin was shocked and angry: "Where did you fall?"

Xiangzi is a member of his team. His name is Du Jixiang. Because there is auspicious character in his name, everyone calls him Xiangzi. Except for formal occasions, his real name is rarely mentioned.

Liu Bin heard a bang in his ears, like something smashed into deep water from a height, and then heard the soldier's answer: "There's a hole here...

Ye Han immediately said: "All attention, don't move in place, leave one person in front, and the others withdraw!"

Based on what he has already learned, he has automatically made up the previous situation.

The bottom of the cave is like a floor slab, just a layer of slate. Below the slate is probably the underground river. The hole where Xiangzi fell is the passage connecting the upper and lower holes, which is probably the weakest position of the slate.

The thickness of the slate is not clear at the moment. If everyone gathers near the hole, it is very likely that the fragile slate will be crushed. At that time, it will not be as simple as Shoko falling alone.

The soldiers in front quickly withdrew, and the strict training made them instinctively walk together. As a result, Ye Han stopped them just after taking two steps, and ordered them to retreat.

After the soldiers walked away, Ye Han approached the irregular hole by himself, looked into the hole, and the sound of water in his ears suddenly surged a lot.

It was pitch black below, and the night vision device couldn't see the situation below at all.

Looking back at the hole, the edge of the hole is full of uneven stubble, the thickness of the stubble is no more than three millimeters at most, but the slate around the hole is rapidly thickening, and the thickness of the slate beyond a step is no less than half a meter. It is obviously Xiangzi. Bad luck, just stepped on the thinnest place.

"Liu Bin and Xue Ju come here, and the others stand by." Ye Han looked up and asked the soldier who stayed behind, "Since Xiangzi fell, there will be no movement?"


"Continue to call." Ye Han knelt down on one knee, broke off a bright green glow stick and threw it into the hole.

The light stick was still in the air, and Ye Han saw a wide water surface with calm water waves. It was not an underground river at all, but a large underground lake of unknown size!

Only a little bit of the lake shore could be seen where Ye Han was located. By positioning with the compass, it was determined that it belonged to the east bank of the underground lake.

The light stick quickly approached the water surface and fell into the water with a thud. Due to the conduction of light by the water current, the nearby lake surface became brighter at The buoyancy offset the impact of the falling light stick, the light stick in the water gradually floated up, Ye Han His eyes are like a sensitive radar, scanning the lake below with fluorescence to find the trace of Xiangzi.

Wearing heavy power armor, it is impossible to float on the water after falling into the water. However, the space version of the power armor has excellent air tightness and is much more adaptable to harsh environments than the 6th Army version. The ten-meter-deep bottom can also protect Xiangzi's personal safety. As long as Xiangzi walks to a high place and can reach the shore sooner or later, at most it is because the water layer blocks the radio waves and the communication is temporarily interrupted.

Moreover, the space version of the power armor has a built-in propulsion device. This thing has very little thrust. The original function is for spacewalking.

It was dark in the cave, and the underwater situation was even worse. Xiangzi would definitely be able to see the glow stick on the water. Even if he couldn't see what it was, he should have guessed that the thing on the water was a glow stick. The light source can also get out of trouble.

Liu Bin cautiously approached Ye Han, looked down, and immediately understood the current situation after seeing the underground lake: "Chief of Staff, do you have any information?"

"not yet."

"Isn't this kid stunned?" Liu Bin said worriedly.

Liu Bin is by no means random guessing.

The take-off height of the men's high-altitude diving is 23-28 meters, and the athlete's water entry degree is between 78-1oo kilometers. At such a high degree, the moment the athlete enters the water, the impact force of the water is equivalent to driving a car at 100 kilometers per hour. It hits the wall at a high degree, so you have to get your feet into the water first.

The human record for high-altitude diving is 61 meters, but the diver also broke his spine.

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