Armor Frenzy

Chapter 673: underwater fight

Liu Bin's helmet shows that the distance between him and the water is 54.2 meters. Falling from such a height, the moment he enters the water is equivalent to hitting an iron wall. Even if the power armor has a good impact resistance design, Couldn't resist such a strong impact.

If Xiangzi maintains the correct posture when he enters the water, he may be able to stay awake under the protection of the armor, but he suddenly fell into the hole accidentally, and he has not received professional diving training. The chances of getting into the water are quite high.

After all, the vibration reduction of the armor is limited, and Shoko is likely to be stunned by the impact of the water.

Ye Han nodded: "It's possible..."

Before he finished speaking, a ripple suddenly appeared in the water, and then an undercurrent from out of nowhere surged to the surface. The originally calm lake surface was surging like boiling water. The rippling water wave pushed the light stick to one side. On the edge of the aperture, a shadow gradually appeared. Float to the surface.

The two were stunned at the same time, and Ye Han asked in surprise, "What?"

"I don't know!" Liu Bin replied subconsciously.

"Xue Ju, come here!" Ye Han yelled.

"Come on!" Xue Ju agreed, but was afraid to run fast because of the collapse of the slate, so he moved forward cautiously.

Just after walking a few steps, Ye Han heard a clatter at the bottom of the cave, and quickly turned his head back to see a few giant black insects with a length of over two meters tightly entangled together, and the staggered legs of the insects tightened the dark green power armor. Clinging tightly, the sharp limbs and the greedy mouth of the worm kept scraping the armor, and in the narrow gap between the two giant worms, an outstretched arm was in sight.

Liu Bin exclaimed: "Xiangzi!"

"Captain, help..."

"Fuck!" Ye Han swung his rifle behind his back and jumped into the hole without thinking.

In order to deal with the aliens, this time, they are all armed with new armored rifles with a caliber of 20 mm. The armored bullets used can hit the power armor in one shot, and the possibility of accidental injury is extremely high.

As for the pistol, the accuracy of that thing is too bad, even with the assistance of the fire control system, it is difficult to hit the target more than 50 meters away.

"Chief of Staff!" Liu Bin quickly jumped down.

When the others saw it, yes, the chief of staff jumped down, let's jump too, a few soldiers flew towards the hole and jumped down without hesitation.

Xue Judeng, who had been rubbing forward with small steps, was dumbfounded, gritted his teeth and jumped down.

They are all brothers who are stirring food in a pot. The comrades in arms who get along with each other day and night are waiting for their lives. Many soldiers instinctively jump into the hole.

Ye Hanren pulled out his saber with his backhand while he was still in the air, and just in preparation for a hand-to-hand fight, he crashed into the lake and sank to the bottom of the water as deep as the two of them, and it continued to sink.

Ye Han was about to go upstream when there was another muffled boom above his head, and Liu Bin also fell into the water.

Without waiting for Ye Han to say hello, the sound of tom tom tom slammed into the water one after another, and the soldiers fell into the water one after another like dumplings. Because they were too tight, the two soldiers collided with each other after entering the water, sinking seven or eight. It came back up after rice.

The attenuation of radio waves in water is very fast. Falling into the water is equivalent to abolishing the radio. Fortunately, the night vision device can see the surrounding situation clearly with the help of the light of the fluorescent stick.

But it was precisely because they could see clearly that everyone saw many swift shadows jumping out of the depths of the lake.

Ye Han didn't dare to neglect, and quickly made a few gestures. The soldiers pulled out their sabers one after another. The power armor that activated the thrusters seemed to become a swimming fish in the water, rushing towards the giant insect entangled in Xiangzi from different directions at the same time.

The thrusters used in space are not suitable for underwater, but power armor is one of the crystallization of aerospace technology.

The place where the soldiers entered the water was not far from the mound of worms, but within a few seconds, the fighters who rushed at the front pounced on the worm. the root.

This giant worm is an obvious aquatic giant worm, with a round body, flat and long limbs, and relatively slender legs and joints. It should be regarded as one of the weaknesses of the worm.

But no matter how thin it is, it is the leg of a giant insect. The thick chitin is very strong. This knife actually leaves only a shallow mark.

The soldier did not believe in this evil, so he chiseled several times in a row, and finally the blind cat met the dead mouse, and just inserted the knife into the narrow space between the joints, cutting half of the joint at the root of the worm's leg.

The soldier struck while the iron was hot, twisted his saber fiercely, and ripped off a leg from the bug.

It only took a few seconds from the first knife to the removal of the worm's leg. When they were about to remove the second worm's leg, other people had already rushed over and chose the most convenient position to cut the knife.

Not to be outdone, the giant insect hugged Xiangzi even tighter while pulling out his legs and feet, which tightened like a tight spring and then popped out suddenly. Drift two meters into the water before realizing what happened.

If it weren't for the protection of the armor, this kick would have kicked the warrior into the opposite direction.

This is just the beginning, and then it will directly become the performance time of the giant insect. The insect is like a martial arts master, kicking and kicking with the left, and bouncing away from the nearby warriors again and again.

The many shadows under the water are constantly approaching. Although the swimming speed is not fast, it does not take much time to swim to the battlefield. Ye Han brought a total of two battle groups, with a total of fifteen people. If the stalemate continued, only humans would suffer.

At a critical moment, when a soldier was kicked by a bug, he instinctively waved his arm, which happened to be on the bug's leg, and the soldier instinctively grabbed the bug's leg.

The worm wanted to retract the outstretched leg, but brought the warrior back with him.

The opportunity could not be lost, and the soldier stabbed the belly of the giant worm with a knife, and the sharp serrated saber immediately cut open the worm's belly, and the blood of the worm spurted out, polluting the nearby lake.

Ye Han woke up like a dream, and gestured to the soldiers to give up the insect legs and attack the insect directly.

The soldiers also woke up and swarmed up again.

After training together for a long time, the warriors had some tacit understanding, and some deliberately attracted the attention of the giant insect. After the giant insect came out, another warrior rushed over to kill.

After a soldier was kicked by a bug, he actually floated in front of another bug, and the huge and ugly face of the bug came face-to-face with the soldier.

Probably in order to adapt to the special environment of the underground lake, the iconic compound eyes on the giant insect's head have degenerated into ordinary insect shells. Fluff, even the slightest changes in water flow cannot escape the perception of fluff.

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