Armor Frenzy

Chapter 674: Fancy frying

The fluff on the giant worm's head sensed the change in the water flow, confirming that the prey was in front of him, and actually opened the worm's jaws and bit the soldier's head, squeezing the helmet into a rattling sound.

Although the jaws are strong, they are only chitin. Can the strength be comparable to titanium alloys?

The giant insect can't bite the helmet, but the warrior bitten by the insect is not angry. Even Xiangzi didn't let the giant insect bite.

The raging warrior didn't even think about it, he directly put the saber into the insect's mouth and stirred it, making the giant insect's mouth a mess. He finally pulled his head out, but the anger in his heart couldn't be quelled. He simply pulled out the pistol and stuffed it into the insect's mouth, and shot out the bullets in the gun in one breath.

The mighty giant worm was severely injured in its body, but its powerful vitality still supported it to fight to the death.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene, was inspired, rushed to a giant insect without hesitation, took out a grenade and stuffed it into the giant insect's mouth.

"Boom--" With a muffled sound, the grenade exploded in the belly of the giant worm, and most of the worm's body collapsed.

How can life force be strong? Is it still able to withstand dismemberment?

The liquid was difficult to compress, and the explosion not only shattered the giant insect, but the aftermath also affected several other giant insects, causing even Xiangzi to feel dizzy.

However, most of the power of the explosion was endured by the giant insect, and the remaining power acting on Xiangzi was completely bearable.

Several soldiers immediately learned Ye Han's tactics and stuffed the grenade into the giant insect's mouth.

Two muffled noises solved the two giant insects, and one giant insect also had a grenade stuffed in its stomach, but the soldier made a mistake, and what was stuffed was not an ordinary grenade, but a smoke bomb.

The burning smoke bomb boiled in the belly of the giant worm, and a large stream of black smoke jumped out of the worm's mouth. The greedy worm's mouth seemed to suddenly become a blocked chimney. How strange.

The giant worm, which was devastated physically and mentally, ran away, and continued to smoke black smoke from its mouth, as if it was not a bug, but a squid eager to escape.

Xiangzi was finally rescued, but the shadows at the bottom of the water were getting closer and closer, and everyone didn't even have time to take a few breaths. They had to face another round of struggle, and this time, it was likely that humans would fail.

Ye Han was anxious, took out the grenade and slammed his arm and threw it out. A few seconds later, there was an explosion more than ten meters away, and the water waves around the explosion point were turbulent, and the giant insects cruising underwater suddenly became confused.

Ye Han's original intention was to attract the attention of giant insects with loud noises and explosive shock waves, but how did he know that giant insects were not sensitive to these two things at all. , for a time in chaos, Shui knows where to go.

Ye Han thought it was the sound that attracted the attention of the giant insects. Taking advantage of the chance that the giant insects were in a mess, Ye Han identified the direction and led the team to the lakeshore.

In order to buy time, he did not forget to throw a few grenades on the way to the lake shore.

After all, giant insects are creatures that have lived underwater for a long time. Just now, Ye Han and the others were floating in motion, and they could temporarily hide the perception of the fluff. Now the soldiers are swimming towards the shore, and the continuous water flow is more stable than the turbulent flow caused by the explosion. Much more, the powerful instincts of the giant insects immediately recognized where the real target was, and suddenly swarmed the underwater team members.

There were also hundreds of giant insects rushing in. Ye Han was taken aback and couldn't think of a countermeasure in a hurry.

The mindless order made everyone confused. The soldiers instinctively leaned towards the nearest comrade-in-arms. Three or five people formed a pile. The originally scattered team quickly became three temporary battle groups.

"Fight each other--" Ye Han finally shouted out the following words, the voice still echoed in everyone's ears, the giant insect had already rushed up, the giant insect swimming in the front stretched its forelimbs, and slammed into the block in a flinch. Xiangzi in front of Ye Han.

Ye Han's hands immediately pressed against Xiangzi's back: "Hold on, don't let go!"

The others didn't have time to think too much. They pulled everyone and pulled them together. Arms and thighs went up together, and they held the comrades around them tightly, and immediately formed three tight human **** in the water.

The giant worm slammed into Xiangzi, and the worm's legs wrapped around Xiangzi like an octopus, as if it wanted to drag Xiangzi away alone.

Xiangzi, who had escaped from death, was all too familiar with the giant insect's hand. His left hand reached out like lightning, and he grabbed the giant insect's thick neck with one hand, while the other hand took out a grenade and slammed it into the giant insect's mouth: "Fuck you. .Oh shit!"

The giant insect swallowed the grenade into his belly as soon as his mouth moved, and continued to pull and pull with Xiangzi as if nothing was wrong with the insect. Not only did his strength not loosen at all, but instead heavier.

There is power armor to bear the weight of the equipment, and each soldier has more than a dozen grenades on his body. Except for four anti-personnel bombs, which are mandatory, the rest are optional.

In the hustle and bustle, Xiangzi didn't have the time to choose carefully, and even he himself didn't know what bombs were stuffed in the past.

The situation was a little weird, Xiangzi wanted to stuff another one, and the six legs of the giant insect suddenly spread out.

Xiangzi instinctively kicked out and kicked the giant insect away.

Just as the giant worm fluttered away, the stretched worm legs suddenly hugged tightly, and five of the six worm roots poked at Xiangzi.

Xiangzi simply kicked again, and finally kicked the giant insect away.

But the other two giant insects rushed up immediately, and everyone's first reaction was to look ahead, and they took out grenades and prepared to feed the insects.

Ye Han's hands were quick, and he pulled Xiangzi back, not only avoiding the attack of the insects, but also slipping an anti-personnel grenade into the insect's mouth, kicking the insects away like Huang Feihong was possessed.

There was a muffled sound in the The high-explosive bomb exploded in the belly of the giant worm, and more than a thousand steel **** exploded in the belly of the giant worm, stirring everything in the worm's stomach to a pulp, and countless steel **** were belted. The centromere blood penetrated the belly of the giant worm and disintegrated like a burst of fireworks.

Part of it hit Ye Han and others, and it crackled.

Fortunately, the resistance of the water is extremely high, and the steel ball will lose its strength after only two or three meters, and it will not hurt the strong power armor at all.

The power of the anti-personnel grenade is low. Even if it explodes in the hand, it will not penetrate the power armor, and it will damage the armored manipulator at most.

Liu Bin, who had been following Ye Han, also stuffed a grenade, but after the giant worm swallowed the grenade, he hugged Liu Bin tightly. Liu Bin couldn't break free, and in a hurry, he shouted: "Let me go—" The words were not for the bug, but to let the comrades who caught him let go, so as not to be affected by the explosion.


There seemed to be a big general drum hidden in the belly of the giant insect hugging Liu Bin, and there was an unusually loud explosion. A bright flash came out of the insect's mouth, and the undercurrent caused by the explosion swayed around the giant insect.

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