Armor Frenzy

Chapter 685: It's all up to you

685 It's all up to you

Ye Han hurriedly asked, "Xue Ju, where are you?"

"I don't know where, but we found the sign of the arrival."

"What did you say?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears. "Quick, where are you... No, wait for my signal!"

Saying that, Ye Han turned off the radio: "Quick, one hole per person, listen carefully!"

The soldiers were overjoyed and quickly dispersed.

After Ye Han waited for everyone, he immediately said on the radio, "Xue Ju, you shoot!"

The terrain in the cave is complicated, and the radio will be useless if it is far away. Since they can contact Xue Ju, the distance between the two teams will definitely not be far away.

Xue Ju immediately understood what Ye Han meant, and Ma fired a cannon at the top of the cave.

"Here, there are gunshots here!" a soldier who heard the sound shouted happily.

"Go!" Ye Han was the first to rush into the hole, and the others followed immediately.

A few seconds after several people rushed into the cave, a group of wolves rushed into the cave hall. After a few laps, no target was found. A large group of wolves suddenly dispersed, and the soldiers chased into different caves separately.

There was wind under Ye Han and others, and they ran a distance of several hundred meters in a short while. However, the further forward they ran, the narrower the hole became. It was so narrow that they had to turn sideways to get in.

Ye Han couldn't help but wonder if he was going in the wrong direction: "Xue Ju, fire another shot!"

There was another bang, and the sound really came from the front. Several people could only continue to squeeze forward, and finally entered a small hall with an area of ​​only forty or fifty square meters.

Glancing around for a week, there was no one in the empty hall. Ye Han asked in surprise, "Xue Ju, where are you?"

Just as Xue Ju was about to answer, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was the sound in his ears a duet?

He asked, "Chief of Staff, where are you?"

Ye Han also heard something wrong: "Go on, let me hear where you are!"

Xue Ju's mind was almost knotted: "What did I say?"

"Whatever you say... Memorize a poem or word, or sing a song, you can just keep humming if you can't think of it." Ye Han said angrily.

The more Xue Ju listened, the more wrong he felt. Halfway through Ye Han's speech, Xue Ju simply turned off the radio, and the effect of the duet disappeared immediately. Then, he heard Ye Han's voice coming from the corner.

He walked over quickly, but before he got there, Ye Han felt something was wrong: "Xue Ju, did you hear me?"

"Listen!" Xue Ju walked into the corner and found a slap-width crack in the wall, and Ye Han's voice was coming from the other side of the crack.

Xue Ju turned on the headlight, and the bright light immediately caught the attention of Ye Han and others.

Luo Qi exclaimed: "It's here!"

"I saw it." Ye Han grabbed a few steps, "Xue Ju?"

"chief of staff!"

"Fuck!" Ye Han was furious, thinking that he had found a way back to the ground, but how could he think it was just a slap-wide crack?

Crouching down and looking into the crack, the stone wall between the two cave halls was almost one meter thick. Xue Ju and another soldier's grenades were all stuffed in, but they couldn't open the crack.

"Chief of Staff, what can we do?" Xue Ju asked in embarrassment.

Just as Ye Han was about to speak, Luo Qi suddenly interrupted: "Chief of Staff, there is movement in the cave!"

Ye Han listened carefully, and sure enough, he heard a burst of running sounds: "Prepare to fight... Xue Ju!"


"Throw the magazines from both of you, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Xue Ju didn't have time to think about it. Ma took off the magazine and threw it into the crack. He was afraid that the magazine would get stuck in the crack.

The magazines of the two people were quickly thrown out, and the soldiers on the other side were replenished with ammunition, and the horses were replaced with new magazines, confidently preparing for battle.

"And grenades!" Ye Han said again.

Xue Ju threw it again, and quickly threw more than a dozen grenades: "Chief of Staff, these are all."

Ye Han quickly made several gestures to signal the soldiers to block the entrance of the cave, and at the same time ordered: "Xue Ju, now only the two of you have a chance to return to the ground, I order you to return to the ground as quickly as possible, and put the ammunition and batteries as soon as possible. , dynamite, and the relay device of the correspondent, the horse without the car is called the Tiangong airdrop, whether the brothers live or die depends on when you can come back, understand?"


"Also, call all the people who are in front of you, leave one person to report the situation, and ask for support!"


"Go, hurry!"

"Yes!" Xue Ju ran away, followed closely by the soldiers who had been by Xue Ju's side.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the crack spread farther and farther, Ye Han let out a long breath: "Brothers, don't put wolves in, as long as the corpse wall is formed, we will be saved!"

"Yes!" The soldiers said in unison, two people stood in front, squatted and aimed their guns at the cave, and the two behind stood with their guns, Ye Han did not join the team, but was ready to fill the leaks at any time with their guns.

A few seconds later, a wolf worm appeared in everyone's sight, Luo Qi's eyes were quick, and he blasted the wolf worm to pieces.

The wolf worm who followed behind heard the gunshot and rushed over like a madman, and the gunshot suddenly became louder.

The continuous firing caused the sound of cannons to spread far along the cave, and the wolves in the distance heard the sound and rushed to the narrow cave. After a while, hundreds of wolves gathered in the cave.

However, Ye Han and others deliberately used the corpse wall to block the wolf worms. When the fire was first fired, they killed a group of wolves with random guns. After the corpse wall was initially formed, the soldiers deliberately lowered their shooting speed to save ammunition. The wolves trying to destroy the corpse wall do their best to prolong the life of the corpse wall.

This is very easy to do. As long as you keep killing the wolf worms on the other side of the corpse wall, with the corpse wall acting as an obstacle, it doesn't consume much ammo, but the effect is very good, even the pistol can last for a while.

The situation was temporarily stable, Ye Han's attention began to shift, he calculated the route when he arrived, and how long it took to get to the underground After calculating the approximate time, carefully consider the current position. , came to the result that Xue Ju's reversal would take about half an hour to forty minutes, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xue Ju was lucky, and he didn't encounter any accidents. He successfully found the way he came from. The two of them left all their ammunition behind. Although the amount was not large, it would be no problem to stick to it for a few hours.

After calming down, Ye Han began to worry about the situation of the underground lake again, worried about whether Liu Bin had commanded the soldiers to establish a solid line of defense, whether they could stop the attack of the wolves, and whether it would be because these few people did not return in time, they took him on impulse. The team rushed into the hole.

Before, he thought that the underground lake was a good place for defense, but now that he thinks about it, the unobstructed underground lake is more suitable for the swarm to expand, but it is not as easy to defend and difficult to attack as the hole.

I hope there is no problem with the underground lake.

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