Armor Frenzy

Chapter 686: full support

686 full support

With their eyebrows burning, Xue Ju and the other soldier did not dare to delay for a second. They both wanted to rush out of the cave in one breath and return to the ground to bring the supplies back. However, the terrain in the cave is complicated, and they must always keep an eye on the mark left when they came. , some of the markers are blurry because of haste, and when two markers are too far apart, everything is affecting the speed of the two people, making them have to spend some time finding the correct route.

Xue Ju was so anxious that he almost went crazy, but he couldn't get up to speed.

More than 20 minutes later, Xue Ju suddenly heard a gurgling sound of running water, and was overjoyed: "Underground river, underground river, Huzi, speed up!"

There was a vague impression of the terrain here. The wind was blowing under their feet, and the two flew at an unprecedented speed. They rushed through several caves in a row, and finally saw a dazzling white light in the night vision device.

It was skylight from a hole leading to the ground.

Xue Ju turned off the night vision device, and the vision suddenly dimmed, leaving only a faint light in the corner left on the retina.

"It's here!" Xue Ju turned on the night vision goggles and rushed to the bottom of the hole to look up at the light above his head: "603 call 602, please answer when you receive it!"

"602 received, 603 please speak!"

The echo from the ground made Xue Ju let out a long sigh, and his heart was hanging in the air, falling back into his stomach: "602, I'm at the bottom of the cave, I don't have time to tell you in detail, only the driver is left on the ground, and the others have enough shells, batteries, explosives, and The communication relay is down, the situation is urgent, the sooner the better!"

"Understood!" After the communication was over, the two battle groups on the ground immediately took action, jumping into the burrows one by one with the supply boxes on their backs.

"This way, this way!" Xue Ju stood under the hole, jumped down and pulled one apart, letting the soldiers who had just come in wait to one side, and when the last soldier jumped down, he dragged the evil tiger to his side, "Xiaohu, Go and report the situation to the Tiangong."

"Captain, it's up to you, I can't tell." Evil Tiger quickly refused,

For such a big thing to let him, a soldier, contact the Tiangong directly, what a joke!

Xue Ju also realized this, looked back at the dark cave and asked worriedly, "Huzi, can you lead the way?"

"Put your heart in your stomach, Captain, I don't even know what else I can do?"

Xue Ju gritted his teeth: "Huzi, it's up to you whether brothers live or die, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Okay, 602, 604, I won't say much more, let Huzi take you in, and I'll report the situation!"

"Hurry up, don't delay your mother-in-law!" Bi Min, codenamed 602, kicked Xue Ju's butt, "Huzi, lead the way!"

"Hey!" Hu Zi agreed and ran into the cave. The others quickly followed, and the team quickly disappeared into the depths of the cave.

Xue Ju roared worriedly: "Be careful of bugs!"

"Don't worry!" 602's elongated voice came from the hole.

Xue Ju took a deep breath: "Face, throw down the rope!"

The driver on the ground received the communication, the horse threw the sling into the hole, Xue Ju tied the sling to his waist and sent a signal, and the driver used the winch of the armored vehicle to pull Xue Ju out of the hole.

Xue Ju went straight to the armored vehicle after exiting the hole, turned on the vehicle's communication equipment and shouted, "Tiangong Tiangong, 603 calls, please answer when you receive it!"

"Tiangong received it, 603 please speak!"

"Tiangong, my department found an underground cave. There was a swarm of insects in the cave. The troops let the insects disperse. Please ask for support, ask for support!"

"603, I will transfer you to the headquarters!" The communications staff immediately transferred the communications to the headquarters, attached what they heard, and finally marked the communications as an emergency, with the highest priority.

Gao Kai in the headquarters was very surprised when he received this communication. Ma connected the signal to his communicator: "Ye Han, what are you doing?"

"Reporting to the chief, I am 603, 601 is still trapped in the hole."

"What's going on?" Gao Kai asked angrily.

Xue Ju quickly explained the situation succinctly. When Gao Kai heard about the discovery of an underground cave group inhabited by wolves, he almost thought that his ears were wrong: "How is the situation in the cave?"

"It's very bad, the bullets are all out, 602 and 604 have already led the team into the cave to support, I was ordered to leave a report and ask for high-level support!" Xue Ju explained the situation and removed himself by the way.

Gao Kai's face sinks like water: "Staff Qi!"


"Has the Hanhai brought the Marine Corps?" Gao Kai asked.

The Hanhai is the 026-class warship that is always suspended in the air of Siberia and provides cover for the cross-border troops.

"Report, with a combat team."

"Too little... When will we return to the mainland?"

"About an hour."

Gao Kai frowned tightly: "We can wait, but the trapped troops can't wait for a minute or a second, so I ordered the Hanhai, the horse to drop the marines, and let the troops bring a batch of heavy weapons... Tiangong still How many Marines are there?"

"Two battle groups."

Gao Kai suddenly turned his head: "So few?"

"Normally there are not so few, and the warships on the mission are taken away."

Gao Kai took a deep breath: "Is there any battleship with marines near the Hanhai?"

"No, but..."

"but what?"

"Ma ordered the Qiongzhou base to launch the spacecraft Five to seven minutes after the spacecraft lifted off, the troops could reach Siberia."

"Then what are you waiting for, Ma contact Qiongzhou base..."

"Chief of Staff, do you want to report to Commander Huo first?"

Although Huo Qiang had never been in space, he was the top leader of all space forces.

Tiangong has a detached status, and theoretically has the power to command all space forces, but this power is limited to extraterrestrial space, in other words, orbit.

Although the Qiongzhou base is under the establishment of the space force, the base is located on the surface of the earth and is directly under the headquarters in Qiongzhou, and is not under the jurisdiction of the Tiangong.

Tiangong can formulate a battle plan, or request the base to make corresponding preparations, but the launch of the spacecraft must be approved by Huo Qiang.

"The situation is urgent, you should contact the Qiongzhou base, and I will report to Commander Huo now!"

"Yes!" Staff Officer Qi agreed to execute the order, and Gao Kai immediately wanted to communicate with Qiongzhou Base: "I'm Gao Kai, transfer me to Commander Huo... Emergency!"

A few seconds later, an old and hoarse voice appeared: "I'm Huo Qiang."

"Commander, I'm Gao Kai, the situation is like this..." Gao Kai explained the situation as quickly as possible, explained his own countermeasures again, and finally sought Huo Qiang's support.

Huo Qiang listened to the report silently, and said calmly, "According to your plan, I will greet you at the base."

After he finished speaking, he called into the training base: "I'm Huo Qiang... um... um... I can take off... Let the children bring a few more gun battles, they will be used later..."

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