Armor Frenzy

Chapter 692: believe it or not

692 Believe it or not

With extremely complicated feelings, the soldiers retreated to the cave under the leadership of Ye Han. They walked all the way and looked back, unable to tell what they felt in their hearts.

They are all brothers who are crawling and fighting together, eat and sleep together, and brag and fart together, but now they have to end up in this way, and everyone feels bad.

It's not bad to sink deep into the ground and be torn apart by wolf worms, and die happily. If you escape the pursuit of wolves but lose your way, you can only hide in the east under the pursuit of countless wolves, and eventually run out of ammunition and food.

If the armor runs out of power, it will be even more tragic. At that time, there are only two options. Either take off the armor in time before the armor's power is exhausted, and only wear a one-piece suit to face the ferocious wolves; or get trapped in the armor and cannot move. Unforgettable loneliness and anxiety slowly starved to death.

No one likes to sit still. It's really at a critical moment. Most people's choice is to take off their armor and try again. But wearing armor can't stop the wolf worm's bite. How can a fragile human who takes off the armor stop the wolf? insect?

The more Ye Han walked, the more uncomfortable he felt, so he simply called Ouyang Ping to his side: "You arrange for two people to call again after a short while, and there will be an echo Ma to report."

"No movement?" Ouyang Ping asked.

"Shout for half an hour, if there is no movement..." Ye Han didn't say anything further, and he didn't need to say any more.

Do your best to obey the destiny, at least not regret it in the future.

Ouyang Ping understood and called two companions to convey the order.

It is said that Ci is not in charge of soldiers and righteousness and does not engage in business. If Ye Han is a commander in command of a large corps, let alone a division-level colonel, a battalion-level major or even a lieutenant commander would not be so sensitive to casualties.

Not cold-blooded or indifferent, the only reason is strangeness.

However, the combat methods of the motorized infantry and the marines are very similar to those of the special forces. They are all small-scale elites. Fewer manpower means more familiar heads. Ye Han does not want to see any sacrifice.

It came and went in a hurry, and the speed of the team's return was not slow. The strange thing was that half of the wolf worms were not seen when they came, and there were also no wolf worms watching when they went back. No matter how you look at it, there is something strange.

A few minutes later, the team led by Ye Han approached the fork when they suddenly heard intermittent gunshots.

Ye Han's heart tightened, and Ma asked, "Xiao Yuan, answer me!"

"Captain, I'm here!"

"Where to shoot?"

"The fork in the road is blocking the wolves."

Ye Han understood Xiao Yuan's meaning in seconds: "We'll be there soon."

Don't ask, it must be that Xiao Yuan couldn't get rid of the wolf worms when he retreated after finding Liu Bin. He had to build a line of defense at the fork in the road to prevent the worms from blocking the cave.

If they don't care about it, Ye Han and the others have to let the bugs get stuck in the cave. It's not good if they can't advance or retreat, but it's bad if they force people to retreat into the depths of the cave.

It didn't take long for Ye Han to arrive at the field and tilted his head to look, good guy, a thick corpse wall has been plugged into the hole, so thick that the bugs behind cannot be seen clearly. It takes a while to clear the channel.

After Xiao Yuan saw Ye Han, Ma Ying went over: "Captain!"

"how is the situation?"

"No problem, block him for days and nights."

Ye Han glanced at everyone: "Where's the cannon battle you brought? Where did you put it?"

"Leave it by the lake, it's convenient to send it anywhere."

"How much?"

"It's all a million."

"So small? Not enough at all!" Ye Han said.

Nuclear bombs do not mean that they can be used. The main operating environment of the Marine Corps is outside the earth, so they are equipped with a number of individual nuclear bombs, but they are all small tactical nuclear weapons with a yield of less than 10,000 tons.

The one million-ton nuclear bomb must have been deployed temporarily, and Ye Hanma understood why the reinforcements were late.

"Yes, I also found that the hole is too big, why not apply for a bigger one?" Xiao Yuan asked.

Ye Han has the highest position and rank, and knows the situation of the underground cave best. Unless Ye Han has sacrificed, this application must be made by Ye Han, not Xiao Yuan or any other officer.

"I don't need it for the time being. I'll wait for the notification as to what to do." Ye Han said.

The mission this time is not to find the worm nest, but to destroy the worm nest. The most effective method is definitely to bombard him with nuclear weapons all at once.

But there is a very troublesome problem here. Although Maozi doesn't care about Siberia, it is still Maozi's territory. The military has formed a system to send troops to cross the border and has moved Maozi's sensitive nerves. If a nuclear bomb is used in Maozi's territory... What will happen to Maozi? think?

Using nuclear bombs abroad, even if it is detonated underground, must be cautious. One million tons is out of the question. Using a nuclear bomb with a higher yield will inevitably lead to a more intense reaction from Maozi.

Maozi is now the yellow flower of yesterday, and Beidu doesn't care what Maozi thinks at all, but Beidu must consider the reactions of other countries on this issue.

Breaking the existing rules is always the most hated, and no country wants to see an unscrupulous northern capital.

"Captain, do you want to find a place to put those nuclear bombs first?" Xiao Yuan asked unwillingly.

He may not be able to apply for a larger-yield nuclear bomb, but since he asked him to bring the nuclear bomb over, there is no reason not to use it.

Ye Han nodded: "Yes, three are open, one is placed in the underground lake, one is placed along the road to the end, and one is mobile."

"Captain, this hole must also be placed." Xiao Yuan pointed to the hole that was tightly blocked by the corpse wall.

Ye Han frowned slightly: "What's going on here?"

"Hive, very, very many bugs."

Ye Han was startled, and suddenly understood why he didn't have a single bug on his side. It was Liu Bin who attracted the bug's attention.

Xiao Yuan couldn't see Ye Han's expression, and continued on his own: "Liu Bin is lucky, he found the hatchery of the bugs..."

Ye Han pointed at the corpse wall with wide eyes: "In here?"


"Have you found the queen?"

"No, only eggs." Xiao Yuan said.

"It's almost the same." Ye Han said thoughtfully.

"Almost what?"

Ye Han explained: "I mean, the collection of hatching eggs is very clear. Even if there are no queens of, there must be insects that specialize in laying eggs."

Xiao Yuan rationally chose to remain silent, he is really not good at this topic.

Ye Han looked at the corpse wall thoughtfully: "It's not easy to put a nuclear bomb in there... Xiao Yuan!"


"Have you noticed the altitude of the hatchery?"

"Three hundred and twenty meters."

"Like an underground there an underground river in the hatchery?"

Xiao Yuan was shocked: "Captain, how did you know?"

Ye Han chuckled: "Believe it or not, that river must be connected to the underground lake!"

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