Armor Frenzy

Chapter 693: fire propulsion

Although Xiao Yuan knew that there were worms in the underground lake, he didn't jump over the lake and was not impressed with the lake worms. He didn't think of this for a while, but he quickly thought of the layers of worms on the lake shore.

Such a large cave must have an independent cave ecosystem, but so far, in addition to wolf worms, only lake worms have been found in the cave.

Wolves are the absolute dominant creatures in the cave, and there is no evidence that wolves have a symbiotic habit. In addition, there is an underground river in the hatchery, and various factors are combined together. The possibility that lake worms are larvae of wolves is not low. at 80%.

Time passed slowly in the exchange between the two, and after a while, the thirty-minute time limit was over, and there was still no response from the radio.

"It's time." Ye Han's mood suddenly became much heavier, he raised his head and looked around for a week, his eyes stopped on Xiao Yuan, "Let's start."

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan's answer was neat and tidy, he waved his arm forward, and the two fully armed battle groups immediately rushed into the left side of the road.

Most of the members of the two battle groups just followed Ye Han into the underground not long ago. They will follow the previous route under the leadership of Xue Ju until the nuclear bomb is sent to the underground cave.

The figure of the last soldier left Ye Han's sight. He shouted habitually, "Ou..." After he shouted a word, he remembered that Ouyang Ping had followed Xue Ju, he couldn't help laughing at himself, and turned to look at Xiao Yuan, " Make arrangements."

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan grinned, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to be presumptuous, and waved to the corpse wall, "Demolition team, come on!"

The Demoman immediately jumped under the corpse wall with the explosives in his hand, knelt down on one knee and placed the explosives. It only took a few seconds to install the explosives prepared in advance. The Demoman immediately backed away and made a hidden gesture to everyone. .

The crowd immediately stepped back, and the blaster raised three fingers, and after a while, they fell one by one. The last finger fell, and the fingers clenched into fists and waved gently.

With a muffled sound, the wall of worms blocking the entrance of the hole was destroyed by the explosion, and the aftermath shook the swarms of worms behind the wall.

Xiao Yuan waved his arm again: "Assault Team!"

The three team members came out more and more. The two armored guns in front were used as shotguns. Instead of the **** resting on the shoulders, they were held at the waist. There was no need to aim at all. The worms fell to the ground one by one.

The armored guns of the two of them are different. There is little difference in appearance except for the longer barrel. The biggest feature is that they do not use magazines for ammunition, but use ammunition conveyor belts like Gatling machine guns!

The conveyor belt is attached to the ammunition box at the back. The ammunition box contains 480 rounds of artillery shells. The firepower is much higher than that of ordinary armored guns. If necessary, it can also fire continuously like an assault rifle.

However, the recoil of the armored gun is relatively high, and its weight is relatively low. It is extremely difficult to control the muzzle of the gun during continuous shooting. Therefore, soldiers who use this thing like to shoot single-shot and rarely use continuous shooting.

In addition, there is usually only a battery pack behind the armor. When this equipment was originally designed, there was a space for the battery pack in the middle of the ammunition box, which is convenient for soldiers to carry the ammunition box.

But the designers soon found that the ammunition box designed under this idea, the thickness of the "backpack" is the length of the battery pack plus the shell, so it is very thick. In addition, the dead weight of the cannonballs in the box is very high. The center of gravity of the armor after the soldiers carry the heavy ammunition box on their backs is backward. In order to balance the load, they must lean forward.

The designers stayed up all night to solve this problem, but all the solutions they came up with were unsatisfactory, and even slowed down the design and finalization of the equipment, until they came up with the final solution - integrating the battery pack into the ammunition box , make room for the cannonballs!

The ammunition supply system of the ammunition box itself needs to be powered by electricity. After redesigning the integration plan, the design team finally came up with a practical design to control the center of gravity within an acceptable range.

This solution not only solves the problem of ammunition supply for armored guns, but also becomes a design model for other heavy armored weapons. At present, all weapons and equipment that need to be carried are integrated with batteries to save space.

After killing the stunned wolves, the two team members stepped into the cave, opened fire and pushed forward, knocking down the attacking wolves one by one.

The wolves, who didn't know how to fear at all, went one after the other, not only running wildly on the ground, but some impatient worms also climbed up the stone walls and the top of the cave, like overflowing water from a pipe.

There are too many wolves and too crowded, and it is difficult to eliminate them with two armored guns alone.

At this time, the infantry gunners in the front would separate from left to right to make room for their companions behind to shoot, and the soldiers behind the grenade launchers smashed several high-explosive grenades in succession, at least able to clear the seven or eight meters long. aisle.

The three work closely together to eliminate the bugs and open the way.

The others followed the corpse all the way, and after advancing more than 100 meters, the team reached the first cave on the road.

At this time, the cave hall was already crowded with dense The assault team was also a little scared in the face of the large number of wolves, and had to hide at the entrance of the cave for a while.

The firepower of the firepower group is limited, the space in the narrow hole is limited, and the insects it faces are also limited, and the firepower group has the advantage.

However, a large number of bugs huddled together in the cavern hall. Anyone who dared to step into the cavern hall would rush up from all directions and attack in all directions.

The two infantry gunners once again let go of the shooting circle, but in the current situation, the effect of the high-explosive bombs is very limited.

There were several bursts in a row, and the blazing flames were burning.

The wolves have a very strong vitality. The dozen or so wolves that were enveloped by incendiary bombs instantly turned into worm-shaped torches and ran around in the cave with flames all over their bodies. It took more than ten seconds to die. through.

One of them dashed to the fire team without dying, and was smashed into sparks by the two infantry gunners.

The area of ​​the cave hall is limited, and the high temperature generated by the six incendiary bombs caused the worms to rush forward.

The situation is very good, as long as the burning agent is exhausted, the team can continue to move forward.

However, Ye Han and others found that the visibility in the cave dropped rapidly because of the smoke generated by the combustion. The armored breathing equipment automatically cut off the external air and opened the built-in gas cylinder to release oxygen.

If it is the Army version of the armor, the way to deal with it must be to open the filter system.

Ye Han suddenly remembered something, and looked towards the cave hall, only to see that a large amount of smoke had accumulated on the top of the cave hall, and the smoke had already rushed into the large and small caves connected to the cave hall, and was spreading in an unknown direction.

Wow, everyone says it's a man, is it really that the system defaults to a woman?

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