Armor Frenzy

Chapter 715: there must be something strange

The soldiers who escaped from the dead raised their guns and roared wildly.

The fighters didn't even know how the battle was won.

"Quick, save people—" a voice shouted, and the soldiers woke up like a dream, and immediately threw themselves into the tense rescue.

It was not until then that everyone discovered that there were only a dozen or so soldiers left, and there were more than a dozen lightly wounded who did not affect their ability to move.

Everyone moved quickly, looking for the wounded everywhere, uncovering the armor of the wounded, and sealing the wound to stop the serological wound for the wounded.

Liu Bin rushed over with a few soldiers, and asked around while treating the wounded: "Where is the chief of staff, where is the chief of staff?"

"I'm here!"

Liu Bin turned his head abruptly, and saw a tall gunner walking out of the warehouse with Ye Han on his back.

Ye Han's right leg is bent, and only relying on the left leg to jump forward with difficulty.

Not only that, but his helmet was also missing, and a gauze was wrapped above the right forehead. The gauze had been soaked with blood, and the dried blood can still be seen on his right face.

"Chief of Staff, what's wrong with you?" Liu Bin hurried over and raised Ye Han's other arm.

"I'm fine, let the fine light scratch it... let me down!" Ye Han said, staring at his unfocused eyes.

His helmet was destroyed, and apart from the big jellyfish in the water, he couldn't see anything next to him.

The two carefully put Ye Han on the ground, Ye Han took a breath and said, "I'm fine, it's all minor injuries, you two help others."

"Oh, good!" Liu Bin agreed, but he didn't move his feet at all, "Is it all right?"

"Fuck off!"

Liu Bin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he still had the strength to scold people, he must be fine!

But just as he took a step, he was stopped by Ye Han again: "Come back, you immediately contact the airport, and call the two groups of people watching the airport, as well as the armored vehicle... The sooner the better!"

Although this battle was won, it was only a tragic victory. If a group of aliens appeared again, this group of wounded soldiers would not be enough to watch.

Liu Bin also realized this, was shocked, and immediately contacted the airport.

The two soldiers carried someone back from the right bank. The man saw Ye Han and immediately said, "This way, put me here!"

The soldier put him next to Ye Han according to his words.

"Who?" Ye Han asked.

"Hey, Captain, it's me!" Xiao Yuan said in a low voice.

Ye Han was relieved: "Is your kid still alive? The scourge has left you for thousands of years!"

"I don't want to miss you!"

"Yo, you still have the energy to be poor with me, it seems that there is nothing wrong!"

"Two eyes on the belly are not the key points. There is no major event. It just hurts to breathe and dare not speak loudly... Captain, you? Is this out of the picture?"

"It shouldn't be." Ye Han touched his forehead subconsciously, "Leave a scar at most, and this one on the leg will kill you."

Xiao Yuan was startled: "What's wrong with the legs?"

"It took a while, it's hard to say what's going on right now, let's go back and check it out." Ye Han said sadly.

"It's not that serious, is it?" Xiao Yuan's eyes widened.

"Hopefully." Ye Han said.

The position of his leg is very bad. It seems that he injured his hamstring. Now he can't use any strength in his right leg. It is absolutely false to say that he is not worried.

After thinking about it, Ye Han smiled again: "Don't worry, it's fine, at least I'm still alive."

Xiao Yuan's mouth twitched: "Yeah, at least we're still alive... Hey, Captain, what exactly is that thing in the water? Why do aliens keep revolving around it?"

"You found it too?" Although Ye Han couldn't see Xiao Yuan clearly, his brows subconsciously tightened.

Aliens have always been intentionally close to jellyfish in previous battles, as if there is something there that always attracts them, and when the aliens are close to jellyfish, their flight speed has dropped significantly. The people are close to half of the total number of enemies.

Without that jellyfish, there would be no human victory.

Xiao Yuan said: "That thing must have some secret."

Ye Han nodded: "Xiao Yuan, you call 104."

"Okay!" Xiao Yuan agreed, "104, 104, the chief of staff is looking for it, come here when it's convenient!"

"Come here!" 104 agreed happily, but after a while, he came over, "Chief of Staff, are you looking for me?"

"How is the wounded?"

"It's all dealt with, and it should be able to persist until returning to China." 104 said.

Most of the people who have survived until now are lightly wounded, and only a few seriously wounded have not been injured.

Ye Han sighed: "This battle is too bad, if you didn't come in time, we would be finished."

"Where!" 104 shook his head, "We were all caught up with the enemy just now, and those aliens didn't know what to do, so they turned their heads and ran back halfway through the fight. After more than a dozen deaths, they chased them all the way to the pier."

"And this?" Ye Han stared at the water in surprise, "What the **** is this thing for?"

Xiao Yuan said: " This thing is too mysterious, should we think of a way to bring this thing back?"

"How do you get this?" Ye Han was in a dilemma.

Don't look at this thing fluttering in the water, it's definitely not light when you fish it out.

"Simple, isn't this a gantry crane?" Xiao Yuan said with a smile.

"What kind of clothes do you use? What kind of luck do you use?" Ye Han continued to ask.

This thing must have something to do with aliens. Dying is far less meaningful than living. To ensure the survival of this thing, you must have a large enough container, and you must bring some seawater along with this thing. Make sure it stays alive.

"Inform the airport to bring the armored car over!" 104 said hurriedly, "Let the Tiangong drop a batch of tools and change the back of the armored car into a pool..."

"Then why don't you just let the Tiangong ship drop a water tank!" Xiao Yuan said.

104 Can't laugh or cry: "Where did the Tiangong ship get the water tank?"

"No water tank or anything else? Anyway, it's fine if it doesn't leak!" Xiao Yuan said, "I remember that there are a lot of things under the water, maybe there is a suitable one, why don't you go down and look?"

"Then I might as well look for it in the base. How can I say it is also a submarine base, and can't find a suitable water tank?"

"It's done, it's over, isn't it over?" Ye Han said angrily, "104, you are responsible for contacting Tiangong, explaining the situation and requesting an airdrop."

"Yes!" 104 answered loudly.

"I didn't ask you to ask for a water tank, I asked you to ask for a nuclear bomb!"

"Ah? Got it!" 104's mood instantly turned cloudy.

"Xiao Yuan, you are responsible for getting that jellyfish out!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Xiao Yuan was eager to try.

Ye Han seemed to see Xiao Yuan's appearance, and scolded: "You lie down for me and wait for the armored vehicle to come."

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