Armor Frenzy

Chapter 716: caught alive

Several people said a few more words, and a rumbling low sound came from the distance of the passage. The bright lights were looming, but the lights soon stabilized, and the armored vehicles left outside the base lined up and drove into the dock.

The bright lights illuminated the pier, and Ye Han finally regained his sight.

"The wounded, send the wounded first!" Ye Han shouted loudly, and the soldiers started working together, sending the seriously wounded to one car first, and then the lightly wounded to another car.

Xiao Yuan wanted to stay, but the injury to his abdomen was very troublesome, and he was directly driven into the car by Ye Han.

But as soon as he turned around, 104 sent Ye Han to the car as well.

Before leaving, Ye Han cautiously instructed: "Be careful, first check that there are no enemies in the base..."

"Don't worry, my chief of staff!" 104 agreed, sending all the wounded, including Ye Han, away.

After all the armored vehicles loaded with the wounded left, 104 organized manpower to carefully collect the remains of the martyrs, loaded them into the vehicles and evacuated them as much as possible without any omissions.

As for the corpses of the aliens, there is no need to worry about them. The aliens that the military got in the Battle of Fengcheng are enough.

104 The next problem to face is the big jellyfish in the water.

It was not until this time that 104 discovered that the alien bodies in the water were gone.

Immediately alert, he instinctively shouted: "Prepare to fight!"

The twenty or so team members who stayed on the pier raised their guns together like frightened birds.

But there was no change at all on the dock. At the beginning, everyone thought it was 104 who discovered something, but everyone didn't realize it for a while.

But after a while, there was still no change, Liu Bin couldn't help but ask, "104, what's the situation?"

"In the water, the bodies in the water are gone!"

With a black line on his head, Liu Bin sighed and put down his gun: "What should I do?"

104 Stunned: "You know?"

"We all know." Liu Bin said, "The big guy in the water likes to eat aliens, and the corpses in the water must be eaten by him."

"No way?" 104 widened his eyes, "Isn't this something from aliens?"

"Who knows!" Liu Bin shrugged: "This thing not only eats aliens, but also sharks, I suggest staying away from this thing."

"No wonder!" 104 muttered to himself, and suddenly asked like a ghost, "You said that so many aliens were called by jellyfish?"

"I didn't say that, what I said was to shoot the jellyfish, and so many aliens appeared." Liu Bin denied.

"That's it." Without hesitation, 104 shot the jellyfish directly.

The bullet hit the jellyfish, and the blue light that had already been dimmed suddenly became much brighter, exactly the same as before.

When the soldiers saw this, they immediately prepared for battle. The rapid-fire guns on more than a dozen armored vehicles were all aimed at the passages on the left and right sides of the strait.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the passage, 104 asked, "How long did it take?"

"Just a little while." Liu Bin said.

"That's all right." 104 put down his gun. "The armored vehicle will continue to be on guard, and everyone else will move me. Also, go and get a few people to get an oil tanker!"

This command was a no-brainer, and everyone looked at 104 blankly.

"What are you in a daze, look for a car, and prepare to catch jellyfish!"

The soldiers suddenly realized, some guessed the idea of ​​104, and some soldiers who were slower still couldn't grasp the clue, but everyone took action.

"Where did the tanker come from?" Liu Bin asked curiously.

104 explained: "I passed by the oil depot when I came here, and there are some there."

"Can you still open it?"

"Don't even think about it, and you don't even think about how long you've been there," 104 said. "The key is those oil tanks!"

Saying that, he glanced into the water.

Liu Bin suddenly realized: "Hey, why didn't you tell me earlier, you still airdrop this and that?"

"I didn't remember it just now." 104 looked innocent.

A few soldiers ran into the passage, and after a while, a fuel tanker was pushed in.

All the tires on the car had run out of air, and the tires were lying softly on the wheels, like wearing ill-fitting slippers.

The oil tanks were filled with incomprehensible Maozi letters. With a hello from 104, several soldiers jumped onto the oil tanks, took out laser guns and started cutting the oil tanks.

Liu Bin asked worriedly: "Is it possible? Don't explode again."

"It's alright." 104 didn't care, "The jar has long been empty, so I'm just used to calling it that."

Liu Bin's whole person is not well, so it is not certain whether the so-called oil depot is an oil depot or not.

Think about it, isn't this ghost place a nuclear submarine base? There is also a nuclear fuel depot.

The soldiers quickly cut off the upper layer of the jar, and threw the cut part aside. Liu Bin curiously leaned over to take a look, and saw that there were some sticky things left in the jar.

The soldiers also reported the situation to 104. 104 didn't even look at it, and directly ordered: "Where's the tent? Find me a tent to store it in."

Military tents are all waterproof, and it's a good idea to padded in a can as a liner.

The next question is how to start the crane.

There were a lot of people present, but they couldn't find anyone who knew about the gantry crane, that is, they didn't know what kind of power it used, and they didn't know how to operate the crane.

104 simply ordered the soldiers to work together and pushed the gantry crane directly above the giant jellyfish. Then the soldiers climbed up, cut off the wire rope on the crane, and threw the hook down, intending to use the hook to hang the jellyfish, and then put it Take it up from the water.

But I didn't expect that the hook just hit the jellyfish, and the countless tentacles entangled with the jellyfish entangled the hook like a rolling tide, and they were entangled in it.

This is simply a drowsy encounter with a pillow. Several warriors exerted force at the same time, but they could not pull the jellyfish up.

Everyone was very surprised, this thing is so heavy?

A few soldiers climbed up Everyone worked hard at the same time, and then slowly pulled the jellyfish out of the water, and the sea water that the jellyfish was holding gushed down, until it completely broke away from the water, and everyone found the jellyfish. There are more than a dozen alien corpses hanging under him.

Under the command of 104, the soldiers slowly moved towards the shore. When they were about to reach the shore, the jellyfish seemed to have found something, and the tentacles that were entangled in the hook suddenly released.

It is only a footstep away from landing, how can 104 give it a chance? Involuntarily, he shouted: "Pull it hard!"

Instinctively, the fighters threw the jellyfish on the shore before it unraveled.

The jellyfish fell heavily on the pier, and the blue light on its body was extremely dim.

104 breathed a sigh of relief: "It's easy to do when you get to the ground!" After finishing speaking, he organized people to hang the jellyfish with hooks, and then lifted the jellyfish up again and threw it into the broken jar.

104 added some seawater to the jar with his hands to ensure that the jellyfish would not die. This was considered a success. The jar was dragged by an armored vehicle and slowly drove away from the base.

Before leaving, 104 personally delivered the nuclear bomb to the base.

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