Armor Frenzy

Chapter 717: 1 false alarm

717 A false alarm

When the transport plane took off, Ye Han subconsciously tilted his head and looked out.

It was already the beginning of the night, and it was pitch black outside the porthole, and there was no light at all, only the sky was full of stars, as if he was the only one between the heavens and the earth.

The operation in Siberia is far from over, but Ye Han and the other wounded must take a flight back to China, and the next action has nothing to do with him.

Looking back, the strange feeling disappeared, Xiao Yuan lay motionless next to Ye Han.

It may be that the bumps along the way aggravated the injury. Xiao Yuan's condition suddenly deteriorated on the way back to the airport. The accompanying military doctor had to inject him with hibernin.

In addition to Xiao Yuan, the condition of several other seriously wounded people is not very good. Considering that the plane only takes an hour to fly back to China, the military doctor can only inject hibernin for all the seriously wounded, and only for the seriously wounded.

Anyone who recovers from hibernation has to go through a period of weakness. This is the most obvious side effect of hibernin. For healthy people, it may only take a little time to recover, but for seriously injured people who are already very weak, it is doubly weak. , and may even die because of the side effects of hibernin.

Therefore, the military does not advocate the use of hibernin. Any wounded who can be treated normally should not be injected with hibernin. However, the seriously wounded on the battlefield are often in critical condition, and it is too late to be evacuated or even unable to move. In this case, hibernin is the only A life-saving straw, even if the side effects are severe, it is better than watching the wounded lose their lives.

Hibernin is a double-edged sword, whether it is good or bad depends on how it is used.

After being born and dying together so many times, Ye Han sincerely hopes that Xiao Yuan can survive this.

Two hours later, the plane landed on the outskirts of Beidu, and ambulances waiting at the airport immediately rushed the injured to the hospital.

After Ye Han and others were admitted to the hospital, they immediately performed a series of detailed physical examinations. After a while, Ye Han was pushed into the operating room by the nurse.

The doctors and nurses in the operating room were busy like a revolving lantern. Everyone was covered in surgical gowns, revealing only a pair of eyes with their own characteristics. Through their eyes, Ye Han could roughly judge the age and gender of everyone.

Ye Han grabbed the oldest doctor and said, "How is my leg?"

The doctor was stunned by Ye Han's question: "How about what? Your leg is fine, you can rest after cleaning the sore and stitching it up."

"Are you okay?" Ye Han was amazed, "It's that simple?"

"How difficult can it be?" The doctor was very surprised.

"I've been incoherent since my leg was injured..."

"Oh, it's okay, it's a side effect of painkillers," the doctor said understandingly.

It is not uncommon for casualties to speculate about their injuries from the battlefield. Many people suspiciously imagine minor injuries as serious injuries, or temporary functional impairments as disabilities or something.

Ye Han let out a long breath: "It's alright... How long will it take me to leave the hospital?"

"Look at the healing, two weeks fast, four to six weeks slow." The doctor said while examining the wound on Ye Han's leg, and found that the wound ran through the thigh, with a five-centimeter incision on the front and a seven-centimeter incision on the back. bones and blood vessels.

This is not a serious injury, but recovery is not so fast.

"Good luck." The doctor injected an anesthetic near Ye Han's wound, carefully cleaned the wound and bandaged and sutured it. After a while, a nurse was called to take Ye Han to the ward.

Ye Han's only feeling was that he had escaped the catastrophe. He had never been in the operating room since he was a child. When he was pushed in by the nurse, he thought he would have to suffer dozens of knives, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

A wound like his is very big but only minor. It is lucky that a soldier was hit on the arm. It looks like a small hole the size of a chopstick. The bone has been pierced in it and must be repaired by surgery.

The tired Ye Han fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, it was already three poles in the sun.

After pressing the bell on the bedside, a young nurse walked into the ward after a while: "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

As the Chief of Staff of the Marine Corps, Ye Han lives in an independent single room. Although it is not the legendary high-ranking ward, there are also full-time nurses who are on duty 24 hours a day.

Ye Han was a little embarrassed: "Oh, I'm fine, I just wanted to ask how other people are doing."

"It's all taken care of, and the only one left is still in the operating room."

"Who is it?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

Why has he slept for six or seven hours, and hasn't done the surgery for so long?

"It seems that the surname is Xiao..."

"Who?" Ye Han sat up eagerly.

The nurse was startled and quickly pressed Ye Han's shoulder: "Don't get excited!"

"I'm not excited, tell me carefully, what's going on?"

"I don't know, I know it's been in the operating room."

Ye Han frowned: "Nurse, please help me find out if the one in the operating room is called Xiao Yuan, thank you."

"No thanks, it should be."

The nurse left the ward, but Ye Han couldn't calm down, waiting anxiously for the nurse's news.

Ten minutes later, the nurse returned to the ward, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Ye Han understood everything when he saw it: "Is it Xiao Yuan?"

The nurse nodded: "I asked, and I heard that the internal organs were injured and hibernin was administered..."

"Is it dangerous?"

"It's the operation that's dangerous," the nurse said.

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "Trouble you, let me know if you have any news."

"Okay." The nurse simply agreed.

At noon, Xiao Yuan finally left the operating room, but Ma entered the intensive care unit, and the nurse kept saying that Xiao Yuan had not passed the critical period, and no one could guarantee whether he would survive.

Hearing this news, Ye Han's heart suddenly twitched, and he ran to the intensive care unit with crutches every day, but he could also look at Xiao Yuan through the glass plate.

Not only Xiao Ye Han also asked about the situation of others. There were a total of four people in the intensive care unit, but the others were not as serious as Xiao Yuan.

It was not until the fourth day of admission that Xiao Yuan, who had been in a coma, woke up. The attending doctor said that waking up means that Xiao Yuan has survived the death line, and the situation is developing in a positive direction.

Because Xiao Yuan's body was still weak, it took another two days for the doctor to allow Ye Han to talk to Xiao Yuan, and it was not until half a month later that Xiao Yuan was transferred to the general ward.

At Ye Han's insistence, the hospital placed Xiao Yuan in Ye Han's ward. The two of them chatted and laughed every day, and they lived a relaxed and happy life.

But Ye Han and Xiao Yuan both knew that there were not many days like this.

Ye Han was only a false alarm, but Xiao Yuan was not so lucky.

Although his injury has improved, the doctor explained that Xiao Yuan should not be overworked in the future, and the intensity of exercise should not be too high, and it is no longer suitable for him to remain in the combat unit with intensive training and high intensity.

Even if you don't leave the army, you can only sit in the office and do some work within your ability.

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