Armor Frenzy

Chapter 725: gun salute

The sky is blue and the sky is the same color, and the edge of the flight deck, the lift supports the warriors covered in dark green matt armor slowly rising, the scorching sun slants, the sun dispels the shadows, and puts a faint glow on the warriors.

On the left and right of the elevator, all the officers and soldiers who witnessed this scene were dumbfounded and stared at the hair-armed marines.

"Turn to the left - turn, keep pace - go!" The voice of the password resounded around, and the soldiers moved with them, and their movements were neat and tidy.

Ye Han noticed that in addition to his own national flag, a strange flag of blue, green and white and a red five-pointed star was hung above the island.

He had never seen such a flag, but he knew that when a warship entered the port, it was necessary to fly the flag of the port state as a sign of respect.

The team quickly reached the bow of the ship, Wei Chengfei beckoned again and again, and the soldiers stood on the edge of the flight deck on the port side under the command of Ye Han, standing two meters apart, facing the outboard.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the bow flags were humming. Eight warships lined up in a row approached the coast. A huge military port became clearer and clearer. More than ten warships were vividly visible, and there were no less than three aircraft carriers.

But only one is a large aircraft carrier like the Yunzhou, and the other two are at least two sizes smaller. According to Ye Han's vision, the displacement is 70,000 tons.

He is not even familiar with the warships of his own country, let alone foreign ones. He can only recognize the classic appearance of the American aircraft carrier by looking at the appearance. As for the other two aircraft carriers, he does not know it.

But he knew the flag. The Union Jack on the flight deck was the conservative Brit; the other was the Italian green, white, and red tricolor.

There are too many countries with tricolor flags, and Ye Han can't remember which countries those flags with the same twins belong to, except for the Italian flag that owns the three major football giants of Inter Milan, AC Milan and Juventus.

Both the British and Italians were members of the Al Qaeda group, and it was no surprise that the fleet was parked at the American base.

The task force passed slowly outside the port, and a destroyer sailed out of the US base, sounding its siren while running alongside the Yunzhou.

The Yunzhou returned with the sound of a flute.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of artillery on the U.S. warship, another sound after five seconds, and then continuous explosions at five-second intervals.

The muscles on Wei Chengfei's face twitched violently, what the **** is going on?

The salute is not casual. This is Djibouti. Although this country is on the verge of being occupied, after all, there is still half of the country. What does it mean for the Americans to fire the salute directly?

Moreover, the normal firing sequence of the salute is that the fleet will first play twenty-one to pay tribute, and then the port will play twenty-one to respond. What is the matter with the Yankees robbing Djibouti's business on their behalf?

Wei Chengfei breathed a sigh of relief before the eighteenth cannon salute had been fired.

The salute is divided into national salute and personal salute. The international convention of the former is 21, while the latter is 7 to 21 according to different identities.

With Zhuang Bo's rank of major general, a personal salute should have been fired 13 times, and the 17 times corresponded to the rank of fleet commander.

That is, only the people in the navy understand what's going on here, and a layman like Ye Han will listen to the excitement.

However, Wei Chengfei doesn't think that the courtesy of the Americans is any good. As the so-called courtesy, others must ask for something, and the Yankees may be holding back for something bad.

After the U.S. ship fired its gun salute, the destroyer accompanied by the Yunzhou replayed seventeen gun salutes.

The fleet continued to advance, and after passing the American base, it arrived outside the French base, and the two sides fired another salute.

After bypassing the French base, the fleet turned from sailing north to advancing westward. After passing the French base, the Chinese base was in sight.

Wei Chengfei had already been notified by the base that not only his own family members stationed at the base, but also foreign affairs officials from Djibouti were on the dock. The task force deliberately slowed down and fired twenty-one cannons.

When the sound of cannons came from the pier, a thought suddenly popped into Wei Chengfei's mind: Are the people from Djibouti who fired the cannons on the pier? Wouldn't it be placed by my own family in the base?

If it was Djibouti before the insect disaster, it would have been no less than twenty-one cannonballs, but now all industries in this place are depressed, and all the military strength that was originally not good is consumed on the great cause of insect resistance. If it is not for the special natural environment, giant ants are restricted. The proliferation of this country has long since disappeared under the raging ant colony like its neighbors.

Wei Chengfei was only half right.

It was not the local black uncle who fired the salute on the shore, but it was not his own family in the base, but the French invited by the Kyrgyz side.

This is not surprising. This place was originally a French colony. After independence, France is still its suzerain. The relationship between the two countries is very special. It is so special that the defense of Djibouti is entirely in charge of France.

It is not surprising that the Gauls appeared, it was an accident that they were not seen.

The proper etiquette was over, the fleet finally docked at the port, and the ordinary crew members returned to the ship after disbanding. Ye Han wanted to leave but was a step too slow, and was caught by the quick-witted Wei Chengfei. Local officials liaise feelings.

There were more than a dozen fleet officers accompanying but Zhuang Bo never showed up.

The two sides had a friendly conversation in French... At least the expressions were very friendly, as for what Ye Han was talking about, Ye Han didn't understand a word.

The local uncle Hei and the Gaul foreign aid invited by Uncle Hei developed an extraordinary interest in the power armor on Ye Han's body, and kept asking questions from the translator.

Uncle Black's questions are mostly superficial, and his envy is palpable, while the Gauls' questions are much more profound, often touching the basics, and can't be answered at all.

At the beginning, Ye Han also picked out what he could say and explained a few words patiently, but the more he answered, the more questions he had, which made him impatient, so he simply refused to comment.

Uncle Hei was disappointed, the Gauls were curious, and Ye Han was helpless.

He would rather have a relationship with the African giant ants outside the desert than face a group of curious local black uncles. If it weren't for the restraint of foreign affairs discipline, he would have sneaked back to the battleship to hide in peace.

If I knew it would be so troublesome, even if I bring a few more people over to share Uncle Hei's firepower!

Ye Han couldn't get an answer here. Uncle Hei and the Gaul foreign aid turned their attention to Wei Chengfei. Uncle Hei was very simple and straight to the point and asked how much for a set of power armor. In-depth cooperation between the military industries of the two countries.

It's not surprising that Uncle Black wants to buy power armor, but what does Gallic foreign aid mean? Don't they have armor provided by the Americans?

But if you think about it carefully, Ye Han will understand that the Gauls have always been mavericks and unique weapons and equipment, and 80% of them do not want to be caught in the neck by the Americans, so they put forward the suggestion of cooperation with the Chinese side.

Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly startled - who is qualified to make such a suggestion, what are the identities of these Gauls?

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