Armor Frenzy

Chapter 726: base rest

For a period of time after the arrival of the fleet, the locals and their masters, the Gauls, visited frequently to discuss the issue of arms purchases and military cooperation with the senior management of the base. However, both the locals’ requirements and the Gauls’ ideas were too high-end. Zhuang Bo, this The major general has no right to make decisions at all. The so-called negotiation is to send the news back to the northern capital through the task force. Zhuang Bo is just a loudspeaker.

It is said that Beidu intends to sell a batch of monkey version power armor in order to win over the locals.

This is not surprising. Power armor is not a high-end technology at all, and the technology applied is not very advanced. It is far from the level of invulnerability in the movie.

To put it horribly, even the space version of the armor used by Ye Han could not withstand the continuous shooting of large-caliber machine guns. It is extremely unlikely that the battle will be left or right.

Bei is very aware of this, so he does not reject the intention to sell power armor; Washington also understands this, so the US version of power armor has already spread within the base group.

In fact, those who know it know that designing power armor is not particularly difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that manufacturing armor requires a comprehensive industrial system and extraordinary processing level.

Selling power armor is actually selling industrial strength. There are only a handful of countries in the world with this industrial level. Plus, Chinese weapons and equipment have always been known for their high quality and low price. It is not surprising that local people come to them.

Of course, no one knows if there is any deep-seated reason behind it, but it's just a few sets of monkey armor. No matter how high the tune is, it won't affect national security.

It was the Gauls who caught the attention of the Northern Capital. Although they did not specify what kind of cooperation they were going to carry out, they had the power armor provided by the Americans, and it was impossible for them to be so interested in the Chinese power armor. Analysis believes that the true intention of the Gauls is likely to be cooperation in space!

Although the Gauls are a member of the base group, the base group is dominated by the United States. Whether it is the international base or the international fleet, the Americans have the final say. The other members have little right to speak. Even if they unite, they may not be able to fight American.

No one wants to be exploited. No matter whether the Gauls or others have their own interests, the stability of Al Qaeda depends on whether the Yankees have the ability to balance the interests of the various member states.

Of all the member states of Al Qaeda, the Gauls are clearly the most restless bad boys of all.

As early as the 1960s, the Gauls partially withdrew from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization under the call of de Gaulleism, and did not rejoin it until 2009 after more than 40 years.

Regardless of the historical background of the exit and entry of the Gauls, the Gauls have a long history of being unwilling to be controlled by the Yankees. What is strange about the **** of Charles de Gaulle, who are in the Al Qaeda group, but are fighting their own little nine-nine?

Ye Han didn't understand those secretly fighting things. He just instinctively felt that cooperation with the Gauls seemed to have the effect of dividing the relationship between the United States and France.

However, today's Gaul people have long been phoenixes with hairless hair. If they want to cooperate with Beidu, it depends on how Beidu considers the benefits and losses.

These messes have nothing to do with ordinary officers and soldiers. After the task force arrived at the base, the first order was to increase the base's combat readiness level, but there was no further action other than restraining the soldiers with a higher combat readiness level.

The soldiers train for half a day every day, and the other half is free for activities, so that the soldiers can fully relax both physically and mentally while maintaining a good state.

But the officers, especially the senior officers, got no treatment. On the second day after arriving at the base, Zhuang Bo gathered everyone into the conference room.

Ye Han, who received the notice, hurried to the conference room, sat down under the air conditioner, and fanned without image: "I'm so hot!"

Djibouti is located in the tropics, there are no four seasons, only the difference between the hot season and the cool season. Although the end of the year is in the cool season, the average temperature is still as high as 27 degrees. The weather is good today, the boss's sun is hanging in the sky, and the outdoor temperature is as high as 30 degrees. It's like taking it out of the water.

The temperature in the conference room was moderate, but before Ye Han could sweat, Zhuang Bo, who was also sweating, walked into the conference room.

"Stand up!" Someone shouted, and everyone stood up at the same time.

Zhuang Bo walked to one end of the conference table, wiped the sweat from his forehead before pressing his hand: "Sit."

Several people sat down at the same time, but none of them leaned back in their chairs.

Zhuang Bo said with a smile: "We've been here for a day, and it's time for a day off. Since the fleet will be stationed here for a period of time, we must understand the situation here. So The main content of this meeting is not to upload and release, but to first understand the place in Djibouti, and then understand the situation we are facing. I don't ask you to know this place well, but at least you have to know it well, Lu Ming, you come and tell everyone Introduce the situation."

"Yes!" A dark-faced colonel stood up and smiled embarrassedly, showing his white teeth, "Where does this come from?"

"Sit down and talk." Zhuang Bo motioned, "Speak where you want to go."

"That's fine." Lu Ming calmed down, "Let's talk about the living habits first, this place is an Islamic country, there are many taboos, and I can't say it for a while. In short, try not to contact the local people if you can, and you must contact them when you must. An interpreter is present."

Zhuang Bo laughed: "I won't reiterate the discipline of foreign affairs. My requirement is to stay away from the local people. Lu Ming, I heard that this place has already been occupied by insects. Tell me in detail."

Lu Ming nodded: "There are indeed many giant insects in this country, but there are no giant ants in this place, only beetles and sand scorpions. These two giant insects are not social animals and pose little threat to us."

Giant ants occupy Africa, but Africa is not just giant ants.

"Where is the giant ant?" Wei Chengfei asked.

"As far as I know, the nearest ant nest is 170 to 80 kilometers away from the port. They are not afraid of the desert, but it is difficult to survive in the desert for a long time. It is often heard that ant colonies enter the desert, but there is not any group of giant ants. into the desert."

"What about the giant ants that entered the desert? Are they all dead?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"They are indeed dead." Lu Ming nodded.

"Where did the ant colony die? I mean, how far can it go after entering the desert!" Ye Han asked again.

Sorry for the delay today, I will go to the next chapter immediately.

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