As long as things related to the dragon clan are absolutely hard to find in the eyes of human warriors, they can be used to refine top-level weapons or armor.

This is enough to make people covet and even crazy.


Since the birth of the dragon clan, the dragon clan has been much stronger than the human race. Even if human beings covet it, they dare not make the wrong idea of the dragon clan.

It is almost impossible for some human beings to find a dying dragon clan through the great fortune.

Because the dragon people have a very keen sense of their own time limit. Whenever they realize that their own time limit is coming, they will return to the Dragon Valley early, and finally walk to the Dragon tomb step by step.

Dragon tomb, this is the last resting place of all dragon people.

Think about it. Since the birth of the dragon people, all the Dragon families have been buried in dragon tombs. How many keel, dragon horns, dragon scales, etc. should be in the Dragon tombs.

Among the human beings, those artificemakers dream to find the Dragon Valley.

Of course, it's just a dream.

If those weapon refiners on the Xuanwu continent knew that Fengzhi could go to Longgu, they would be envious and jealous.

Along with this road, Fengzhi also found that they are now walking this road, as if some strange.

It looks like

It seems that it is not in the same space as Longgu.

Because of this, Feng Zhi understood why when she came to Longgu for the first time, even if she had gone all over Longgu, she didn't find such a place as Longzhong.

In fact, it is in a different space.

Probably knowing that Feng Zhi had doubts, Shi Yan explained at this time: "the location of the Dragon tomb is not in the same space as the Dragon Valley. In addition to the guidance of dragon blood bracelet, only when the time comes can the dragon family find the location of the Dragon tomb with the traction of blood."

Feng to see her wrist will be light convergence after looking at the ordinary dragon blood bracelet.

I didn't expect the dragon blood bracelet has such a function.

Even Long Yan was a little surprised at this time.

As a member of the golden dragon clan, Long Yan knew about the Dragon tomb before, but for the first time, he heard about where the Dragon tomb was and how to enter it.

Long Yan and Feng are the Dragon King and dragon concubine of the dragon clan. Theoretically speaking, they are the two most powerful people in the dragon clan. Therefore, longzhan and Shiyan will not hide from them.

Shi Yan also said: "the Dragon tomb is the most important place of the dragon family. When there is nothing wrong, even the Dragon King and the Dragon Princess can't go easily. Only the Dragon King inherits the throne, and after the Dragon King marries the imperial concubine, according to the rules handed down by the dragon family, must go to the Dragon tomb once."

At the beginning, longzhan inherited the position of Dragon King, and after longzhan married Shiyan, they came to Longzhong together.

Shi Yan thinks of the situation at that time, and it seems that it happened yesterday, but in a flash, she has gone through tens of thousands of years with the dragon war.

At this time, long Zhan also looked back to Shiyan, and they looked at each other with a smile.

Fengzhi and Longyan are both speechless.

Think about the past, they inadvertently give others dog food, how now they have been married, on the contrary, others have a mouthful of dog food?

Long Yan pinches the hand that pinches Feng Zhi.

He looked ahead and saw that long Zhan and Shi Yan were affectionately forgetting. He didn't notice them at all. So he whispered in Fengzhi's ear: "Fengzhi, we will be like parents, no matter how long we go, we will love each other as before..."

Feng Zhi smiles.

She also stuck to Long Yan's ear, "you are more and more able to speak now."

The two then chuckled.

In this case, although the journey to the Dragon tomb is not short, but in the feeling of Fengzhi, it seems to arrive soon.

If the Dragon hall that Fengzhi has been to before can be regarded as very grand, then compared with the gate of the Dragon tomb, the Dragon hall is obviously a small wizard.

The Dragon hall is still a building on the whole, but the Dragon tomb is different.

The gate of the Dragon tomb is composed of the bones of two giant dragons. Look

It's like an enlarged version of the gate of the dragon.

However, the gate of the Dragon pass is only the shadow of two giant dragons. The gate of the Dragon tomb is really two giant dragons.

The two dragons had already died, and their flesh and blood were withered and rotten in the long landscape, but the complete keel stood at the gate of the Dragon tomb for thousands of years, becoming the most important gateway of the dragon family.

From the bones of these two dragons, Feng can feel the faint pressure.

This makes Feng Zhi a little surprised.

In the eyes of Fengzhi before, the dragon clan was nothing. If it wasn't for Longyan, she would probably regard the dragon clan as a spirit animal in the Xiuzhen realm. After all, among the Dragon families that Fengzhi saw, there were very few that threatened her.But now

Feng Zhi didn't think so.

Although her current strength is only at the early stage, she can easily surpass the practitioners in the middle stage. Her real strength should be equivalent to that in the later stage.

With her strength, standing in front of the bones of these two giant dragons, she felt a little palpitation.

From this, we can see that when the two dragons were still alive, their strength was at least comparable to that of the God transforming and even the practitioners of Mahayana period.

Think about the Dragon pill that Longyan absorbed in the virtual spirit realm.

Want to come

Even in the basaltic continent, the strength of the dragon clan long ago is much stronger than that of the current dragon clan.

Fengzhi can't figure out why the strength of the dragon clan has declined. However, with Longyan, a dragon king who has made great progress because of absorbing the Dragon elixir of ancient times, the future of the dragon clan is sure to be expected.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi takes a deep breath and looks up at the towering bone gate of the Dragon tomb in front of him again.

She had no doubt that if someone with ulterior motives secretly touched here, not only could she not get any benefits from it, but also would end up miserable.

After standing in front of this bone door for a long time, long Zhan and Shi Yan just take back their sight.

They looked at Fengzhi and Longyan, "Longyan, Fengzhi, we can only send you here."

Now Longyan and Fengzhi are the Dragon Kings and concubines of the dragon family. The Dragon tomb is the important place of the dragon family. Of course, only the two of them can enter.

Feng Zhi still has some doubts in her heart.

"Father, mother, why..." Phoenix to the way, "Dragon King and dragon princess married, must go to the Dragon tomb?"

Listening to Feng Zhi's question, long Zhan and Shi Yan are not without doubts.

Both shook their heads.

"This is a rule handed down from generation to generation. It is said that the ancestors left a prophecy. It needs the Dragon King and the Dragon Princess to go together to trigger this prophecy..."

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