
Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other again.

In the past, Fengzhi would not believe in any prophecy or prophecy. After all, although there is a saying of fate, Fengzhi always believes that fate is determined by each person's choice, and there is no such theory that can be foreseen.

But now

Some things can't be trusted.

"What prophecy?" Long Yan also asked.

Longzhan and Shiyan shook their heads. "We only know that there is such a prophecy, but the content of the prophecy is heard to be only accessible to the Dragon King and the Dragon Princess in the prophecy. Other people can't get any information."

They came once when they got married. They didn't get any useful information at that time. They just got a gift from their predecessors in the Dragon tomb.

"Although I don't know the content of that prophecy, it should be extremely important for the dragon people." Dragon war way, and then a change in the front of the story, "however, even if you are not the one in the prophecy, it doesn't matter, as long as you enter the Dragon tomb, at least you can get the gift of those dragon ancestors in the Dragon tomb."

This gift

It is the improvement of strength.

After explaining these words, the dragon war didn't delay any more. He took Shiyan and retreated to one side. "Longyan, Fengzhi, the dragon family will be handed over to you later. Now, you can go in."

Although it is only a simple advice, Fengzhi and Longyan can clearly hear some meaning related to "inheritance" from the words of dragon war.

Both of them nodded their heads.

Then, Feng Zhi and Long Yan tightly hold each other's hand, with a calm look, but their steps are extremely firm in stepping into the bone gate.

At the moment when they step into the bone gate, Feng Zhi and Long Yan both feel that a bright white light suddenly appears in front of them. Without any preparation, they can't help but close their eyes.

When they finally got used to the light and reopened their eyes, they took a breath together.

Where they could see was a plain with no end.

The plain was not like any place they had seen before, and there was nothing that could be called life, only a dazzling white.

Those white

All the bones of the dragon.

The dazzling white keel is either scattered or completed, or looks up to the sky as if it were still alive, or randomly piled into a pile like a small bag

Who said, anything, when the number of things to a certain extent, will give people a sense of shock.

Fengzhi and Longyan both have deep experience.

When they look at the past in this way, they can see that there are keels in various forms.

With so many keels, it means that there are countless dragon families. Before they die, they take the initiative to come to the Dragon tomb, and then gradually fill the Dragon tomb with their own bodies.

At this moment, Fengzhi and Longyan seem to have seen a giant dragon. Before the end of their lives, they hobbled to the Dragon tomb step by step, and finally closed their eyes in the Dragon tomb.

This kind of scene, just think about it, is so shocking that it's hard to breathe.

Two people were standing at the entrance of the Dragon tomb.

It's not that they don't want to go inside, but in front of them are all scattered with white keel. Can't they just step on the bones of their ancestors?

When they thought about what to do next, there was a sudden change in the Dragon tomb.

From the scattered or complete remains of the dragon clan, a group of lights of different colors suddenly appeared. Although the colors of the lights are different, the shapes of the lights are the same.

It's all dragon shaped!

At first, these dragon shaped lights were still unstable. The lights of various colors were constantly exposed and extinguished. After a long time, they finally stabilized.

For a moment, this originally only "white" in the color of the Dragon tomb, like countless different colors of small light bulbs.

At the beginning, the dragon shaped objects in these lights looked rather confused at first, but after a while, the two eyes of these dragon shaped objects were more dazzling.

So, these lights, it looks like suddenly there is life.

With a pair of eyes lit up, the pressure in the whole dragon tomb also began to become strong.

At first, Fengzhi and Longyan could stand here without any burden, but the later the time went on, the greater the pressure on them. Although they still did not step back, their feet were embedded in the land under their feet.

The two looked at each other, and both saw horror in each other's eyes.

Then, the light at the eyes of the countless dragon shapes vibrated. All the Dragon shapes seemed to be pulled by something. Suddenly, they looked up and gave out the sound of dragon chantingAll the dragons chanted together.

No one knew what it felt like before.

But after today, many people know.

For example, Fengzhi and Longyan are waiting for the dragon war and Shiyan outside the Dragon tomb, and the Dragon families in the Dragon Valley.

At this moment, all the dragon people feel that their souls are under the pressure of something that they can't resist. It's good if they can exert their strength by three points. Some of the young dragon people kneel down one after another when their knees are soft.

What's going on here!

All dragon people have such questions in their hearts.

The senior officials of the dragon clan, who have some knowledge of the Dragon tomb and the prophecy, think that today Longyan and Fengzhi should have been led to the Dragon tomb, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Dragon grave!"

"The prophecy of the dragon clan!"

They thought of these two things for the first time.

Then, the high-level faces of these dragon people will show both sadness and joy at the same time.

In their understanding, if any Dragon King and dragon concubine triggered the change of the Dragon tomb, it means that the prophecy of the dragon family, which has been handed down for many generations, has been confirmed. It also means that there are great dangers and opportunities among the dragon people.

Chance, of course, is what everyone wants, but danger

Thinking about this, the senior officials of the dragon clan all looked at each other and sighed.

In their eyes, there is both worry and hope.

I just hope

The dragon clan can successfully survive this crisis and get the chance in the prophecy.

Everyone thinks so.

Fengzhi and Longyan, who are in the Dragon tomb, are doing their best to resist the pressure from these dragon shapes.

Feng Zhi's feet sank to the ground again. She bit her teeth and choked her face red. "Longyan, is this Longwei?"

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