When these dragon spirits appeared, the light in the Dragon tomb was much dimmer than when Fengzhi and Longyan first came in. Because of this, the pair of longan became particularly striking.

So many pairs of eyes staring at, is bold as Phoenix to, in fact, some of the heart hair.

After a long time, those dragon spirits who were staring at Fengzhi and Longyan seemed to hear some instructions, but all of a sudden they moved towards both sides like the tide, leaving a very wide passage.

It's like

What heavyweight is coming up?

Feng Zhi thought so in her heart.

She just had this idea. At the end of the passage, which was let out by many dragon spirits, a golden dragon soul appeared there, which looked more solid than other dragon spirits.

The soul has no weight, and the golden dragon soul just suddenly drifts from the channel to the place not far from Fengzhi and Longyan.

The golden dragon soul's eyes blinked.

At the next moment, Feng Zhi and Long Yan, who have been pressed out of breath, feel relaxed.

The two quickly gasped for breath, and then their eyes fell on the golden dragon soul.

If they're right

The color of these dragon spirits represents which clan they were among the dragon people before they were alive. For example, the golden dragon soul should have been a golden dragon clan before his death.

In other words, the golden dragon soul was once a dragon king of the dragon clan.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other.

They are now Dragon King and dragon concubine. They have a close understanding of the history of the dragon clan. They are trying to guess which Dragon King they were. The golden dragon soul first flickered slightly, then turned into human form.


Feng's eyes widened.

Generally speaking, the soul can only show the original appearance of people or other races, and can not be transformed into other forms. Now the dragon soul has broken the inherent impression of Fengzhi.

The golden dragon soul incarnated into a middle-aged man who was about 40 years old. His hair and eyes were pale gold, but he was wearing a white suit. He didn't look like a dragon family, but like those immortal monks in the Xiuzhen world.

After the golden dragon soul came forward, all the other dragon spirits bowed their heads together, obviously showing their submission.

Among the other dragon spirits, there are even scattered Golden Dragon spirits, but these golden dragon spirits are obviously not as powerful as the one transformed into human form.

In the surprise of Fengzhi and Longyan, the dragon soul in human form smiles and says, "old man, long li."

Long li?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan both know this dragon Li.

This is the first Dragon King that can be found in the history of the dragon clan. It is also the most powerful and longest lived dragon clan recognized by all the later generations. Even though long Li has been dead for at least a million years, the dragon people still have to be convinced when they think of the name "Longli".

At this time, Feng understood.

It is obvious that long Li was the first one to enter this place of soul cultivation. His own strength is much stronger than that of other dragon families. He has stayed in this place for the longest time. It is not difficult to understand that his dragon spirit is now the strongest.

When Feng Zhi makes such a guess, long Li smiles and begins to talk about the story long ago.

“…… I found this dragon tomb for the first time. After realizing that it has a strong nourishing effect on the soul, I decided to set the Dragon Tomb of the dragon clan here... "

“…… Since then, as long as the life of the dragon people is approaching, they will find their way to the Dragon tomb under the inspiration left by me. "

Long Yan's face is a little confused.

He had been puzzled by the fact that the dragon family lived on the Xuanwu continent before, and it was only less than 100000 years since they moved to Longgu. He had thought about why the Dragon tomb was connected with the Dragon Valley.

But now it seems that the Dragon tomb is not connected with the Dragon Valley, but a space that only the dragon people can go to.

Probably, when the life of the dragon people is approaching, no matter where they are, they will find a way to the Dragon tomb.

Fengzhi and Longyan rely on the effect of dragon blood bracelet to the Dragon tomb, which is an exception.

After saying these things a long time ago, long Li smiles and looks at Fengzhi and Longyan, "you are the Dragon King and Princess of this generation. I have been waiting for you here for hundreds of thousands of years..."

Wait for them?

Fengzhi and Longyan immediately remembered what longzhan and Shiyan had said, the prophecy of the dragon clan.

Both of them didn't speak. They just looked at long Li and waited for him to speak down.

Long Li continued: "when I found this space, I didn't have much life left. Because of the nourishment of the dragon soul, I took this place as a dragon tomb. At least, in this way, the dragon family can survive in another form after the end of their life. It can only be in this dragon tomb, but it's better than sleeping forever?"All the other dragon spirits heard a low sound.

Obviously, they think the same way.

"Later, I naturally closed my eyes in the Dragon tomb, and then lived in this form to the present." Speaking of this, long Li also had some doubts. "Speaking of it, I don't know whether we can count as a" living "word

Although there are some doubts, long Li has been living like this for hundreds of thousands of years. Of course, he will not be confused by this problem any more, so he only pauses for a meal and turns the unknown problem aside.

"The nourishment effect of the Dragon tomb on the dragon soul is much better than I expected. After I entered the Dragon tomb, the dragon soul was much better than when I was alive. Later, I even had some vague premonition. In the distant future, there will be a pair of Dragon King and dragon concubine, which will bring great opportunities to the dragon clan..."

Although there was such a vague premonition at that time, long Li didn't know what the chance in his premonition meant.

However, he still used the secret method to convey his instructions to the dragon people.

Since then, every Dragon King, after inheriting the throne of the Dragon King, will come to the Dragon tomb.

This is the first time to get a gift from the dragon people of all ages.

With so many dragon families buried here, there are more and more dragon Qi in the Dragon tomb. All the dragon people who enter here can get the Dragon Qi to infuse the body, so as to improve their strength.

After the Dragon King and his concubine get married, because of Long Li's premonition, he also wants to take his concubine to the Dragon tomb, so that long Li can confirm who his prophecy is.

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