At that time, long Li had only such a vague premonition, but there was no precise time limit. Therefore, after waiting for the Dragon King and princess to arrive one after another, after experiencing countless disappointments, he finally arrived at Longyan and Fengzhi.

Although long Li's expression is very calm now, in fact, he doesn't know how happy he is.

After he finished speaking, long Li changed his previous calmness, but he looked longingly at Fengzhi and Longyan I can feel that in my premonition, the people who can bring great opportunities to the dragon people are you. Now, can you tell me what the big opportunities are? "


Feng almost blew out.

She thought that long Li had discovered the Dragon tomb and had a premonition. She could not have known that even long li himself was confused?

Feng to want to think, but asked her heart doubts.

"Long li Master, he is Long Yan, and I am Fengzhi, the Dragon King and imperial concubine of this term. " Feng Zhi first introduced herself. Seeing long Li nodding, she continued, "master Long Li, after you entered the Dragon tomb, the dragon soul has been greatly nourished. I wonder if you can leave here and go outside in the state of dragon spirit?"

Long Li shook his head.

"In this dragon tomb, our dragon soul is undoubtedly incomparably powerful, but such strength is only limited to the Dragon tomb. As long as we take a step outside, our dragon soul will dissipate at a very fast speed, until we return to the Dragon tomb, we can get nourishment again."

If not, how could they not try to go outside in the state of soul and body?

After all

No matter how good the Dragon tomb is, it is also a tomb. No one wants to be locked here for a long time.

It's just helpless.

Feng to the heart is actually a premonition, so for long Li's words, she did not feel strange.

Even, she can guess why long Li and others can't get out of the Dragon tomb in the state of soul body.

This dragon tomb is originally a place to nourish the soul, which has a very powerful nourishing effect on the soul body, and can make the soul body become stronger quickly. However, the soul body is only the soul body after all, and there is no physical body to support it. Such a strong body can only be regarded as the moon in the mirror.

It's OK to be in the Dragon tomb. It may not feel good if there is a place to nourish the soul. But once you leave the Dragon tomb, the dragon soul without any support can only dissipate a little according to the law of nature.

If a ghost enters the Dragon tomb, he will wake up laughing in his dream.

Because ghost cultivation can use its own skills to nourish the soul of the land to strengthen its soul, so that its soul can really become strong.

But what about these dragon spirits?

They don't know what kind of cultivation method, and they don't know that they can practice under the state of soul. Of course, they can only be trapped in the Dragon tomb.

Feng to think of these, but some for the Dragon Li, as well as so many dragon soul feel pity.

In such a natural place to nourish the soul, but there is no real benefit. It's really blind for millions of years.

Feng Zhi remembers that among the numerous cultivation skills collected by the five element sect, there are actually some skills of ghost cultivation. It is said that they were exchanged from a very powerful ghost cultivation. The level of this skill is really not low.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi suddenly had a meal.

She looked at Longyan and the countless dragon spirits.

Speaking of

What these dragon spirits really lack seems to be a skill of ghost cultivation.

Ghost cultivation is all soul body, but there is no theory of muscle and vein. Therefore, any race, as long as it is in the state of soul and body, can practice the skills of ghost cultivation.

These dragon spirits have been nurtured in this place for thousands of years. If you really get a ghost cultivation skill, I'm afraid it won't be long before the dragon clan will have many ghost cultivation that can form strong combat power.

The most difficult part of ghost repair is that they have no entity at all, and many attack methods are useless to them at all.

If the dragon clan suddenly has so many ghosts, the strength of the dragon clan will at least double in an instant.

What kind of effect will this bring if the strength of the already powerful dragon clan is doubled again?

I'm afraid that the whole basaltic continent will be shaken a few times.


Feng Zhi's heart suddenly had a guess.

Can it be, what long Li said, that he didn't know what the chance was, that she could give these dragon spirits a ghost cultivation skill?

If so

Feng Zhi looks up at long Li and others.

After a long time, she suddenly said, "if you say I have a skill that you can practice in the form of soul and body. Do you think this is the chance you call it

So many dragon spirits are all quiet.Then, countless pairs of small light bulb like eyes again lit up, and looked at Feng Zhi in unison.

At first, long Li thought that he was hearing things, but seeing the reaction of the dragon spirit around him, he didn't know that he had not heard wrong. Feng Zhi really said that.

So he rushed to Feng Zhi and said, "Feng Zhi, do you mean that you have skills in your hand that we can practice in the form of soul body?"

Long Li was so anxious that she didn't go directly into Feng Zhi's mind to see what she said.

Feng to some helpless.

In the legend of the dragon clan, the most powerful and wise Dragon King, long Li, is so impatient?

Of course, Fengzhi can actually understand why long Li is so eager.

In the form of dragon spirits, they have survived in the Dragon tomb for millions of years. These dragon spirits still remain calm and have not been driven crazy by the loneliness in these long years. All of these are the blessings of the place where the souls are raised.


These dragon spirits that appear here may have lost their senses for a long time and have fallen into fratricidal action.

Now that they can continue to practice, it's strange that long Li and others are not excited!

Because of his understanding of the mentality of Long Li and others, Fengzhi didn't show off. "I have a ghost cultivation skill here, which is just suitable for you to practice in such a form. With the addition of this place for cultivating souls, you will soon be able to practice successfully, and then you will be able to leave this place of cultivating souls and really go to the outside world."

Feng Zhi knew what Longli was most concerned about, so he said it directly.

Dragon Li's face suddenly showed some excitement.

Because he was too excited, his soul and body looked a little unstable, as if they were going to collapse at any time.

Long Li also knew that his state was not good, so he took several deep breaths and finally calmed down.

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