"Good, good, good..." Long Li said three "good" words in a row, "I don't waste my waiting for millions of years. Now I finally have this chance!"

With these words, the Dragon Li, as well as the countless dragon spirits, look at Feng Zhi's eyes as if they were looking at some living Bodhisattva.

Only after experiencing the loneliness in these long years can they know more about how valuable it is to be free to go in and out of the outside world.

Feng is now the Dragon Princess of the dragon clan, and these people can be regarded as her kindred. Therefore, she did not procrastinate. She directly took the ghost cultivation skills collected by the five elements sect from the space.

Then, holding the jade slips recording the skill in his hand, Feng Zhi raised his hand, and the jade slips shot in the direction of Long Li.


Yu Jian flies too fast, bringing out such a howling sound in the air.

Long Li saw the situation and directly reached out, trying to grasp the jade slips in his hand.

But when he reached out his hand, he suddenly remembered that although he was still real, the state of his soul could not touch any real object, so his eyes did not dim down.

At this time, long Li was suddenly stunned.

Only because he found that the jade slips flying towards him not only did not draw directly from his illusory soul, but also directly stuck to his forehead.

The next moment

Long li felt the news from the jade slips. First, he was shocked. Then he immediately gathered his mind and began to realize the mystery of the skill.

Smile to the Phoenix.

This is the skill of practicing for ghosts. If they can't pass the skills to ghost practitioners, how can they practice them?

And the other dragon spirits also saw that long Li was doing something important for their future, so they carefully surrounded him to ensure that he would not be disturbed by anything else.

They all felt vaguely that

In front of them, it seems that a brand-new gate is slowly opening.

After a long time, Long Yan, who has always closed his eyes, opened his eyes again.

There was a faint flash of gold in his eyes. After only a short time, all of us could clearly realize that the soul of Longli seemed to be more solid than before.

Seeing all the Dragon spirits looking at him nervously, long Li nodded: "this is indeed a skill that can be practiced in our present form, and it is also an extremely excellent skill. It is the chance of our dragon family Here we are

Many dragon spirits then sent out bursts of excited Longyin.

Before that, the situation of all the dragons chanting together appeared again.

It's enough for the dragon to release its soul.

He had a high prestige among these dragon spirits, so only such a small action made the countless dragon spirits quiet again.

"Fengzhi, thank you."

Dragon Li said words, and then very serious toward the direction of the Phoenix to line a ceremony.

And the other dragon spirits were not idle. They turned into human beings one by one, and then they bowed to the Phoenix after learning the appearance of dragon Li.

"Fengzhi, thank you!"

So many dragon spirits sent out thanks together, and the whole dragon tomb seemed to shake up.

Feng to the heart is also slightly warm.

She didn't expect that she just took out a skill which was useless in the five element sect, but could get the thanks of so many dragon elders.

As a Dragon Princess of the dragon family, she can accomplish such a beneficial thing for the dragon family

Feng to in the heart happy time, also felt the pressure on her body's responsibility.

She quickly bowed to Longli and others. "Master Longli, and you are welcome. I am a member of the dragon clan now. If you can help, you will not stand by."

Long Li smiles and nods.

Then, he sighed, "to be able to get this chance before the great disaster is coming. Maybe this is our dragon clan."


Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other.

Long Yan wrung his brow and looked at long li. "What do you mean by the words," the great difficulty is coming "

Long Li's words to Feng Zhi can't be more agreeable, but the object is changed to long li. Before he opens his mouth, he stares, "of course, it means literally!"

Then, long Li carefully sorted out what he was going to say, and then went on: "the prophecy of the dragon clan does not mean that the organic fate of the dragon people that I feel in this dragon tomb falls on a certain Dragon King and Dragon Princess, but refers to the dragon family and even the whole Xuanwu continent. In no more than 50 years or so, there will be a great difficulty. If it is not easy to deal with it, maybe the whole Xuan kingdom will be in danger The city of Wudang will fall in this disaster... "

Great difficulty!

Feng to listen to the heart also some heavy.

She could see that long Li was not joking.However, where did long Li's prophecy come from?

It seems that seeing Feng Zhi's doubts, long Li said: "this prediction is not from who said it, but suddenly appeared in the minds of all the dragon people many years ago. Although it is strange, as long as the dragon people receive this prediction, they have no doubt."

Other dragon spirits also nodded.

Long Yan slightly twisted his eyebrows.

These later born dragon people did not receive such a prediction.

Long Li said: "no matter whether this prediction is true or not, however, the dragon clan needs to strengthen its own strength, which is beyond doubt. Now that we have the skill of fengzhigei, as long as we, who are old and old, have a successful practice, the future of the dragon clan will only be better..."

This is true, of course.

After thousands of years of nourishment in the Dragon tomb, these dragon spirits will surely enter the country very quickly if they practice ghost cultivation skills again. It is not enough to describe them as twice the result with half the effort.

Feng Zhi thinks that before the 50 year period mentioned by long Li, long Li and others will certainly be able to form a strong fighting force!

After long Li told them all to Longyan and Fengzhi, he thought of the Kung Fu he had just learned. He was eager to practice and pass the skill to other dragon spirits. Therefore, he didn't have the interest to continue talking. He waved to Fengzhi and Longyan, "OK, don't stay here for a long time. After absorbing the dragon spirit, you can leave immediately. It's OK If we want to come here, we old guys will have to practice hard in the future. After hundreds of thousands of years of delay, we have to catch up quickly

Feng Zhi and Long Yan are helpless.

Unexpectedly, these ancestors of the dragon clan are already in the state of soul and body, but they are still practicing madness one by one.

They didn't say anything else. They just nodded at long li.

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