Fengzhi can't remember how many people she killed.

She was a little surprised that she had made so many enemies all the way.


It doesn't matter.

As long as her heart is firm, these people will not be enough to become a roadblock on her way forward.

I don't know how long she walked, or how many swords she wielded. When Feng Zhi came to the end of this foggy Road, she saw the figure of Long Yan there.


Long Yan's eyes are full of anxiety.

Feng to the eyes cold.

Such a scene, in the virtual spirit state, before entering Qingque cave, she had experienced it once.

Seeing Feng Zhi ignoring himself, a little grievance flashed in Long Yan's pale gold eyes, "Fengzhi, why don't you pay attention to me? I'm worried about you..."

Feng Zhi keeps pace, still a little closer to Longyan.

The sword of faith in her hand was firmly held.

On the way to Fengzhi's approach, Long Yan kept talking, "Fengzhi, what's the matter with you? Let me have a good look. You know, I'm more distressed when you're hurt than when I'm hurt..."

"Fengzhi, why is it necessary for you to practice so hard? With me, you just need to stand behind me, and I can protect you firmly and never let you get any harm..."

“…… Fengzhi, come on, come to my arms... "

Feng Zhi came near.

She looked at Long Yan's face.

Then, without hesitation, she stabbed the Dragon Yan's body.

"You are not long Yan."

"This kind of confusion doesn't work for me..."

"Cultivating oneself is to be strong. As long as I am strong enough, no matter what kind of heart demon, I can't be hurt. So, go to death!"

Feng to say words, and will be in the hands of the faith of the sword easily pulled out.

"Long Yan" eyes flashing with incredible light, probably, he did not expect, Feng to even so do not hesitate to draw a sword against him.

Looking at the "Long Yan" body also turned into a little bit of gold disappeared, Phoenix to lip side hook up a sneer.

"The way of heaven?" She said, "remember later, don't confuse me with the people I know most, because I have eyes..."

Words down, the Phoenix to the place where it is in a twitch gradually dissipated.

The next moment, Feng Zhi returned to the place where he had been robbed.

Before she closed her eyes, she ordered to ring the clock to take her to find a safe place, but now she is still in the same place. I think it is very safe here to ring the clock.

Feng to look at his empty left hand, hook lips smile.

"Well, come back." She patted on the wall of the bell.

Ring the clock to send out a slight buzz, and then obediently changed back to a small bell, and then actively hung in the Phoenix to that has been broken waist.

Feng to this time also don't care what kind of situation he is now.

So she stood in the air.

And then

Feng to open his hands, with a kind of unprepared posture will completely show himself in this world.

The next moment, from heaven and earth gush a great force, directly into the body of Feng to.

The charred skin and almost roasted meat on Fengzhi's noodles fell off a little bit from Fengzhi's body under the influence of this force. In some places, it was only visible to see the dense white bones.

Feng to have been unable to see the face of the face does not have any expression.

After the skin fell off, Weili began to repair her broken body a little bit.

New flesh and blood began to grow on the dense bones, and even her right arm, which was smashed by the thunder, grew out a little bit.

This is the transformation after the disaster.

Then there is the skin that seems to be white and shining. In this completely dark void, the Phoenix is like a holy goddess at this moment.

It's easy to destroy, but it's also easy to repair.

It's only about ten breaths. Feng Zhi's body, like a rag doll, has been completely restored by Tiandi Weili.

Raised her hand to change a new dress, Feng to this just began to check their current situation.

Her body had been transformed by the dragon spirit before, but now it has been restored by the great power of the heaven and earth. Her body strength is stronger again. If she takes a sword to scratch her body directly, it will leave a white mark at most.

Feng took a deep breath.

Feeling the strength of her body, and thinking about how embarrassed she was under the thunder, she couldn't help feeling a little.

Of course, Fengzhi did not forget to break through to the biggest change after the transformation period.That is

Second God!

Feng closed as like as two peas, and her heart moved, and she had a woman who looked exactly the same as her.

This is her second God.

Feng Zhi raised her hand to touch the woman beside her, and the second yuan God also reached out and touched her. Their hands finally got together.

Clearly, the second God should be composed of energy, but when Feng Zhi holds the other hand, he can clearly feel the warm feeling from that hand.

All this

Almost exactly the same as herself.


Feng then slightly twisted her eyebrows.

She suddenly felt as if something was wrong?

then, as like as two peas appeared, the second gods appeared after two figures appeared.

These two figures are not human figures, but a dragon and a Phoenix.

The Phoenix is burning a pale flame all over her body. Although the shape of this dragon shaped figure is as strange as Phoenix, she can feel it. This is also her.

It's her, too?

Feng Zhi was confused for a moment.

It's true that she has broken through to the period of transforming spirit. However, there is only one second God for the practitioners in the period of transforming spirit. Why did the third God and the fourth God appear in two or three times when she came to her?

Isn't this abnormal?

With such a question, Feng to first mercilessly shook his head.

No, she's normal. She must be normal!

But maybe it was because she had suffered too much during the robbery that she got these benefits?

Feng to the heart read a little move, it was divided into three wisps of God, not into the second three four godless.

Then the feeling of being completely free like commanding her own body made Fengzhi affirm again that she had two more primordial spirits than other spiritual practitioners.

She can also find that the second, third and fourth yuan gods have about 80% of the strength of her noumenon.

That means

In the future, she will fight with four enemies and one?

Well, Fengzhi doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with the enemy at all. It's so cool!

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