Feng Zhi was like a child who got a new toy. He directed the three gods to play for a long time, and then stopped.

"Oh She suddenly remembered that she had forgotten one thing. "He should be in a hurry before he told Long Yan that he had succeeded in the robbery."

Thinking of her leaving the Dragon tomb, the fist that Long Yan tightly clenched, Feng Zhi's heart is also a tight.

Without any hesitation, Feng Zhi stretched out her index finger and stroked into the void.

She has studied the power of space before. After this breakthrough, she has a deeper understanding of the power of space. Now it is easier to break through space and go to another place.

If Fengzhi, who was in Xuling state at that time, wanted to return to Xuanwu from Xuling state, she would not have used the eight pieces of kongyao crystal.

Remembering how precious the eight pieces of kongyao crystal are, Fengzhi couldn't help but inhale.

Of course, this is not the time to think about it.

With the Phoenix to the fingertip in the void such a row, the air suddenly appeared a light door.

You can see the difference here.

At most, the Phoenix in the past can only draw a space crack in the void, and this space crack is still unstable, but now only with a stroke, it becomes a complete and stable door.

Of course, it's high and low.

Reach out to push open this light door, Phoenix to one step.

The next moment, she returned to the Dragon tomb.

Almost at the moment of Feng Zhi's appearance, Long Yan and long Li all looked at her together.

"Phoenix to!"

As long Yan called, his body turned into a golden awn, and he took the Phoenix that had just appeared into his arms.

During the period from Fengzhi to Dujie, Long Yan always had a heart in his mind, for fear that something would go wrong when Feng arrived there.

She no longer believed in Fengzhi's ability, but he also knew very well that Fengzhi had told him more than once before that she was not sure.


Fortunately, Feng Zhiping is back now.

Long Yan hugs Feng Zhi tightly in his arms, just as if he is holding a lost treasure.

Feng Zhi can feel Longyan's present mood. If they want to live in different places, she will feel the same way.

So he felt warm in his heart and put his hand around Long Yan's waist and said in a low voice, "Long Yan, I'm ok..."

So they get tired of each other.

Long Li, who had watched for a long time, could have understood the feelings of the two people, but after waiting for so long, he could not bear to see them tired?

One hand is clenched into a fist and placed on the chin. The dragon has a heavy cough.

"I said you two are almost glued together?" Long Li Road.

Feng then turned back to look at long Li, "ha ha, master Long Li, are you envious, jealous and hateful when you see our intimacy?"

Long Li was run by Feng and couldn't speak.

Hearing that Feng ran into long Li like this, Long Yan also laughed.

He then asked about the breakthrough situation of Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, did you succeed in breaking through?"

Feng to nod, "still calculate good luck, did not become coke under the sky thunder."

Hearing this, Longyan was deeply distressed.

He can imagine, although Feng Zhi said so lightly, but her breakthrough process must be very difficult.

At this time, long Li also looked at Feng from top to bottom. After a long time, he said, "you little girl, you've only been away from Kung Fu for less than half a day, and your strength has been greatly improved..."

Long Li was shocked.


Although he has been dead for millions of years, he is still a member of the dragon clan. The Dragon concubine of this term has such strength. In addition, Long Yan's strength is far more than that of the previous Dragon Kings. Long Li is naturally only happy.

Maybe, is this the variable God gave to the dragon people before the disaster?

Such a thought, long Li's heart is open a lot.

After Fengzhi and Longyan, they didn't stay in Longzhong.

This time, both they and so many dragon spirits in the Dragon tomb have gained a lot. I want to come here for a while. When long Li and others have achieved their accomplishments, they can reappear outside the Dragon tomb, and the strength of the dragon clan will usher in a big breakthrough.

Before they left, the skeletons, which originally formed the complete skeleton of a giant dragon, quietly changed back to the original appearance.

From the keel out of a row of different colors of light, and changed back to the previous dragon soul.

These dragon spirits all changed into human forms and bowed to Fengzhi again.

Feng Zhi also nodded to these dragon spirits, and then left the Dragon tomb with Long Yan.

Outside the Dragon tomb, longzhan and Shiyan are still waiting.

Seeing Fengzhi and Longyan, longzhan and Shiyan first put their heart down, and then quickly asked, "Longyan, Fengzhi, what happened in the Dragon tomb just now? Why are there so many dragon chants?"At the beginning, longzhan and Shiyan also went to the Dragon tomb together.

When they visited the dragon clan, nothing happened.

Even a few generations ago, no such thing happened in the Dragon tomb.

That's why they are worried.

"Father, mother, don't worry, this is a good thing."

Long Zhan and Shi Yan are relieved.

Long Yan was about to tell them what happened in the Dragon tomb, but he was stopped by the dragon war. "Let's wait until we go out. I'm afraid everyone will hear about the movement in the Dragon tomb. Anyway, we have to talk about it once outside. Let's just go outside and talk about it."

Feng Zhi and Long Yan also nodded.

The party then went back the same way.

When they returned to the Dragon Valley, all the dragon people really met at the crossroads, and each dragon clan was worried about whether there was something wrong with the Dragon tomb.

As the New Dragon King, Long Yan stretched out his hand and gently pressed down in the crowd of all the people. "Everyone can rest assured that something has happened in the Dragon tomb, but it is all good."

Then Fengzhi took out a skill that the Dragon spirits could also practice.

After that, the Dragon stops and looks at her.

Fengzhi smiles at Longyan, but does not wriggle. Holding Long Yan's hand and holding everyone's sight, Fengzhi is not afraid at all. "The Dragon tomb is originally a place to nourish the soul, which has a strong nourishing effect on the soul. These ancestors of the dragon clan have been nurtured in the Dragon tomb for so many years. If they practice in the state of soul and body, they will get twice the result with half the effort. Maybe it won't take a few years, You can see your ancestors coming out of the Dragon tomb... "

Everyone was stunned, and then cheered together.

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