Long linger said that the Dragon Red gauze offended twist, which is also for a reason.

During this period, Fengzhi produced a skill that was like a custom-made skill for the dragon clan. All the dragon people who had tried this skill were overjoyed because the speed of practice was much faster than before. What's more?

The dragon clan has a long life. In the past, they could have such a powerful force by using such primitive and crude methods. Now, with Fengzhi, they have given their skills, which means that they can climb to a higher peak in their long life.

Especially for those who are still under age, their future will obviously be broader.

How can a dragon princess who can at least double the overall strength of the dragon clan not support it?

Therefore, in these days, when the dragon people saw Fengzhi, they only wanted to offer it as a God.

But this does not include the Dragon Red gauze.

When everyone was elated by the speed of practice brought by the new method, long Hongxiao refused to try this skill. She only hid in one side every day and practiced with the original one.

It's like

In this way, you can compete with Feng Zhi.

Long ling'er has been making friends with long Hong Xiao before, of course, he soon found out the abnormality of long Hong Xiao.

She actually knows why longhongxiao is so.

Even if the Dragon Red gauze has never admitted, but she to the Long Yan that thought, is again really can't.

How can someone who has been thinking about Feng Zhi for so many years be able to gouge him out of his heart because of his appearance?

However, long Hongxiao has her own pride, so even if she can't forget Long Yan in her heart, she has never tried to do anything to separate Fengzhi from Longyan.

She just looked at Long Yan from such a distance.

In fact, such opportunities are rare.

Since he went to Xuanwu to meet Fengzhi, Long Yan has spent very little time in Longgu. In the past 20 years, he has only spent this time in Longgu and his three years in seclusion.

When long ling'er thinks about it sometimes, she also thinks that she is crazy.


This infatuation is undoubtedly the wrong object.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan have such deep feelings that even the blind can see that there is no place for the Dragon Red gauze between them.

Although we can see this, how can long linger say that she is also a good sister of longhongxiao, and how can she say these things in front of longhongxiao?

What's more

Long Hongxiao knows this very well.

Although he knew that long Hongxiao might not listen to himself, long ling'er couldn't help but persuade him: "Hongxiao, how good Long Yan is, now he is the husband of others. For him, you can not practice new skills, so that you can lag behind everyone day by day?"

Even if the talent of Dragon Red gauze is good, but if she really twists like this, sooner or later, those who are not as good as her will surpass her at a very fast speed.

There is no doubt about this.

The Dragon Red gauze smelled the words, and the surface was cold as if it could scrape off a layer of ice debris.

Long ling'er didn't intend to stop talking about it. "Hongxiao, I know you can understand all these things. Why can't you look at it? With your excellence, there will always be a person who is no worse than Long Yan to come to you, you..."

The more she went on, the colder the Dragon Red gauze looked.

When long ling'er thinks he can't convince long Hongxiao, he suddenly takes a deep breath.

"Ling'er..." Dragon Red gauze secluded way, "you are right, I should also see everything clearly, you can rest assured, from today on, I will not make another twist."

Long ling'er was overjoyed.

As a good friend, of course, she wants longhongxiao to be good.

Dragon Red gauze smiles at long ling'er.

This smile is just like the melting of ice and snow, and the snow lotus blossoming on the top of the iceberg, suddenly nodding slightly in the cool wind, with infinite amorous feelings.

Long ling'er is a bit stunned.

Long Hongxiao doesn't talk to long ling'er again.

She sat down on her knees in the same place, and the skill she had already recited began to work.

And with the operation of the method, her heart was not willing to be a little bit pressed to the deepest heart.


After seeing that the skill he gave was really suitable for the cultivation of the dragon people, Fengzhi had some other ideas in mind.

Listen to the meaning of long li

In that prophecy, the so-called great calamity is not only aimed at the dragon people, but also at the creatures on the whole Xuanwu continent.

It can be imagined that the source of the crisis must be extremely terrible. If only relying on the powerful dragon clan, I am afraid it is not enough to get through the crisis.So

What if we make human beings and other alien races stronger?

Therefore, Feng Zhi leans on a noble imperial concubine's couch, tilts her head to look at Long Yan, and tells her own thoughts to Long Yan.

When Long Yan heard the speech, his eyes brightened.

Feng to embrace in the arms, Long Yan two eyes with a smile, "daughter-in-law, you are the most atmospheric."

Phoenix to white, dragon Yan a look.

She is not at all atmospheric, in fact, she is a person who can't care more.


If there is such a so-called disaster, of course, it is the combination of all the living forces, then there will be a greater possibility of surviving the disaster.

Fengzhi will think like this, not for others, in the final analysis or for her own.

What's more, Feng Zhi didn't intend to give the skill to others in vain.

She has a lot of skills in her hands.

Wuxingzong is a large sect. Naturally, there are a large number of skills collected. There are also skills suitable for all kinds of people. In Fengzhi's hand, there are also some skills suitable for Feng nationality and other alien races.

However, if these alien people want to get the skills in her hands, it also needs to pay a price.

She will bring out her skills to the people of Longyan to practice. This is because she is now the Dragon Princess of the dragon family. All the dragon people are her own, but other alien races are not her own.


Feng then played a ring finger.

"I think it's time for all the different races to exchange their good things. If I can't be satisfied, I won't give them!"

The Dragon Yan sees the situation and smiles again, and embraces the Phoenix into his arms.

He felt that his daughter-in-law was so proud and charming that he had only two words in his heart.


Under such circumstances, Long Yan's decision to Fengzhi was only supported.

He nodded forcefully, holding Feng Zhi and gently kissing him, "Fengzhi, no matter what you are going to do, I will definitely support you!"

So, in the short dialogue between Feng Zhi and Long Yan, the matter was settled in this way.

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