Feng Zhi was a person who thought of doing it. Since she had such an idea, she did not delay, and then she first sent a letter to the Feng family.

The reason why she first sent the letter to the Feng family was that compared with other foreign races, Fengzhi was the closest to the Feng family. After all, in a certain way, she was also a member of the Feng family.

That is, after she broke through the period of transforming spirit, one of the more original gods was the form of Feng nationality.

After receiving the news of Fengzhi, all the people of Feng nationality were excited.

In fact, the Phoenix clan knows something about the situation of the dragon people here. After all, the two ethnic groups have had many years of old friendship, and sometimes they can communicate with each other.

Because of this, the Feng clan has no doubt about whether Feng Zhi can come up with a method suitable for their cultivation.

It's said that the new skills of the dragon clan are extremely domineering. Shengshengneng can increase the speed of cultivation of the dragon clan by dozens of times. If they also get such a skill, it's impossible for the Feng nationality to rise or not?

Even if there is no custom-made skill, the Feng clan will never dislike it if they give it to them!

Many feng people think so.

It is also because the feng people are so excited that within two days after receiving the message from Fengzhi, Fengchi arrived at Longgu from Fengzu all the way.

When seeing the Phoenix blazing, Feng almost didn't laugh.

Feng Chi usually looks at him as a person with few words and arrogance. But now, because he hasn't had a rest all the way, he only travels at the fastest speed. The whole person of Fengchi looks gray, not like a phoenix family, but like a crow!

"Ha ha!"

Phoenix to no hesitation to make fun of Feng Chi.

Feng Chi also knew that his appearance was not good-looking, so Feng Zhi made fun of him. He could only laugh bitterly.

Finally, when Feng Zhi's smile was enough, Feng Chi's voice was filled with some eagerness, "Fengzhi, are all what you said in the letter true?"

Before Feng Zhi speaks, Long Yan can't help but protect Feng Zhi.

"If you don't believe it's true, why do you come all the way here?" The Dragon gave the Phoenix a blazing look.

Feng Chi then knew that she had said something wrong.

He didn't look at Long Yan and apologized directly to Feng Zhi, "I'm sorry, I'm not questioning you. I'm just so happy to get such news."

Then he looked at the Phoenix with such eagerness.

Naturally, Feng didn't give the skill of dragon to Feng.

This skill of the Dragon nationality is only suitable for the cultivation of the dragon people. She also has a better method suitable for the cultivation of winged races like Feng nationality.

It's just

Take out a jade slip from the space and throw it up and down. Feng Zhi's face is still smiling. "I do have the skill, and it's absolutely suitable for your Phoenix family to practice, but What are you going to trade for? "

After saying that, Feng Zhi looked at Feng Chi, and then couldn't help laughing.

Now Feng Chi can only see the jade slips tossed by the Phoenix as a toy. Not only do they keep chasing the jade slips, but also their heads are lifted up and down with the jade slips. It's not so funny to look at them.

Hearing the words of Feng Zhi, Feng Chi just some reluctantly took back his eyes.

He looked at Fengzhi and said firmly: "as long as there is such a skill, the Phoenix clan is willing to pay any price. Fengzhi, you only need to offer a price!"

Phoenix to hear the speech raised eyebrows.

In fact, her impression of Feng Zhi is very good, and after hearing Feng Chi's resolute attitude, the impression is even better.

If it was not for the Feng family, the dragon clan and the five element sect to survive the possible disaster in the future, how could she come up with these skills?

For the former five element sect, these skills may not be much, but for different races, they are more precious than anything.

If under such circumstances, the Feng clan still wants to bargain with her, then Feng Zhi wants to think about whether she should give them the skill or not.

Fortunately, the attitude of Feng nationality is very distinct.

As for Feng's gesture, Feng threw the jade slips in her hand to Feng Chi. "You're wise. I'll give you the skill first. You'd better think about what you want to exchange for this skill. If it doesn't satisfy me Hum

What do those two "hem" stand for? Feng Chi can't be clearer.

However, Feng Chi now also can't care to answer the Phoenix to.

After getting the jade slips, he pasted them directly on his eyebrows.

For a long time, after Feng Chi had been following the method for a long time, he held the jade slips tightly in his hand, and it was another gift to Fengzhi. "Fengzhi, on behalf of the Phoenix family, I thank you. You can rest assured that the Phoenix family will not let you suffer any loss!"

Feng nodded with satisfaction.

She then threw some jade slips to Fengchi. "These are skills for other alien races. If they want to, they just take something to exchange with you Feng clan. Of course, if any clan still wants to give up that little thing at this time, you can just destroy the jade slips."Feng Zhi doesn't want to deal with these alien races one by one. It's more appropriate to let Feng Chi and Feng family help to be a middleman.

The Phoenix blazing smell speech bitter smile.

But he immediately nodded without hesitation, "Feng to, you can rest assured, your matter, the Phoenix family will give you to do properly!"

After that, Fengchi did not stay in Longgu.

His face is full of the skills he has just learned and other skills that Fengzhi has brought out. What he wants most is to return to the Feng clan and let the whole family begin to practice this skill. How can he bear to be a guest in Longgu?

After this period of time, the big alien groups in the Xuanwu land almost turned the sky because of the skills given by Fengzhi.

Each alien race is headed by the dragon clan. A powerful alien like the dragon clan did not have any appropriate skills before. They could only practice it in the most primitive way. This is especially true of other alien races.

is the Phoenix clan, but it is absorbed from the wood of the parasol tree, but there is no what is called the Gong method.

Now, both the dragon and the Phoenix have got the skills that are very suitable for them. It is said that the speed of cultivation can be increased by dozens of times. How can other alien races not be moved?


When they heard about Fengchi, there were other martial arts suitable for other alien races. They all wanted to rush to Fengchi.

Each alien race is not such a short-sighted person. Knowing that the master of these skills is Fengzhi, he doesn't care about it at all. He just exchanges the best things that each clan can give for the skills given by Fengzhi.

As a result, Fengzhi has made a lot of money.

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