As a matter of fact, all the other clans know that the skills that can improve their clan's strength by a large extent, or even double, are not the things they give.

It is because of this that all the big foreigners can hardly express their gratitude to Fengzhi.

In the middle of this, Fengzhi also revealed some news of the impending catastrophe to all the alien races in the name of the dragon clan.

With such pressure in, I think the alien race will be more eager to improve their own strength.

I just hope

It is true that when the disaster comes, different races can save themselves more.

Of course, what Fengzhi wants to improve most is the strength of Feng family.

Therefore, after arranging the affairs of the dragon clan, Fengzhi and Longyan did not stay in the dragon family all the time. Instead, they left Longgu and went to Feng's house.

Although Fengzhi didn't stay in Longgu for a long time, there were many changes in Xuanwu during this period.

First of all, Feng Zhi's idea of developing entertainment on the basaltic continent really began to come true.

This is still the work of Fengming.

Last time, on the wedding of Fengzhi and Longyan, Fengzhi first made a "movie" with that flower and tree without telling Long Yan, and released it at the wedding ceremony. At that time, Long Yan was deeply moved.

Later, Fengming saw the road to prosperity from this flower and tree.

Such things have never appeared on the land of Xuanwu.

Fengming even came to draw inferences from one instance and came up with the idea of making use of the characteristics of each flower and tree, so that people could perform the stories one by one in front of the flowers and trees, and then take them to other martial artists to release the story. Can we get the gold coins in the crash?

Therefore, before Fengzhi and Longyan leave Feng's house for Longgu, Fengming grinds Fengzhi to get some seeds of each flower and tree.

After Fengzhi moved the flower and tree into the space, many finished products had been cultivated in the space, so with a wave of his hand, he directly took many finished products to Fengming.

Speaking of it, this flower and tree is really special.

The most obvious thing is that the pictures and sounds recorded here can be perfectly reproduced by other flowers and trees.

This is convenient.

The mother tree and flower were transplanted to Feng's house by Long Yan. Then Fengming directly found a stirring story, and then went to find her family's companions. She made a "movie" by learning from Feng's appearance at that time.

After that, he also made a stunt like "the most touching story in history". He charged 10 gold coins for one person, which really absorbed many martial artists from Fengtian city to watch.

Don't say, it's really made a lot of tears.

After that, Fengming and those Phoenix family friends who played in this "movie" were really hot.

But we can't make people happy.

Later, Fengming and others tasted the sweetness and made several "movies" in succession.

Because it was so novel, the warriors in fengtiancheng really ate it. Several times when they were shown in fengtiancheng, they were crowded.

When Feng came back to Feng's home, Fengming was serious, directing her friends to shoot.

"Fenglin, your expression is not right. Try again!"

"Phoenix leaf, when you fly up, you should be a little more immortal..."


Feng to hear the name of Feng Shu is also a Zheng.

In these small company, Feng Shu is the most shy one, usually let her say a few more words, she would blush, now can still make a movie?

At this time, Feng Lai, who had been standing on one side, also found that Feng Zhi and Long Yan had come back.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, you are back." Feng came to say hello.

Then they all looked back at Feng Zhi and Long Yan, and then they scrambled to greet them.

Feng Zhi grabs Fengming directly and slaps him on the back of his head, "Stinky boy, what's the matter? You've become a director?"


Fengming did not know what the director meant, but only heard these two words, inexplicably feel like swelling broken?

He decided that he would become the director of Feng Zhizhong in the future!

Fengzhi has always advocated the combination of work and rest, so she doesn't think that Fengming has caught people to make movies together.

It's just

The premise is that they did not delay the practice.

Therefore, when it was found that Fengming and others had not made any progress in their accomplishments during this period, Fengzhi slapped Fengming's forehead with a slap, "you are not children any more. I thought you could understand why and what to do. I didn't expect that you could all follow Fengming together this time Make a noiseSpeaking of later, Feng Zhi's tone became stern.

Whether it is the Xuanwu continent or the virtual spirit realm, they believe in the respect of the strong.

If the strength of Fengming and other people can make everyone convinced, others will only praise them for their wide interest.

But if they abandoned their practice on the way, even if their films won people's hearts, they would be called "actors" in the future!

What's more

That catastrophe is coming.

When they heard Feng Zhi's rare reprimand, they all lowered their heads.

Think about this period of time, they only care about playing every day, and they really don't care about the cultivation at all. They are not without conscience.

Feng Zhi reached out and poked her index finger on Feng Ming's forehead, "especially you!"

Feng Ming then also will head pressure low.

Feng Zhi thought about it, but without concealing it, she said it directly about the disaster Now even the powerful alien races such as the dragon and the Phoenix have all worked hard to preserve their own race's strength when the disaster comes. What's the reason why you only care about playing all day long? "

Everyone was a little surprised.

"Disaster?" Feng comes and looks at Feng.

Feng Zhi nodded, "this is the prophecy handed down by the ancestors of the Dragon nationality. Although we don't know whether there is such a disaster, we can't be careless in any case."

So they all got nervous.

The dragon clan has always been the most powerful in the Xuanwu continent. The prophecy handed down by the ancestors of the Dragon nationality is still somewhat accurate. Moreover, according to the meaning of Fengzhi, this disaster is not only aimed at any ethnic group, but also at all the creatures in the Xuanwu continent.

Human beings

Nature is also in it.

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