Yunxia didn't care to answer the question of Taoist priest lingxu. She pointed to the Phoenix behind them, "you see, footprints It's gone! "


Then they looked at the Phoenix to the three behind them.

At this point, we can see that it is wrong.

Previously, they all clearly saw that there were three lines of footprints behind the three people of Fengzhi. They always felt that such a picture gave people a sense of loneliness. It was only a few breathing time. Originally, almost half of the footprints left by Fengzhi three people had disappeared, while the other half was still disappearing a little under the gaze of the public.

That situation

Looking like there is a pair of invisible hands behind Feng to the three people, a little bit of the traces of their existence to erase the general.

How to look at it, I think it's weird.

However, no matter who looked back on Feng Zhi San Ren, or Feng Zhenren and his party who watched the footprints disappear, they did not find any traces of other people.

Feng Zhi's divine consciousness is so strong that after her breakthrough to the stage of transformation, her divine consciousness has become more powerful. It can be said that she can absolutely compare with the great power of Mahayana period only by her divine consciousness.

But under the sweeping of Feng Zhi's powerful divine consciousness, she didn't notice anything wrong.


The footprints of the three of them were obliterated by what kind of force.

Feng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

She simply attached her divine sense to the yellow sand under her feet, and then went straight along the yellow sand.

In this way, I found something that I didn't find before.

These yellow sands, as if they had their own life, were still all the time, but in fact they were clearly moving in a certain law.

However, because the range of the movement was too small, and people did not pay attention to the yellow sand under their feet, so they did not notice.

Is it possible that

Fengzhi's footprints disappeared because of the movement of the yellow sand?

Feng to think about, but also can only come to such a conclusion.

Originally, Feng Zhi was only interested in this place, but now she is more and more interested in this place with more and more interesting things. She also wants to go to the center of the yellow sand to see what is hidden there.

Feng Zhi told Feng Zhenren and others, "don't worry, it's no big deal. The yellow sand is just moving at a very slow speed."

Then the people were relieved.

Then, Fengzhi three people still lead the way in front, while Feng Zhenren leads all the disciples of the five element sect to follow behind.

Without exception, their footprints only existed for a few breathing times, and then began to disappear, as if they had never existed.

In this case, if you are a little bit timid, I'm afraid that I will be scared.

Fortunately, those here are not practitioners or have strong strength. After Feng Zhi has explained it, no one will make a fuss.

When Fengzhi and others went to the depth of the yellow sand and could no longer see their figure, from where they came in, they could only see the yellow sand which was flat like a mirror.

Feng to a line by this time has gone to the depths of the yellow sand.

More to the depths of the walk, Feng to the eyebrows can not help but slightly wrinkled.

According to what she saw in the air before, the area covered by the array should not be large, but now that they have been walking for such a long time, there is no change around them, let alone see any difference.

It's like

Since entering this piece of yellow sand, there is only yellow sand left between heaven and earth.

This is certainly impossible.

Feng Zhi suddenly remembered something.

Why does she have to walk step by step in the yellow sand?

Why doesn't she fly into the air?

A slap on his forehead, issued a crisp ring, Feng to also some admire himself.

Seeing this, Long Yan took down the hand that Fengzhi had clapped on his forehead. He reached out and gently stroked Feng Zhi's forehead. With some blame in his eyes, he obviously felt that Fengzhi should not have beaten himself.

The Phoenix on the other side looked at the corner of her mouth and puffed slightly.

The two men ignored him again. When they disagreed, they put dog food in his mouth.

After seeing all kinds of endurable show, enfeng can't help but feel that his sister-in-law won't have any form of straight-line love.

When Feng Lai thought about it like this, the light flashed around her, and the jade sword had already become big and flew to her feet, holding the Phoenix to the air directly.

After seeing the dragon flying in the air.

Feng Lai wants to keep up.

ButJumping up, Feng came to find that he could not fly up at all, even if he used feather clothes.


Phoenix to the eye of a Phoenix, not to see the light of the sky

Feng Zhizheng looks down from the air.

From her point of view, the scope of her eyes is the same yellow sand. It seems that there is only one color left in this world.


How could that be possible?

Feng Zhi can't be clearer. The range covered by the previous array is definitely not so large.

Therefore, either they are now in a huge and realistic fantasy, or it is here that Fengzhi used the means of expanding space in the last auction of Meizu.

Besides, Feng couldn't find any other explanation.

Just thinking of these, Fengzhi heard Feng Lai's words.

Fenglai's current strength is wusheng period. According to the strength of the Xiuzhen world, it is similar to that of the later period of the golden elixir. Regardless of his strength, Fenglai is now waving a pair of wings from the feather coat, so he should not be unable to fly.


This space is still forbidden.

But how can Fengzhi and Longyan fly?

Feng then looked at Xiangfeng immortal, "you all try to see if you can fly."

Feng Zhenren and others did not have any hesitation to the order of Fengzhi, and immediately wanted to control the sword and fly into the air.

However, there is no accident that no one can fly, including the strength of fengzhenren in the out of body period.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

She was in the early stage of transforming God, and the strength of Long Yan was equal to that of God transforming period. The two of them flew directly without any hindrance, while Feng Zhenren and others couldn't fly.


This is not a ban on the air, but a ban on people below the deification period.

Feng Zhi is more and more interested.

She felt it carefully again, and then determined that it could not be an illusion, so there was only one explanation.

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