"In this area, there is probably the force of space, so although it doesn't seem to be much outside, the actual area is far beyond what we can see outside." Feng Zhi Dao.

People have no objection to Feng Zhi's words.

Then, Fengzhi and Longyan fell to the ground again, leading the party to continue to walk inside.

And out of a distance, behind a Jindan disciple exclaimed.

One after another, the same exclamation came out.

Finally, even Feng Zhenren gave a low cry, and then raised his feet alternately, as if something was biting him.

saw Feng to stop and look at himself, and the old man's face was red. He explained, "master, there is something in this yellow sand lane."

There's something.

What's there?

Feng to force to step on the yellow sand, but until the yellow sand will her instep have not lived, also did not find where there is anything wrong.

Not only Fengzhi, but also Longyan and Fenglai, who is closest to them, have no feeling.


In fact, the things in the yellow sand are also the soft pinches of persimmons?

Fengzhi looked at Xiangfeng immortal with a smile, and then glanced at the Jindan disciples behind him. "Have you seen it? If you don't have enough strength, you'll have to be beaten. Even these yellow sands will pick you up and bully you. When you go back, you'll cheer me up to practice. If there's no breakthrough in ten years, don't blame the patriarch myself I've trained you. "


Hearing these two words, Feng Lai took a look at Feng without trace.

He felt that the disciples of the five element sect would not want to be trained by Fengzhi himself.

Fenglai has seen this from Fengming and others.

Hearing this, all the disciples of the golden elixir shivered subconsciously. They thought that for their little life, they had to fight for the cultivation of their lives after they returned to the sect.

Always feel that

It will not be a good thing for the Lord to practice in person.

Seeing people's expression, Feng to slightly Yang lip, and then did not say anything.

She looked at Long Yan.

Without Feng saying anything at most, Long Yan lifted his feet and stomped down on the yellow sand under his feet.


Everyone can see that under this foot of Longyan, waves like ripples in the water are directly raised in the yellow sand, which extends from the feet of Longyan to the outside.

When the ripples disappeared, people noticed that there were many white lines in the pure yellow sand under their feet.

But after looking at it carefully for a while, the timid female disciple couldn't help jumping out of the yellow sand.


Call that a sad.

Feng couldn't help rolling her eyes.

However, she also knew that some people, no matter how powerful they were, could not resist insects. Therefore, Fengzhi did not blame the female disciple for her screams.

She followed and looked at the thin white lines in the yellow sand.

Sure enough, it was like that female disciple called it out. It was not a white line, but a kind of insect that looked like a thin line.

Other people are also aware of this, one by one look a little strange.

After all

There are almost countless dead insects in the yellow sand.

At the thought that there were so many insects hidden in the yellow sand they had passed before, and they might want to bite them at any time, people could not help but feel their scalp numb.

It has to be said that both men and women, for this kind of bug, always do not like.

Feng to pour is not afraid or feel sick at all, she bent down to grab a handful of sand, carefully grasp the hands of the yellow sand mixed with a small insect observation.

After a while, Feng Zhicai said, "Oh, it's not a terrible thing."

Not a terrible thing?

Everyone felt a little disbelief.

Yunxia used to follow Feng everywhere for some time. At this time, she took a conservative view and asked carefully, "well Lord, what is this

Feng Zhi threw the yellow sand back in his hand and said lightly: "Oh, it's just some sand nematodes. As long as you pay attention not to get into your body, there will be nothing left..."


At first, the crowd was slightly stunned, but when they remembered what it was, they all turned pale.

Sandworm, as the name suggests, only lives in the yellow sand, which is not a terrible thing to say. It is very fragile. At least the strength of the early days of the golden elixir is the strength of all the people present. As long as two fingers gently pinch, the sand nematode can be strangled to death.Of course, the premise is

It's not getting into the body by the Sandworm.

People think back to those ancient books that they have seen before. According to the classics, once the sand nematode gets into the body, the fragile little thing will exert unimaginable power, and can gnaw away the whole human flesh, blood, internal organs and bones with such a thin line posture, and will not drill out again until there is no gnawing.

However, once it enters the human body, it is like getting a buff like an open hook. It can't be killed or pulled out. If you don't have super strength, you can only watch your body being eaten away by the sand nematode.

There were sand nematodes in XuLing kingdom. It is said that many practitioners died because of the sand nematodes. Later, many elders of the cultivation world united together to clean up many places where there were sand nematodes. Later, no one was bitten by the sand nematodes.

Because of this, people didn't recognize the sand nematode at the beginning.

Now, listen to Feng Zhi said that this is the sand nematode, the people are all brush back several steps.

However, immediately, they realized how stupid their actions were.

Even if they take a few steps back, are they still in the sand now?

It's really

It's unnecessary.

This piece of yellow sand looks boundless. Even if Long Yan killed all the sand nematodes in the nearby sand with his previous foot, there must be countless sand nematodes in the yellow sand.

At this thought, all the people were on guard.

Then they all began to think of ways to protect themselves.

Sand nematodes are really scary, but just keep them out of the body.

As a result, people have formed a aura barrier on the surface of their bodies. With this barrier, there is no need to worry about sand nematodes.

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