"I understand!"

Everyone, including Feng Zhenren, replied loudly.

Think of Fengzhi said "in front of you" these words, people feel some fever.

In the past, Fengyun sect was tough, but its strength was really poor. After the disciples suffered losses, someone took the lead, but the final result was not good.

But now

It's different!

When they looked at their Lord, they were fearless.

There is such a strong, but also cruel, black hand, no, is to love the disciples of the patriarch, they have what to fear?

In a short time, people's sense of belonging to the wuxingzong reached the acme in an instant.

Looking at the faces of the people, Feng Zhi could roughly guess what they were thinking. With a wave of his hand, "come on, don't show the appearance that people are going to lose goose bumps. Since there are so many sand nematodes in the yellow sand, no one has stepped here for so many years. I think the crystal armor and sand honey under the yellow sand have also accumulated a lot..."

Have met, where can let go?

Feng Zhi first threw a boundary and protected Feng Zhenren and others. Then he took off with Long Yan. Two jade like hands gently waved a few times like butterflies wearing flowers. Then he saw the yellow sand which was smooth as a mirror before, as if encountering a hurricane. Suddenly, it rolled up into the middle air and formed a huge one A tornado of yellow sand.

This tornado is getting bigger and bigger. Later, it looks more and more like blocking out the sky and the sun. It looks terrible.

As more and more yellow sand is rolled up into the air, the level of the desert, which was originally boundless, is falling again and again.

When there is a layer of yellow sand at least 10 meters thick in the sky, there is no gravel on the ground.

Feng to one side to control by her whole moved to the desert in the air, while taking a pair of eyes around scanning.

Then, her eyes suddenly brightened and flew in a certain direction.

Long Yan quickly followed.

Half way through, Fengzhi remembered Feng Zhenren and others who were covered by her border. She waved to the back at will. She saw that the border was like a big balloon with more than 20 people, so it floated in the direction of Fengzhi.

It was about 1000 meters away. At last, people also saw something bright in Feng's eyes.

It's about the size of a 200 square nest.

In fact, this nest is similar to a beehive, but it has more and smaller holes than a beehive, and it is covered with holes like needle holes.

If people with intense phobia see people, they must be scared to faint.

Feng to see but smile.

"This is the nest of the sand nematodes. It's full of good things." She said.

With words, Feng to reach out index finger, across a distance will be the whole huge nest gently row.

The next moment, the nest of the sand nematode broke a hole in the middle.

Feng Zhi then took this opening and gently lifted it up

They all took a breath.

After the nest was opened, half of it was crystal like and the other half was very thick liquid.

"Crystal armor!" Feng Zhenren stares at those crystals, and then his eyes move to the thick liquid with amber color

The others were also dizzy.

Crystal armor and crystal!

So much, so much!

It can be crazy.

Feng Zhi carefully put all the crystal armor and sand honey into the space, and then closed the nest again.

"With so many crystal armor and sand honey, our disciples will have to improve their defense by several steps, and their training speed will also be improved a little more..." Feng Zhi Dao.

So they all looked at the Phoenix.

Feng to but stare at them one eye, "don't look at me like this, these crystal armor and sand honey have to Zong door contribution to exchange."

The crowd nodded again and again.

That's exactly what it should be.

All of a sudden, they felt that their Lord was tall and powerful at this time.

If you think about the things that you can get only by taking a lot of spirit stones in the virtual spirit state, you can get them with the contribution of the Zong clan.

Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to her disciple's face of finding treasure. She waved her hand gently. Originally, the yellow sand that she had got from the sky fell back to the ground again. In front of them, the yellow sand looked like a mirror again.

Feng Zhi, however, stroked his chin with one hand. "It's a pity to lose such a precious land. Since the clans of Xuling state can enclose the places where crystal armor and sand honey are produced, I think there is any way to feed these sand nematodes..."When you go back, you can study it.

Feng Zhi thought of this place and snapped her finger. "After that, it will become the territory of our five element sect. Elder, don't forget to arrange disciples to guard here after going back."

Feng Zhenren nods.

Feng then led the crowd forward.

She's more and more interested in it now.

Now we have seen sand nematodes. If we go inside again, we don't know what we will encounter?

Is this the site left by xiuzhenda Neng who came to the Xuanwu continent before, or is there any other mystery?

Although Long Yan had killed a lot of sand nematodes before, the area of yellow sand was so wide that there were countless sand nematodes in it. However, because she thought that these sand nematodes would be the treasure of the five elements sect, Feng did not kill these sand nematodes any more. She just moved forward as soon as possible.

After about half a day's work, the boundless yellow sand finally has its end.

Feng to look at the front can see the green, can not help raising eyebrows.

After walking for such a long time, I finally saw the other colors except for the earth yellow, which is really not easy enough.

Fengzhi has such an idea, especially those disciples in the golden elixir period.

"It's the end at last..."

People have such feelings.

Although there are so many people, but from the beginning to the end can only see a color, stay for a long time really make people feel depressed and depressed, OK?

People with the fastest speed to the front of the green to go.

This is a small forest.

The trees that make up this small forest are at least 1000 years old, and it takes at least several people to hold them together. However, as soon as such ancient trees appear, they are a large area, which makes people feel shocked when they see them from afar.

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