Feng Zhi observed outside for a while, and determined that there was no danger nearby. Then he led people to the forest.

If only she, Longyan and Feng came, Fengzhi would not have to be so careful. But now she still has so many disciples of the five elements sect. As the leader of the sect, she has to make sure that her disciples will not have an accident in front of her.

I don't know how many years this forest has existed. Not only are the huge trees towering, but also the weeds in the forest have grown to half a person's height. Because no one has been here for a long time, there is no ready-made road in the forest at all.


As Mr. Lu Xun said, there is no road in this world, and if more people walk, it will become a road.

Feng Zhi directly put Renfeng Zhenren in front of him and let him go. He went up and down with Long Yan and Feng. At the end of the day, he was quite leisurely, just like she was on an outing.

And this forest is just because no one has been here for a long time, but there are many mature elixirs in it.

Therefore, Feng to several people can hear the cheers of these disciples in the golden elixir period one after another.

For a while, the disciples became one after another.

Fengzhi doesn't care about them. Anyway, he doesn't have to rush for time, so let them go.

After a long time, the disciples of the golden elixir period finally got full harvest, and then they began to move forward.

After walking for about two hours, they arrived in the middle of the forest.


Everyone was quiet.

Then, the people all move to both sides and let the Phoenix to the front.

Feng to look at the scene in front of her, can't help but slightly wring her eyebrows.

In the middle of the forest is an open open space, which is paved with white marble. One can feel the luxury at a glance.

Even though it has been over for many years, the open space is as gorgeous as ever, and there are no weeds.

In the middle of the white marble paved space, Feng Zhi saw some broken walls falling on the ground.

"This is..." Feng Zhi twisted her eyebrows and stepped into the square paved with white marble, and then squatted down and looked at the broken walls on the ground.

If she's not mistaken

These should be the bases of a large array?

Ordinary array can be based on spirit stone, but the layout of large array is much more difficult than ordinary array. Even the array base should be paid special attention to. Not only should we carve all kinds of patterns needed by array on the special stone suitable for array base, but also embed the array base into the ground according to a certain orientation, supplemented by the spirit stone of superior quality

In short, it is very troublesome.

In front of the square this has already been destroyed the array, Feng Zhi after a careful look at a time, came to a conclusion.

This should be a large teleportation array.

This is not a teleportation array in the virtual spirit realm that can only be transmitted to different places in the virtual spirit realm. If Fengzhi is right, this large-scale transmission array can let many people break through the space blockade and go to different spaces together.

The array of Fengzhi and Longyan returning to Xuanwu from Xuling state can be regarded as one of them.

However, the array arranged by Fengzhi in fenghuazong mainly relies on the power of eight pieces of kongyao crystal, but it is not as delicate as this array.

Fengzhi didn't expect that after walking through the yellow sand and forest for such a long time, what he finally saw was not a cave or a site left by a master Xiuzhen, but a transmission array with unknown origin.

I don't know

If the transmission array is repaired, where is the other side of the transmission array?

In this way, Feng to the heart of the interest more and more rich.

Of course, it was a long time later.

Feng Zhi thought like this, and inquired around again. He made sure that there was no place for them to explore except here. Then he waved to the people, "well, since we have explored here, we should go back."

The crowd nodded.

Then, go back together.

People have a strange feeling, the same road, the second time will always feel shorter than the first time.

Now the disciples of the five element sect have the same feeling.

They came cautiously and walked for a long time to reach their final destination. But when they went back, they felt that they had returned to the edge of the desert, where the people came in.

It's just

Feng raised her eyebrows.

When I came in earlier, I thought that all the disciples in the golden elixir period who came out this time needed to have a good experience, so no one was left to guard outside.

Of course, there is also a reason for Fengzhi to think that even if there are any good things in this, they will be wiped out after they go in. In fact, there is no need for people to guard them.But now, they have been in for about two days. When they come back, they are already surrounded by people?

What's going on?

Feng to eyes slightly turn, from outside that group of people to see an acquaintance.

If she remembers correctly, the man is situ Hao?

At one time, Fengzhi and this man had an engagement, but at that time Fengzhi was still a waste material of famous Xuanwu continent. The little bit named situ Hao disliked having such a fiancee, so when he visited Feng's house, he said that he wanted to break the engagement with Fengzhi in front of so many people in Feng's family.

And then

Feng Zhi is a person who likes to be a perfect person, so she wrote a letter of divorce in front of the public and fell on the face of situ Hao.

Since then, Feng Zhi has never paid attention to this person.

It's not her magnanimity, but because she knows very well that she and situ Hao had a marriage contract, or because situ Hao thought she was a waste material, so the more famous she was in the Xuanwu continent, the more embarrassed he would be.

In this case, she only needs to shine. How can she waste so much time on situ hao?

Eh, it seems that later, Si Tu Hao still wanted to go back?

Feng can't remember clearly.

After all, these things have been going on for more than ten years.

Fengzhi can't remember clearly, but Long Yan, who was very careful about Fengzhi's affairs, remembers it clearly.

So, for a moment, long Yanwei squinted his eyes and looked at situ Hao, one of the group of people outside. His eyes seemed to flash with cold light.

At this time, Sima Hao and all the people in situ's family also saw Feng Zhi and others who came out of the house. They all took a look at the enemy and looked at Feng Zhi and others one after another.

Even, many people's eyes still have some chagrin.

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