That kind of vision

After Long Yan saw it, there was always an impulse to dig out situ Hao's eyeballs.

At this time, a man came out from behind Si Tu Hao.

This is a woman and an old acquaintance of Fengzhi.

Of course, it seems that there are few people on the Xuanwu continent who are called old acquaintances by Fengzhi.

The woman who jumped out now is the one who was most miserable by Feng zhikeng.

"Phoenix to!" The woman looked at situ Hao, who was still silent. Then she looked at Fengzhi with the same eyes as the enemy of life and death. She could not help but stab Fengzhi into a sieve. "You are married. Why are you still so haunted? Do you still want to step on two boats to hook your Dragon husband and brother hao?"

Phoenix to raise eyebrows.

She had a sudden impulse to open the woman's head to see what was inside.

If she's right, it's all bean curd?

This woman is

Murong Yan.

When Murong Yan was still young, she didn't know how she just fell in love with situ Hao. For the sake of situ Hao, she didn't think less about finding Fengzhi.

Speaking of it, the reason why Feng Zhi and Murong family fight to the end is precisely because Murong Yan.

After going to Qianxi City, the Murong family suffered a great loss in Fengzhi's hands. Not only was the ancestral house destroyed in ruins during the Fengzhi ferry, but even the most important Dan Fang was shared by all the people. That is, the level of alchemy they were proud of was also compared to the dregs in front of Fengzhi

In short, since then, although the Murong family in Qianxi city has not been shaken to its foundation, their influence has been greatly reduced since then.

And Feng to, she also jumped into the Murong family, from the heart of the most hated that person.

With these old grudges, and the abnormal performance of situ Hao after seeing Feng Zhi, it's no wonder Murong Yan would be angry.


Is Feng Zhi a person who can make people angry at themselves at will?

Of course not.

Feng Zhi looked up at Murong Yan with a smile and said, "eh, it's Miss Murong Yan. How is it? Over the past ten years, is the Murong family OK?"

How are Murong's family?

Such a few words are clearly greetings, from the Phoenix to the mouth said, but clearly with great malice and irony.

Murong Yan trembled with anger.

Whether the Murong family is good or not, doesn't Fengzhi, the originator of the family, know?

If it had not been for her, how could the Murong family have become like this, and how could the marriage between her and situ Hao be delayed again and again?

Yes, after Feng Zhi had a big fight with Murong family, Murong Yan was not disposed of by Murong family. Instead, she was engaged to situhao.

Probably, the Murong family, which was greatly hurt, also wanted to find a stable family to form an alliance.

And the situjia, who held Kongyuan in his hand and had not suffered any damage, was the most suitable object.

So, Murong Yan and situ Hao were engaged.

The two men are about the same age as Fengzhi. They are now in their thirties. Even though the average age of the warriors in the Xuanwu continent is over 150, they should get married at their age.

However, I do not know why, the two have been engaged for ten years, but they have never been married.

This matter, also became Murong Yan's worry.

She had already guessed that situ Hao had been dragging his feet to get married. Was it because he was still thinking about Fengzhi, and now Fengzhi appeared in front of her, how could murongyan not explode?


Obviously, Murong Yan wanted to lose her temper, but she chose the wrong one.

She and Murong's family have already suffered so much loss in Feng Zhi's hand. Why not have a long memory?

Seeing that Murong Yan was so angry that she couldn't say anything, Feng Zhi laughed again, "well, it seems that Miss Murong is so excited that she can't even speak. I'm really moved..."

Murong Yan's lips were shaking.

Feng Zhi leaned out his head from Long Yan's back and looked at situ Hao, who was still holding his fist. "Oh, it turns out that this is the young master of the situ family. I can't recognize it after years of absence. Thanks to miss Murong, you reminded me."

With these words, Feng even winked at Murong Yan.

Murong Yan clenched her lips.

If she could, she would not hesitate to rush up to beat Fengzhi, but

She also knew that she could not be the opponent of Feng Zhi, so she could only bear with life.

This kind of clear enemy is in front of you, but the strength is not enough, so even if your heart is about to explode, you can only bear the feeling on the surface. It's really bad!Feng Zhi then said, "look at the appearance of Miss Murong, who is a little dog protecting food. It seems that Miss Murong and master situ have been engaged. It's a great celebration. You two make a pile of them, and you will be good. Congratulations."

Although her mouth clearly said congratulations, but Murong Yan did not feel happy at all.

She even felt that there was something else in Feng Zhi's words.

In fact, it is.

Yunxia has long been used to cooperating with Fengzhi. At this time, of course, she took up her words, and she seemed very curious and said, "Lord, why do these two people make a pile of generals? They don't look like they're talented women

Feng Zhi took a look at Yunxia and said, "because ah, one of them is not wanted, and the other is not. Isn't it just right to make a pile of them?"

As she spoke, Feng Zhi thought of Mr. Lu Xun again.

There are two trees in the yard, one is jujube, the other is jujube.

Is there something similar?

Murong Yan's face instantly rose to the color of pig liver.

It was situ Hao who kept his head down and did not look at Fengzhi and Longyan, but he could not help looking up.

It's just

Long Yan doesn't want Feng Zhi to be watched by situ Hao. At this time, he has firmly blocked Feng Zhi behind him.

Speaking of, situ Hao and Murong Yan, really no one wants.

In those years, Feng Zhi's letter of divorce directly ended their engagement. Many people in Xuanwu mainland knew about it.

But Murong Yan, for so many years, she has no face or skin to chase after situ Hao. However, situ Hao still doesn't even look at her in the eye, which is also known by many people.

These two people really match each other.

By Feng Zhi's saying, "one is no one wants, the other is no one wants it." both Murong Yan and situ Hao feel more embarrassed than ever before.

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