Murong Yan first looked at situ Hao, but found that situ Hao's eyes were clearly with some pain and regret.

It was unacceptable to her.

After so many years of guarding, she finally became the fiancee of situ Hao. In recent years, her only dream is to marry him and become the only woman who can stand side by side with him.

But now, the expression in situ Hao's eyes clearly told her that he didn't have her at all, but read Feng Zhi who had thrown a letter of divorce on his face?

How can Murong Yan accept this?

Originally, this matter has nothing to do with Feng Zhi.

Feng to can never want to have anything to do with situ Hao.

But Murong Yan didn't think so. She couldn't bear to blame situ Hao, so she threw all her resentment and ancient brain to Feng Zhi.

"Phoenix to!" Murong Yan's mouth issued a sharp call, and then red eyes toward the Phoenix to here to pounce.

As a result


No accident, Murong Yan followed the footsteps of the previous man and threw herself into the embrace of the earth.

Feng Zhi clapped her hands and laughed, "Oh, ah, it turns out that all the people in the situ family like eating earth. Young master Murong, your fiancee is already like this. Don't you want to revenge for her? As a man, it's wrong not to protect your own women..."

With these words, Feng Zhi looks at Long Yan, who has been protecting her behind her. In her eyes, she looks like she is wrapped in honey. It is so far away that people can see the sweetness between them.

This made situ Hao clench his fist again.

He suddenly felt that he couldn't see it any more.

So, situ Hao suddenly raised his head and said, "let's go!"

Many of the sons of situ's family were stunned at first, and then they were busy following situ Hao's footsteps. After passing by murongyan, who had been left on the ground by Long Yan, they separated out several people to help them up.

However, after a short time, the people of the situ family who had been aggressive before disappeared.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

Since the people of the situ family saw this place, they would not give up so easily.


Feng to red lips gently pulled.

I don't say "come first, come first, but when did anything else come out of it" that Feng Zhi pulled into his purse?

She then ordered the immortal Feng.

"I'll put the flag of our five element sect back here, and then I'll send my disciples to guard here, with the disciples in the golden elixir period as the leader and the disciples in the foundation period as the auxiliary..."

Feng Zhenren answers the promise in a hurry.

The disciples of the golden elixir period are at least above the Emperor Wu in terms of their strength in the Xuanwu continent. In addition, with the means of the practitioners, as long as the situ family does not send out more than two martial saints, there will be no problem here.

If the situ family really sent out more than two martial saints

Hehe, the disciples of wuxingzong are not fighting alone. They just need to send a message to the sect to support the arrival of the sect's reinforcements, which is a simple thing.

So it was settled.

After Feng arrived, she began to ponder.

It's not that she is thinking about how to deal with the difficulties of the situ family. In fact, Fengzhi didn't pay attention to the situ family at all.

She was wondering whether to repair the transmission array she had seen before.

Once the transmission array is repaired, what will be brought to the five element sect and the whole Xuanwu continent.

In the prophecy of the dragon people, within a hundred years, all the creatures on the Xuanwu continent will face a great crisis, which is even enough to turn the Xuanwu continent into a wasteland.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi found such a transmission array. On the other side of the transmission array, is it connected with another piece of paradise, or is it full of crises?

Crisis, or chance?

Fengzhi is also unknown.

Long Yan can guess what Fengzhi is thinking. He reaches out and pats Fengzhi on the back. "Fengzhi, let it be."

Feng Zhi smiles at Longyan and nods.

As long Yan said, let it be.

What she can do now is to improve the strength of those close to her as much as possible, so that they can become as strong as possible before the crisis comes.

As for the others

Feng can't do anything about it.

After putting these things down, Fengzhi sent Zhenren Feng to take all the disciples of the golden elixir period back home. Only she and Long Yan continued to guard here until the five element sect disciples who were sent to stay here came.

Of course, Fengzhi didn't stay because she wanted to stay here.

As she said earlier, she wanted to find a way to feed the sandworms in this desert.

Sand nematodes live on the flesh and blood organs of the human body, and they can secrete valuable crystal armor and sand honey after eating. However, Fengzhi does not have so many people to feed the nematodes. Even if there are so many people, Fengzhi will not do so.After all

It's too damaging.

Feng Zhi will never be soft hearted to her enemies. Even if her enemies are slaughtered completely, she will not feel any discomfort. However, she can't do such a thing if she catches people and throws them into them in order to raise sand nematodes.

If so

In the future, we will never be able to survive the heartbreak.

So, we have to find another way.

As for Feng, he pulled Longyan into the desert again, and then caught many sand nematodes from the yellow sand.

She's been experimenting with these sandworms many times.

To Lingshi


To eat spirit fruit


For all kinds of weird things


Later, Fengzhi was a little frustrated.

I don't know what kind of methods were used by those clansmen in Xuling realm to keep sand nematodes in the vast desert in captivity.

She threw all the sandworms back in her hand. Looking at her hands, which had become dirty because of the sand they had caught for so long, Feng Zhi wrung her eyebrows and directly took a jade bottle with heaven and earth in it and threw it to Long Yan.

"Wash my hands." Feng Zhi reaches out to Long Yan.

A coquettish look.

A smile flashed in Long Yan's eyes.

He also did not refuse, took the jade bottle, and gently poured the spirit water with a very pure aura into Fengzhi's hand. He also stretched out an empty hand to carefully wash her white and tender hands for Fengzhi.

That careful appearance, if let other women see, must hold the heart to scream.

Of course, this aspect of Longyan can only be shown in front of Fengzhi.

Speaking of it, Feng Zhiming can use magic to condense water, but she has to wash her hands with spiritual water. Such behavior is luxurious enough.

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