As Fengzhi's hands become clean a little bit, the spirit water also gradually fell into the yellow sand, the most superficial point of the yellow sand soaked some slightly moist.

At this time, Feng to slightly a meal.

I saw that when the spirit water fell into the yellow sand, all of a sudden, those sand nematodes in the yellow sand suddenly seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. They all came out of the yellow sand one after another, and pushed directly to the small group of yellow sand with spiritual water.


The dense sand nematodes seem to be boiling. For a while, the yellow sand near here is almost completely covered by sand nematodes, and the original color can not be seen at all, but only a piece of white can be seen, which forms a sharp contrast with the surrounding soil yellow.

It's not only spectacular, but also creepy.

Unfortunately, only Fengzhi, Longyan and Fenglai saw this scene. If those timid female disciples of the five element sect were still there, they would scream again.

Feng to first still some doubts, but then some understand.


She didn't know what she had taken to feed them. In fact, she only had to feed them the spirit water?

This is obviously what Feng did not expect.

These sand nematodes, such as Lingshi lingguo, don't look at them and look scornful. However, they have to compete with the spirit water which is lower than the spirit stone spirit fruit. So, does it mean that these sand nematodes can't digest the spirit stone and the spirit fruit, and can only digest the spirit water from the spirit spirit spirit?

If that makes sense.

Feng did not expect that the answer was so simple.

Now that we know how to feed these nematodes, Fengzhi has solved a big problem.

Think about the future, you just need to sprinkle some spiritual water in this piece of yellow sand from time to time, and you can get crystal armor and sand honey continuously. This is not too simple.

Feng Zhi's hands were full of this kind of spiritual water, so without hesitation, he flew directly to the top of the desert, took out a jade bottle containing the spirit water, and sprinkled the spirit water down with his hands.

For a while, the spirit water in the jade bottle turned into a spirit rain, which was very evenly sprinkled on the desert.

Attracted by the spirit water, the sand nematodes hiding in the depths of the yellow sand all went crazy and squeezed on the surface of the yellow sand, swallowing the aura in the spirit water with an almost greedy attitude.

Until Feng Zhi sprinkled all the spirit water in the jade bottle into the desert, the surface of the whole desert had been covered by sand nematodes.

Thus, we can see how many sand nematodes are hidden in the yellow sand.

No matter what, as long as the quantity reaches the extreme, it can make people feel shocked.

Feng to now is actually a little shocking.

Although these sand nematodes are small, but there are so many, they are practitioners like Fengzhi who have reached the stage of spiritual transformation. If they are surrounded by these sand nematodes and accidentally let them enter their bodies, they will be eaten by them before she comes up with a way to kill them.

It's a little scary to think about it.

After a long time, perhaps these sand nematodes finally had enough to eat, and then they went back to the yellow sand, which restored calm in the desert, leaving only the slightly moist surface of the yellow sand, which let people know that something special had happened here.

Feng Zhi then released his divine sense, followed the yellow sand to the depth of the yellow sand, and finally came to the nest of the sand nematode.

As Fengzhi imagined, these sand nematodes return to their nests through the thin and dense holes in their nests, and then begin to secrete some bright things.

This is crystal armor.

There are also some liquid things, which are called honey.

It was confirmed that Lingshui could really feed sand nematodes and get crystal armor and sand honey. Fengzhi put down one thing.

In the future, as long as people regularly take spiritual water to sprinkle into the desert, and then take crystal armor and sand honey from the nest of sand nematodes at regular intervals.

Fengzhi decided on his future plans for this place, so he called Longyan and Fenglai and went back to the desert where they had a dispute with the situ family.

Feng Zhi looked at Feng and said, "next time we go back to Feng's house, we will take out some crystal armor and sand honey and put them in Feng's house. These are good things. Crystal armor can be used as armor, and long-term use of sand honey can enhance strength. At least, we have to speed up the cultivation speed of Feng family's children from then on."

Feng Lai's eyes were bright.

In the whole Xuanwu continent, the cultivation speed of the children of the Phoenix family is absolutely incomparable to that of the whole Xuanwu continent. Since the children of the Feng family have been taking all kinds of pills from the beginning of their cultivation, they can not only wash the tendons and cut the marrow, but also make the cultivation speed of the children of the Feng family raise again and again, and over time, the strength of the children of the Feng family is stronger than that of the peers of other families It's a little higher than the boss.Now, all the other families in Xuanwu mainland have long seen that the rise of the Phoenix family is unstoppable. There are many people in Xuanwu who hate themselves and why they are not Feng family members.

If there is a lot of good sand honey

Maybe the children of Feng family will be enviable, envious and hateful again.

Feng nodded.

Feng Zhi thought that it would take some time for the five elements sect to arrange good men to guard the desert. They could not wait here all the time. So he took out the spirit stone and arranged a new array outside to hide the yellow sand, which prevented other people from entering the desert.

After all this, Feng Zhizheng was thinking of going to the nearby city for a walk, and then heard the sound of feet.


Feng Zhi looks at the source of the footstep.

At this time, I saw some acquaintances.

At the beginning, situ Yue and his wife Yun Youran, the head of the family, were followed by a group of people in situ's clothes. Seeing Feng Zhi and Feng Zhi, both of them sighed with relief.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

She just blew situ Hao and Murong Yan back, and situ Yue and Yun leisurely followed them. Moreover, they were in such a hurry that they looked as if they were afraid that Fengzhi would run away.

What's the matter? Are these two people trying to get angry for situ Hao and Murong Yan?

With such an idea in mind, Feng Zhi again looked at situ Yue and Yun leisurely, and then there was no good voice.

As a matter of fact, she didn't really like these two people.

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