At that time, situ Yue and Feng Liancheng, the father of Fengzhi, were very good friends. If not, they would not have made an engagement for Fengzhi and situhao when they were just born and had no time to test their talents.

In fact, compared with the Feng family, the situ family at that time had a long way to go. It was extremely difficult for them to gain a foothold among the top ten families. They were not dragged down by other families who wanted to be among the top ten families.

Among them, there is also the reason of the engagement between Fengzhi and situ Hao.

Later, Fengzhi was found to have no talent for practicing martial arts and became a famous waste material on the Xuanwu continent.

Under such circumstances, situ Yue and Yun you ran did not want to repent.

It's just

Whether they didn't repent of their marriage was because they believed and promised, or because they knew they couldn't afford to offend the Feng family.

Just to say that when situ Hao was visiting Feng's family, he almost slapped all the people in the face and proposed to break the engagement with Fengzhi. At that time, situ Hao was only a teenager. If situ Yue and Yun Youran really wanted to stop him from speaking, there would be no way to find a way.

However, Si Hao was partial.

If there is no indulgence of situ Yue and Yun leisurely, Feng can't believe it.

Si Tu Yue and Yun leisurely thought that it was only because they were not good at speaking, so they took the child's mouth and said it out.

Feng's family didn't have to stand up to the situ family. After the words of situ Hao, it was not a matter of course to terminate the engagement?

Since then, Feng Zhi has no affection for the couple.

Of course, this is not because Fengzhi has any attachment to the previous short engagement, but from this incident we can see who the couple are.

At that time, fengliancheng and longqingyu apologized to the situ family because Fengzhi did not have the talent to practice martial arts. If situ Yue and Yun leiran directly proposed to terminate the engagement, fengliancheng and longqingyu would not be angry, but would only feel relieved. How could they have used such a method?

Since then, the Phoenix family and the situ family are no longer as close as ever.


This is also because fengliancheng and longqingyu can see the essence of the couple.

Fengzhi will never save face for those who don't like them.

So, at this time, seeing situ Yue and Yun you come in a hurry, she first raised her eyebrows, and then took a little sarcastic way: "Oh, look, who are all here?"

Feng Lai was very cooperative and said, "Fengzhi, you have a bad memory. You can't even remember the master and wife of the situ family. At first, they were..."

I didn't finish, but the meaning was there.

Feng Zhi suddenly realized that he seemed to remember who situ Yue and Yun Youran were. "It turns out that they are the master and wife of the situ family. I have a poor memory. I don't know why the master and his wife are in such a hurry?"

Feng Lai continued to cooperate, "just now you seem to have sent the little master of the situ family and the future wife of the little master back..."

Feng to again suddenly realize, "so, this is to hit the small to the old?"

A few words will Si Tu Yue and cloud leisurely run, face extremely ugly.

They were also followed by some of the sons of the situ family. Seeing that Fengzhi and Fenglai were running against their owners and wives, they all looked indignant, but they didn't rush to beat Fengzhi and Hefeng.

Of course, they didn't.


Fengzhi didn't mind giving them a good lesson.

Seeing that situ Yue and Yun leisurely stopped the disciples of the situ family, Feng raised her eyebrows.

After a long time, situ Yue and Yun leisurely adjusted their facial expressions.

"Good nephew, virtuous niece..." Two people and Phoenix to and Phoenix to say hello.

Especially when I saw Long Yan, who had been standing side by side with Feng Zhi, their looks were a little strange.

Who could have thought that the waste material in everyone's eyes had become famous on the Xuanwu continent in only a few years, and became the existence of no one among the younger generation, and even married the next Dragon King of the dragon clan.

Who can be sure in advance of the fate meeting?

Feng Zhi and Feng come to look at each other.

Then Feng Lai shrugged and gave the right to speak to Feng Zhi.

Fengzhi then laughed at situ Yue and Yun, "master of situ family, Mrs. Yun, I don't know what you're looking for us for? Is it not The situ family still thinks that we have robbed your land, so they want to ask for justice? "

When it comes to "seeking justice", Feng Zhi's tone is a little strange.

Situ Yue and Yun leisurely heard that Fengzhi was alluding to the fact that situ Yue and Murong Yan had failed to return.

Both of them were helpless.Today's situ family has long established itself among the top ten families. If it is other people, not to mention them, who are talking to them in this way, even the children of situ family behind them are absolutely intolerable.


It's Fengzhi.

Just listen to the name of Phoenix, enough to form a kind of shock.

Therefore, situ Yue and Yun Youran can only pretend that they can't understand the irony of Feng Zhi.

Who let them ask for help now?

The more he sipped his lips, he swallowed all the feelings in his heart, and then he talked about the reason why they came here in such a hurry. "Niece Xian, you can solve the problems between your younger generation by yourself. Of course, we won't touch on it. As for the ownership of this place, it's not the private property of the situ family. Since the virtuous niece found this treasure land first, you should But it should be after you... "

It was very sincere.

Fengzhi raised her eyebrows again.

Based on her understanding of situ Yue's husband and wife, if there was no other reason, how could these two people show such a defiant appearance?


What are they doing this time?

Feng Zhi guessed in his heart, but on his face, he said quietly, "since all these things have been sorted out, we have nothing to say. Master situ, let's leave now..."

The words haven't finished, situ Yue and cloud leisurely on the surface appeared anxious color.

"Good niece, wait a minute!" Si Tu Yue didn't care to go around in circles, so he called Feng Zhi.

He saw that Fengzhi and Fenglai didn't like the people of the situ family. He also knew that if he wanted to go around in circles, he could only watch Fengzhi and his party leave, so he began to speak frankly.

"It's like this. The situ family has something to ask for from the virtuous niece this time..."

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