What can I do for you?

Feng to some funny, but also some speechless.

Sima family, do they not think that they and Feng family are still good friends in the past, or they think that the things that have happened have no longer existed?

Or do they think that Fengzhi is a person who does not hold grudges at all, so that they can ask for something?

Feng to "hiss" a sound.

Hearing the "hiss" of Feng Zhi, Yun Youran turned red first.

Yun Youran was also a person with a good face and the wife of the situ family. If the person who laughed at her in front of her was someone else, she was afraid that it would have happened.

But this time

She just held back.

It can be seen from this that the "asking for help" mentioned by situ Yue must be of great importance to the situ family.

Otherwise, how can we let the master's wife of the situ family bear such indignation?

Feng was really interested in it at this time.

Then she asked curiously, "master situ, if you have something to say, you may as well finish it all at once, or let me have a good evaluation. If you have something to ask me, can I help you?"

The people of the situ family felt embarrassed again.

They didn't feel anything when they said "something to ask for", but when it came out from Feng Zhi's heel, it seemed natural to bring some irony.

But who is Si Youzhen this time?

Situ Yue then forced the bashfulness in his heart down and talked about their purpose this time.

This also has something to do with the fundamental Crystal Valley of the situ family.

As we all know, the reason why the situ family has been able to catch up and become one of the top ten families is that they have mastered Jinggu.

Jinggu is the most important secret place of situ's family. It produces Kongyuan crystal, a very scarce resource on the Xuanwu continent. Kongyuan crystal is the core material for making space equipment in Xuanwu continent. Whether it is the lowest treasure bag or other space equipment with large space, it needs to use Kongyuan crystal.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the situ family has become one of the top ten families by virtue of Kong Yao Jing.

It has been hundreds of years since the situ family got the Crystal Valley, and it has formed a certain mining scale for about 200 years. In the past 200 years, about 70% of the Kongyuan crystal produced in the Xuanwu continent has been produced by the situ family.

This ratio is undoubtedly very large.

This also means that situ's family almost monopolized Kongyuan.

As long as a monopoly is formed for anything, it means unimaginable benefits.

As for how much interest there is in this, I'm afraid only the situ family will know.

But this time the situ family encountered this matter that can't pass, happened in Jinggu.

Since situ Jiaxing arrived at Jinggu, the Kongyuan crystal produced in Jinggu has been extremely stable, and the demand for space equipment on the Xuanwu continent has always been in short supply. Therefore, the Kongyuan crystal of situ's family was ordered early before it was mined out. It can be said that it is very popular.

Not long ago, the situ family reached an agreement with the Tang family in Haotian City, one of the ten families. All the kongyuanjing mined this year will be sold to the Tang family.

The Tang family was originally an artificemaker's family, and it was very normal for the Tang family to have a large demand for kongyao crystal.

The Tang family paid 20% higher than the market price in order to capture all the production of the situ family this year.

This is very normal.

One wants empty Yao crystal, one wants gold coin, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. No one can say that there is anything wrong with this.


Not long after the agreement was reached with the Tang family, there was something wrong with the Crystal Valley of the situ family.

The Crystal Valley, which has not had any problems for hundreds of years, has recently produced less and less Kongyuan crystals, and the quality is getting worse and worse. Some people from the situ family have gone into the Crystal Valley to explore it carefully, and the conclusion is extremely amazing.

The Crystal Valley of kongyao crystal protolith, seems to be engulfed by something in general, is reducing at a very fast speed.

This made it extremely difficult for all the stu family to accept.

Let's not mention what kind of impact the change of Jinggu will have on the situ family, just the agreement reached with the Tang family. We should know that the agreement with the Tang family means that the situ family will trade all the Kongyuan crystals mined in this year to the Tang family, but it does not mean that the situ family will be able to do so even if they exploit less. The Tang family has set a bottom line.

If you can't reach this limit

The people of the situ family did not dare to think how much compensation they had to pay.

Moreover, even if it is to compensate the Tang family, it will certainly offend the Tang family.

As a result

No one in the situ family wanted to try.

Just when situ Yue and Yun you are worried, they return to situ's house. Out of the psychology of wanting Feng Zhi to look good, mu Rongyan also makes a special mention of this matter with situ Yue and Yun you.This said, let situ Yue and cloud leisurely eyes a light.

The people of the situ family were not strong enough to find out why there was such a change in Jinggu. However, if you changed Fengzhi into Jinggu, you could find the clue.

After all

Fengzhi's strength has been recognized by all the warriors on the Xuanwu continent for so many years.

Because of this, situ Yue and Yun leiran came here in such a hurry. Fortunately, they met people in time before Fengzhi and longyanfeng left. Otherwise, they would have come in vain.

After telling all these reasons, situ Yue said sincerely: "niece Xian, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now the situ family really can't find anyone to deal with this matter, so I can only have the cheek to ask the virtuous niece for help. After all, part of the production of Jinggu of the situ family belongs to the Feng family. Of course, the situ family will not let the virtuous niece in this matter And if you can find out the real reason, Si Gu will find out the reason

The words of situ Yue are really giving the Phoenix the bottom.

Feng to listen to pour also some move.

She was not moved by the so-called "thick newspaper" of the situ family. In terms of her wealth, there was no one in the Xuanwu mainland who could match Fengzhi.

Fengzhi was said by situ Yue that the production of Crystal Valley was also moved by a part of Feng's family.

After the battle over longtouguan came to an end, Fengzhi led the children of the Feng family to win the final victory of the battle. At the request of Fengzhi, those families who lost should give the most important secret land of each family to the Feng family several percent.

Among them, there was the Crystal Valley of the situ family.

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